Monday, September 30, 2013

I bid you good noon. I am @ dialysis & hooked up. ...

I bid you good noon. I am @ dialysis & hooked up. I have 4:18 left. I'll come off around 5:21pm.
Carl Ray Louk

Saturday, September 28, 2013

I bid you good evening. I'm @ RedLobester enjoying...

I bid you good evening. I'm @ RedLobester enjoying Endless Shrimp & a Boston Ice Tea.
Carl Ray Louk

Going to Hell (Without a Handbasket) Bill O'Reilly | Sep 28, 2013

Going to Hell (Without a Handbasket)

Bill O'Reilly | Sep 28, 2013
Bill O'Reilly

While writing my latest book, "Killing Jesus," I knew I would catch hell once it hit the marketplace. Your mom was right when she told you never to discuss politics and religion, because emotions run so high in those arenas. Especially religion.

Even before "Killing Jesus" was released, the mail began pouring in. And some of it was very nasty.

Brent in Texas opined: "O'Reilly, you are not someone who has the right to write a book about Jesus."

Eric in South Carolina: "You are helping to deceive people with your ignorance about Jesus."

Al in Louisiana: "Bill, what do you know about Jesus? You are Catholic, and they don't know anything about the Bible."

And Raleigh in California really let loose with some disturbing stuff: "Bill, please repent before it is too late. You seem to be angry at God because he put a black man in the White House."

Of course, none of these folks had actually read "Killing Jesus," because it had not been released. The book is pure history; there is no religion in it. The people lashing out at me for daring to address their savior in any capacity are so intense in their beliefs that they have lost all sight of reality.

Now, a sad fact of life in America is that there are some very unstable folks running around, and they have always been with us. But from my perch as a national TV commentator, I can tell you with certainty that the level of fanaticism is rising not only here, but all over the world.

The reason is the Internet. In the past, kooks were kind of isolated. But now they can find other loons in cyberspace with whom to commiserate. That encourages bizarre behavior, as disturbed people think their outlook is acceptable because others are saying the same thing on their machines.

The chief al-Qaida recruiting tool is the Internet. Neo-Nazis campaign heavily in cyberspace. NAMBLA, the child rape club, has a worldwide presence on the 'Net.

There is little anyone can do with fanatics. Reasoning with them is a fool's errand. Avoiding them is mandatory. These people are dangerous. They spread poison and could not care less who they hurt. Thus, the Internet has become a hate-filled town square with no limits put on destructive verbal behavior.

And millions of children have access to all the vitriol.

Freedom has always had a downside. With technology allowing for instant communication, hate groups, perverts and killers now have many more opportunities to cause harm than ever before. Again, there's little anyone can do about it.

But everyone should be aware of it.

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly is host of the Fox News show "The O'Reilly Factor" and author of "Who's Looking Out For You?" and Pinheads and Patriots.
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

My $8 Grand Slam Slugger & $2 biscuit & gravy with egg & coffee & lemonade ice tea @ the Hopewell Denny's
Carl Ray Louk

I bid you good morning. I'm @ Denny's w/ my broth...

I bid you good morning. I'm @ Denny's w/ my brother Lennie enjoying a $8 Grand Slam Slugger
Carl Ray Louk

Friday, September 27, 2013

Education's Shiny Toy Syndrome Michelle Malkin | Sep 27, 2013

Education's Shiny Toy Syndrome

Michelle Malkin | Sep 27, 2013
Michelle Malkin

It's elementary. Public education bureaucrats do the darnedest, stupidest things. Clever kids are ready, willing and able to capitalize on that costly stupidity in a heartbeat. Within days of rolling out a $30 million Common Core iPad program in Los Angeles, for example, students had already hacked the supposedly secure devices.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the disastrous initiative has been suspended after students from at least three different high schools breached the devices' security protections. It was a piece of iCake. The young saboteurs gleefully advertised their method to their friends, fellow Twitter and Facebook users, and the media.

"Roosevelt students matter-of-factly explained their ingenuity Tuesday outside school," the L.A. Times told readers. "The trick, they said, was to delete their personal profile information. With the profile deleted, a student was free to surf. Soon they were sending tweets, socializing on Facebook and streaming music through Pandora, they said."

Goodbye, Common Core apps. Hello, Minecraft! The district spent untold millions of taxpayer dollars on iPad "training," but many teachers still couldn't figure out how to sync up the souped-up tablets for academic use in the classroom at the start of the school year. In less than a week, though, teens were able to circumvent the locks for fun and playtime at home faster than you can type "LOL."

The Los Angeles Unified School District school board shoveled $30 million to Pearson for the leaky iPads, but nobody foresaw this glaring security weakness. Where's the fiscal accountability? Where's the adult responsibility?

Remember: These "reform" programs are not about stimulating brain cells. It's all about stimulating the Benjamins. Pearson is the multibillion-dollar educational publishing and testing conglomerate at the center of the federally driven, taxpayer-funded "standards" racket. For Pearson, ed publishing and ed computing are a $6 billion global business. For nearly a decade, the company has plotted a digital learning takeover. According to industry estimates, Pearson's digital learning products are used by more than 25 million people in North America. Common Core has been a convenient new catalyst for getting the next generation of consumers hooked.

As I reported last week, Pearson sealed its whopping $30 million taxpayer-subsidized deal to supply the city's schools with 45,000 iPads pre-loaded with Pearson Common Core curriculum apps earlier this summer. I repeat: That works out to $678 per glorified e-textbook, $200 more than the standard cost, with scant evidence that any of this software and hardware will do anything to improve the achievement bottom line.

The abysmal history of federal investments in ed technology is as crystal-clear as an HD touch screen. Take President Obama's $49 million technology initiative for the Detroit public schools, funded by federal stimulus money. The city is bankrupt. The urban school system is overrun by corruption, violence and incompetence. The federal ed tech program showered some 40,000 new (foreign-made) ASUS netbook computers on Detroit, plus thousands of printers, scanners and desktop computers to teachers and kids from early childhood through 12th grade.

The district budget is $300 million in the hole. Meanwhile, the board slashed special education buses and shut down 70 schools. Have the devices helped students "compete in a global marketplace," as champions of the program promised? SAT scores in Detroit remain "stagnant." High school graduation rates are rock-bottom. According to the most recent data, just 3 percent of Detroit fourth-graders are proficient in math; 6 percent are proficient in reading. In 2010, 11 people were charged in connection with a lucrative fencing scheme involving hundreds of DPS computers, which they stole and sold on eBay or peddled to friends and family.

Nothing has changed. As I've reported previously, in both urban and rural school districts, large and small, these technology infusions have turned out to be gesture-driven boondoggles and political payoffs that squander precious educational resources -- with few, if any, measurable academic benefits. The Obama administration plans to dig even deeper into the FedEdTech hole through a furtive $5 billion "fee" on cellphone users for "ConnectEd" -- another progressive, FedEd boondoggle to subsidize high-speed Internet installation throughout the U.S.

Like districts across the country, Detroit and Los Angeles are infatuated with fancy electronic devices, glossy new textbooks and DVDs "aligned" to top-down Common Core "standards, and other whiz-bang gadgetry to stimulate "21st century learning." Education's Shiny Toy Syndrome is the result of a toxic alliance between big government and big business. In the words of Robert Small, the Maryland dad who was arrested last week for daring to raise questions about Common Core: "Parents, you need to question these people. ... Don't stand for this!"

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies" (Regnery 2010).
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

The Audacity of Hopelessness David Limbaugh | Sep 27, 2013

The Audacity of Hopelessness

David Limbaugh | Sep 27, 2013
David Limbaugh

Perhaps Obama was onto something when, as a young author, he zeroed in on the term "audacity" to (subconsciously) telegraph his ambitious designs to fundamentally transform our beloved America.

What word could describe better than audacity Obama's refusal to accept responsibility for his dreadful policies; his standing before the American people -- even today -- in the face of the avalanche of evidence proving how terrible Obamacare is and continuing to lie about what it will do; his persistence in mislabeling his unaffordable monstrosity "the Affordable Care Act;" his failure to address the legitimate, undeniable complaints about Obamacare and his insistence -- at all costs -- on cramming it down Americans' throats; and his taking -- in the words of Time -- an "early Obamacare victory lap" just as the horrifying effects of this law are about to descend, in full force, on the American people?

In his "victory lap," he exclaimed, "We're now only five days away from finishing the job." You mean the job of destroying our health care system and economy?

Obama said Republicans are trying to destroy the law because they are scared it will work. He described the GOP's position as this: "We've got to shut this thing down before people realize they like it. ... It will mean everything they said wasn't true and they were just playing politics."

On Thursday, just five days from the scheduled implementation of this infernal boondoggle, the White House tweeted up a storm about the wonders of this law -- though study after study is being dumped on the public, even by the liberal media, conceding what a disaster it's going to be and how utterly different its effects will be from Obama's promises.

Consider a few of the White House's audacious tweets quoting Obama:

"Tell your friends, tell your classmates, and tell your family members about their new health care choices." How about instead, we tell the liberal New York Times, which just reported that patients will likely have fewer choices?

"Since I signed the Affordable Care Act into law we've seen the slowest growth in health care costs on record." Yes, just as Obama's the most frugal president in 60 years, a uniter and a fierce proponent of the free market.

"You've got new choices, new competition, and many of you will have cheaper prices." By "many," does he mean, perhaps, a few thousand in a nation of about 314 million? What might he say about Forbes reporting that Obamacare will increase average individual-market insurance premiums by 99 percent for men and 62 percent for women?

"Republicans' biggest fear is not that the Affordable Care Act will fail -- it's that (it) will succeed." Succeed? In destroying the greatest health care system in the world, perhaps. In driving doctors, in droves, out of the profession. In scarcity and waiting lines. In sending thousands into part-time employment. In enormous health care cost hikes. In forcing us into a single-payer system, which is to say full-blown socialized medicine, an essential component of an overall socialist economy.

"Not only will it help lower costs for businesses, but it will free up entrepreneurship in this country." Oh, my gosh -- free up entrepreneurship? This is on the order of the former Soviet Union's claiming its constitution guaranteed personal liberties for its enslaved citizens and subjects.

"Think about that: Good health insurance for the cost of your cell phone bill, or less." For whom? And even if it will be "good health insurance," will it be for good health care, which should be even more important? Of course not. Not a chance.

"Because of the ACA, 3 million young adults under age 26 have gained coverage by staying on their parents' plan." Is it really a good thing that our government is encouraging our young people to stay out of the workforce and on their computers in their parents' basements? How about we work toward the day we can celebrate their return to the workforce, Mr. President?

Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal provides examples of the ongoing glitches and delays with Obamacare and the difficulties in implementing the law's exchanges. For example, in the words of "The Foundry," the "federally run exchanges in 33 states will not be able to sign applicants up for Medicaid coverage directly." Politico details another Obamacare delay -- postponing enrollment in most of the small-business exchanges scheduled to open Oct. 1.

Has there ever been a bigger hoax perpetrated on the American people -- at least those who possessed the credulity to believe Obama's deceitful claims about the bill -- than Obamacare?

When, if ever, will a strong majority of Americans realize Obama is all about transforming America into a socialist state and not the best interests of America -- unless you view socialism, a historically failed system, as being in America's best interests -- and hold his Democratic Party accountable?

My money is on 2014 -- and 2016, unless the feckless among us prevail.

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh, brother of radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, is an expert in law and politics and author of new book Crimes Against Liberty, the definitive chronicle of Barack Obama's devastating term in office so far.
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

I bid you good evening. I am @ Olive Garden with m...

I bid you good evening. I am @ Olive Garden with my brother Lennie for Never Ending Pasta Bowl.
Carl Ray Louk

I bid you good noon. I am @ dialysis & hooked up. ...

I bid you good noon. I am @ dialysis & hooked up. I have 4:26 left. I'll come off around 5:22pm.
Carl Ray Louk

I bid you good morning. For breakfast I had General Mills Monster Cereal. The Return of Frute Brute!
Carl Ray Louk

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What to Shutdown. What to Protect.

There's a lot that needs to be shutdown in Washington: borrowing money to pay our bills, spending without accountability, waste, and tax increases on our families and small businesses.  There are also priorities worth protecting:  that paycheck for a deployed service member, a Social Security check for an elderly woman, and the economic stability that results from global confidence in our nation's ability to pay our bills.  As America wrestles with our financial challenges, here's where I stand:

Shutdown debt.
No nation can survive by borrowing nearly 1/3 of what it spends.

Shutdown waste. Audit the Federal Reserve.  Audit the Department of Defense.  Aggressively limit government.  Aggressively increase accountability. 

Shutdown tax increases. Our nation has a spending problem—not a taxing problem. 

Shutdown Obamacare.  An over 2,000 page bill with $1 trillion in taxes that is resulting in premium increases and hiring reductions.  Shut it down.

Protect Those Who Serve.  If you wear the uniform of our Armed Services, you shouldn't wonder if you will have a paycheck when the mortgage is due or the pantry is low.

Protect Seniors.  Medicare and Social Security should be dependable and consistent for the millions of seniors who rely on them.

Pay Our Bills. Allowing the U.S. to default on its debts would jeopardize economic recovery and impact every American family.  We must pay our bills. 

My Solutions:

  • Balanced Budget Amendment, H.J.Res.1.  Constitutionally require that Congress cannot spend more than it receives in revenues.  
  • Full Faith and Credit Act, H.R. 807. A simple safeguard to prevent default: require the Treasury to first use revenues to pay down public debt. 
  • Guarantee Paychecks for America's Military Families Act, H.R. 342. Ensure paychecks for service members. 
  • Protect Social Security and Medicare, H.R.3161Protect Social Security checks and ensure seniors' access to Medicare.
  • Tax Code Termination Act, H.R.352.  Abolish and recreate the tax code so it is simple and fair.
  • Congressional Accountability Pay Act, H.R.284.  Hold Members of Congress accountable for spending by tying Members' salaries directly to spending– the more they spend, the less they make. 
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

Cruz Control Should Be Standard on GOP Models Ann Coulter | Sep 25, 2013

Cruz Control Should Be Standard on GOP Models

Ann Coulter | Sep 25, 2013
Ann Coulter
If I could briefly interrupt the Republican firing squad aiming at Ted Cruz, let's talk about something we all agree on. And by "we all," I mean a majority of the American people, the Teamsters, many Democrats and every single last Republican.

Obamacare is an unmitigated disaster.

It was passed illegally without the House ever voting on the Senate bill and became law absent a single Republican vote -- even "the girls from Maine" and "the girl from Arizona" -- the only major legislation ever enacted on a strict party-line vote. The Supreme Court had to violate the Constitution's separation of powers to uphold Obamacare as a "tax" -- despite the fact that no elected body could ever have enacted such a massive tax hike even with the sleazy parliamentary tricks used to pass this bill.

Proving that everyone hates it, Congress has now exempted itself from Obamacare's provisions, having asked for, and received, a waiver from President Obama.

Yes, these are the exact same politicians who lecture us that Obamacare is "the law of the land!" (So are our immigration laws.) The same ones who huffily announce that the Supreme Court upheld it! (The court also upheld the First Amendment in Citizens United, but that doesn't stop Obama from demanding Congress overturn the First Amendment.) They are the same sanctimonious frauds who tell us that Obamacare is "the right thing to do!"

Those guys waived Obamacare for themselves. If national health care is so great, why don't they want it?

In every single category of Crap Forced On the Country by the Left, liberals always have a work-around for themselves.

They love the public schools and denounce school choice -- but their kids go to St. Albans or Sidwell Friends. As Al Gore responded to a question from a black journalist for Time magazine who asked him why he opposed school vouchers while sending his own kids to private schools, "My children -- you can leave them out of this!"

Oh, now I see.

Liberals are always eager to release criminals and block crucial crime-fighting strategies such as stop-and-frisk -- which they announce from the safety of their antiseptic, crime-free neighborhoods. They love the homeless, but try putting a homeless shelter in their doorman buildings.

They tell us guns won't protect us -- and then we find out the loudest of them all have armed guards. Staunch gun-control advocate Mayor Richard Daley of Chicago had three armed guards with him at all times, as well as an armored car. Mayor Rahm Emanuel also has armed guards and an armored car. Chicago aldermen are allowed to carry any guns they like. But until very recently (we hope!) the people of Chicago were virtually prohibited from being armed.

Are you beginning to see the pattern?

Liberals love affirmative action -- provided their offspring still get into Harvard, Yale or Princeton. How about they give up their kids' seats to disadvantaged minorities?

Class warriors Warren Buffett and the Nation magazine's Katrina vanden Heuvel hired phalanxes of lawyers to fight the IRS when informed they weren't paying the government what they owed. George Soros and the Kennedy family stash their money in offshore accounts, safe from U.S. taxation.

Liberals also strongly support every manner of environmental regulation -- unless it blocks the view from the Kennedy compound. In deference to Teddy Kennedy's ferocious opposition to wind farms off the coast of Cape Cod, the federal government reduced the number of turbines, moved them farther off the coast and ordered them painted white to blend in with the view.

And now these government do-gooders shoving Obamacare down our throats have managed to exempt themselves from its wonderful provisions. Supreme Court justices won't have to suffer under Obamacare, but will continue to have their health care subsidized by us, the hapless taxpayers forced into this rotten system.

Unfortunately, most Republicans are too stupid to notice that Democrats are walking around with a gigantic glass jaw. Democrats must not be able to believe their dumb luck. Instead of hitting our glass jaw, Republicans have decided to attack Ted Cruz!

Cruz, and his Senate colleague Mike Lee (who, for some reason, is being held harmless by both Democrats and Republicans), have demanded that the Senate vote on the House bill fully funding the entire government -- except Obamacare. Most important, they want Democrats to allow more than one amendment to that bill.

The Democrats are refusing either of those options in the Senate.

Among the amendments Republicans might want to introduce is one requiring members of Congress and their staffs to live under Obamacare. Or an amendment delaying the law's implementation for the whole country -- and not just the big employers favored by Obama. And also an amendment taking the administration of Obamacare out of the hands of the utterly corrupt IRS.

Can we at least get Senate Democrats to vote on these urgent reforms? I'd especially like to see the votes of red state Democrats, such as Mary Landrieu, Mark Begich and Mark Pryor. I bet their Republican opponents in the midterm elections next year would, too.

Of course, for Cruz's threat to work, it has to be credible. Too bad Republicans have been blanketing the airwaves proclaiming that: (1) They don't have the votes to defund Obamacare; and (2) Republicans will get blamed in the event of any government shutdown.

Republicans: You never had to shut the government down! (And thanks for making it blindingly clear that you never intended to.) You could have waited to see how the public opinion was going and cried uncle at the last minute.

But instead of attacking Obamacare and the breathtaking hypocrisy of the Democrats over this massively unpopular law, far too many Republicans have been spending their time attacking Ted Cruz. (Why didn't we see one-tenth as much venom directed at Sen. Marco Rubio for trying to give the Democrats 30 million new voters with amnesty as we have toward Cruz for trying to defund Obamacare?)

For every minute you spend attacking Cruz on TV, Republicans, could you consider spending two minutes attacking Obamacare?

Barry Goldwater didn't "have the votes" when Ronald Reagan launched the conservative movement with his "A Time for Choosing" speech in 1964. But he galvanized conservatives and gave them the hope of future victories. Does Rep. Peter King think Reagan was a fraud who lost influence in the Republican Party with that speech? We don't have the votes, Ron!

Whether or not Cruz succeeds, we wouldn't be talking about Obamacare this week without his efforts to defund it -- at least those of us who are talking about this disastrous law, rather than attacking Cruz.
Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is a columnist and author of Guilty: Liberal Victims and Their Assault On America.
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

I love Denny's! Great food @ a great vaule. $8 Grand Slam Slugger $2 biscuit & gravy subtotal $10 tax 10.80% total $11.08 tip $1.66 grand total $12.74. You can't beat that for all you get. I could eat Denny's for breakfast, lunch & diner.
Carl Ray Louk

I bid you good moring. I'm @ the Hopewell Denny's enjoying $8 Grand Slam Slugger & $2 biscuit & gravy w/ coffee & lemonade ice tea.
Carl Ray Louk

I bid you good moring. Iam @ Denny's enjoying a$8 ...

I bid you good moring. Iam @ Denny's enjoying a$8 Grand Slam Beakfast & $2 biscuit & gravy w/ coffee
Carl Ray Louk

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Honesty and Trust Walter E. Williams | Sep 25, 2013

Honesty and Trust

Walter E. Williams | Sep 25, 2013
Walter E. Williams
Dishonesty, lying and cheating are not treated with the right amount of opprobrium in today's society. To gain an appreciation for the significance of honesty and trust, consider what our day-to-day lives would be like if we couldn't trust anyone. When we purchase a bottle of 100 pills from our pharmacist, how many of us bother to count the pills? We pull in to a gasoline station and pay $35 for 10 gallons of gasoline. How do we know for sure whether we in fact received 10 gallons instead of 9 3/4? You pay $7 for a 1-pound package of filet mignon. Do you ever independently verify that you in fact received 1 pound? In each of those cases, and thousands more, we simply trust the seller.

There are thousands of cases in which the seller trusts the buyer. Having worked 40 hours, I trust that George Mason University, my employer, will pay me. People place an order with their stockbroker to purchase 100 shares of AT&T stock, and the stockbroker trusts that he'll be paid. Companies purchase 5 tons of aluminum with payment due 30 days later.

Examples of honesty and trust abound, but imagine the cost and inconvenience if we couldn't trust anyone. We would have to lug around measuring instruments to make sure that it was in fact 10 gallons of gas and 1 pound of steak that we purchased. Imagine the hassle of having to count out the number of pills in a bottle. If we couldn't trust, we'd have to bear the costly burden of writing contracts instead of relying on a buyer's or a seller's word. We'd have to bear the monitoring costs to ensure compliance in the simplest of transactions. It's safe to say that whatever undermines honesty and trust raises the costs of transactions, reduces the value of exchange and makes us poorer.

Honesty and trust come into play in ways that few of us even contemplate. In my neighborhood, workers for FedEx, UPS and other delivery companies routinely leave packages that contain valuable merchandise on the doorstep if no one answers the door. The local supermarket leaves plants, fertilizer and other home and garden items outdoors overnight unattended. What's more, the supermarket displays loads of merchandise at entryways and exits. In neighborhoods where there's less honesty, deliverymen's leaving merchandise on doorsteps and stores leaving merchandise outdoors unattended or at entryways and exits would be equivalent to economic suicide.

Dishonesty is costly. Delivery companies cannot leave packages when the customer is not home. The company must bear the costs of making return trips, or the customer has to bear the costs of going to pick up the package. If a supermarket places merchandise outside, it must bear the costs of hiring an attendant -- plus retrieve the merchandise at the close of business; that's if it can risk having merchandise outdoors in the first place.

Honesty affects stores such as supermarkets in another way. A supermarket manager's goal is to maximize the rate of merchandise turnover per square foot of leased space. When theft is relatively low, the manager can use all of the space he leases, including outdoor and entryway space, thereby raising his profit potential. That opportunity is denied to supermarkets in localities where there's less honesty. That in turn means a higher cost of doing business, which translates into higher prices, less profit and fewer customer amenities.

Crime, distrust and dishonesty impose huge losses that go beyond those suffered directly. Much of the cost of crime and dishonesty is borne by people who can least afford it -- poor people. It's poor people who have fewer choices and pay higher prices or must bear the transportation costs of going to suburban malls to shop. It's poor people in high-crime neighborhoods who are refused pizza delivery and taxi pickups. The fact that honesty and trust are so vital should make us rethink just how much tolerance we should have for criminals and dishonest people.

Walter E. Williams

Walter E. Williams

Dr. Williams serves on the faculty of George Mason University as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and is the author of 'Race and Economics: How Much Can Be Blamed on Discrimination?' and 'Up from the Projects: An Autobiography.'
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

Innovation or Stagnation John Stossel | Sep 25, 2013

Innovation or Stagnation

John Stossel | Sep 25, 2013
John Stossel

Invent something and the first thing that goes through some people's minds -- especially politicians' minds -- is what might go wrong.

3D printers now allow you to mold objects right in your living room, using patterns you find online. It's a revolutionary invention that will save time, reduce shipping costs and be kind to the earth.

But what critics see is: guns! People will print guns at home! Well, sure.

On TV, Rachel Maddow sneered about "a well-armed anarchist utopia, where everybody fends for themselves with stupid-looking plastic guns. ... It's a political effort to try to do away with government."

Do away with government? If only we could do away with some! Big-government politicians and their cheerleaders in the media focus on threats posed by innovation because they fear loss of control. They move to ban things.

In Texas, Cody Wilson used a 3D printer to make a plastic gun. He called it "the Liberator" and posted its specs on the Internet. The State Department then ordered him to take the specs down. He did. But by then, 100,000 people had downloaded it.

Wilson takes pride in pointing out how his gun shows that gun "control" is an illusion. Being able to print a gun in your own home will render laws against purchasing guns unenforceable and irrelevant.

"I'm your full-service provocateur," Wilson told Kennedy, my TV show's correspondent. "Here's the printed gun. I'm not here to make you feel better about it. I'm here to say, 'Look, this space is occupied. Deal with it.'"

The "Liberator" didn't work well. It broke before Kennedy could fire a shot. However, printed guns will improve over time. Wilson's point: "prohibiting this is no longer effective."

Technological innovation constantly threatens centralized authorities.

Now we take the Internet for granted, but when it first became popular, people worried that it would mainly be used by terrorists, child molesters and money-launderers.

"Smash the Internet!" said a cover story in the conservative magazine Weekly Standard, illustrated with a sledgehammer smashing a computer screen.

Even today, after Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, eBay, Yelp, Craigslist, WebMD, YouTube and more have clearly made our lives better, Luddites in the media fret about problems.

"The Internet Is Making Kids Stupid" says PC Magazine. CBS's Bob Schieffer whines that in the absence of supervising editors, "ignorance travels as rapidly as great ideas."

There's some truth behind these complaints. The Internet does make some people isolated. It does allow ignorant ideas to spread. But so what? It also creates new forms of human interaction and allows the crowd of users to correct ignorant mistakes.

Schieffer is prematurely old, but even hip novelists like Dave Eggers and Jonathan Franzen worry about the Net. Eggers' latest novel suggests it creates "unnaturally extreme" needs, and a Franzen essay attacks "technoconsumerism." Comedian Louis CK gets laughs by worrying that cell phones just keep us distracted -- but not really happy or sad -- until we die. He'd prefer his kids didn't have them.

They are right that any activity can become a time-waster, but to all the fearmongers I say, stop whining! Overwhelmingly, innovation brings us good things. It's even changed the way Americans find love. A University of Chicago study says 35 percent of new marriages now start online.

We don't think twice about miracles like computer dating or email or the fact that, today, most everyone in the world has access to all the world's knowledge on a little phone. We take it for granted that we can put a piece of plastic into a wall and cash will come out -- and the count is always accurate. Government couldn't do that. Government can't even count votes accurately.

In a free market, a symphony of desires comes together, and they're met by people who constantly rack their brains to provide better services and invent solutions to our desires.

It's not a few people desiring guns that I fear. It's government getting in the way of all those new possibilities.

John Stossel

John Stossel

John Stossel is host of "Stossel" on the Fox Business Network. He's the author of "No They Can't: Why Government Fails, but Individuals Succeed."
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died Michelle Malkin | Sep 25, 2013

Obama Lied, My Health Plan Died

Michelle Malkin | Sep 25, 2013
Michelle Malkin
Like an estimated 22 million other Americans, I am a self-employed small-business owner who buys health insurance for my family directly on the individual market. We have a high-deductible PPO plan that allows us to choose from a wide range of doctors.

Or rather, we had such a plan.

Last week, our family received notice from Anthem BlueCross BlueShield of Colorado that we can no longer keep the plan we like because of "changes from health care reform (also called the Affordable Care Act or ACA)." The letter informed us that "(t)o meet the requirements of the new laws, your current plan can no longer be continued beyond your 2014 renewal date."

In short: Obama lied. My health plan died.

Remember? Our president looked America straight in the eye and promised: "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what."

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., also lied when she pledged: "Keep your doctor, and your current plan, if you like them."

This isn't just partisan business. It's personal. Our cancellation letter states that Anthem is "not going to be selling new individual PPO plans." When we asked whether we could keep our children's doctors, an agent for Anthem told my husband and me she didn't know. The insurer has no details available yet on what exactly they'll be offering. We either will be herded into the Obamacare federal health insurance exchange regime (launching October 1), a severely limited HMO plan, or presented with costlier alternatives from another insurer. If they even exist.

My family is not alone. Across the country, insurers are sending out Obamacare-induced health plan death notices to untold tens of thousands of other customers in the individual market. Twitter users are posting their Obamacare cancellation notices and accompanying rate increases:

Linda Deright posted her letter from Regency of Washington state: "63 percent jump, old policy of 15 yrs. cancelled." Karen J. Dugan wrote: "Received same notice from Blue Shield CA for our small business. Driving into exchange and no info since online site is down." Chris Birk wrote: "Got notice from BCBS that my current health plan is not ACA compliant. New plan 2x as costly for worse coverage." Small-business owner Villi Wilson posted his letter from HMSA Blue Cross Blue Shield canceling his individual plan and added: "I thought Obama said if I like my health care plan I can keep my health care plan."

Few among Washington's protected political class are paying attention, because they enjoy their lucrative government benefits and are exempted from Obamacare's destructive consequences. But one of my state's congressional representatives, GOP Rep. Cory Gardner, also lost his individual market plan. Unlike most politicians on Capitol Hill, Gardner chose not to enroll in the federal health insurance program. He told me that he opted to participate in the private market "because I wanted to be in the same boat as my constituents. And now that boat is sinking!"

Gardner points to recent analysis showing individual market rate increases of 23 percent to 25 percent in Colorado. "After my current plan is discontinued," he wrote last week, "the closest comparable plan through our current provider will cost over 100 percent more, going from roughly $650 a month to $1,480 per month." He now carries his Obamacare cancellation notice with him as hardcore proof of the Democrats' ultimate deception.

Maryland announced that its post-Obamacare individual market rates could also rise by a whopping 25 percent. The National Association for the Self-Employed is recommending that its small-business owners and freelancers plan for at least a 15 percent increase nationwide. One of the reasons for those rate hikes, of course, is that Obamacare's mandated benefits provisions force insurers to carry coverage for items that individual market consumers had deliberately chosen to forgo.

Americans who had opted for affordable catastrophic coverage-style plans now have fewer and fewer choices. This includes a whole class of musicians, photographers, artists, writers, actors and other creative people who purchased health plans through the individual market or through small professional organizations. As St. Vincent College arts professor Ben Schachter reports in the Weekly Standard, groups like the College Art Association, Modern Language Association and the Entertainment Industry Group Insurance Trust are dropping their plans. Young, healthy members of these groups "are far more likely to see their rates go up -- or to face the individual mandate penalties."

Thanks to Obama, access is down. Premiums and health care spending are up. Research and development on lifesaving drugs and medical devices are down. Hours and benefits have been cut because of Obamacare costs and regulatory burdens by at least 300 American companies, according to Investor's Business Daily. And the Obamacare layoff bomb continues to claim victims.

Obamacare is destroying the private individual market for health insurance by design, not accident. For hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of self-employed job creators, three fundamental Obamacare truths are becoming as clear as Obama's growing nose: 1) You can't keep it. 2) We're screwed. 3) The do-gooders don't care.

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks & Cronies" (Regnery 2010).
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk

I bid you good noon. I am @ dialysis hooked up. I ...

I bid you good noon. I am @ dialysis hooked up. I have 4:26 left. I'll come off around 5:17pm..
Carl Ray Louk

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Hot Fudge Brownie a la Mode @ the Hopewell Denny's
Carl Ray Louk

My Double Bacon Alavocoldo Cheeseburger & fries with Lemonade Ice Tea @ Hopewell the Denny's
Carl Ray Louk

Just gotten drinking a Denny's ChocolatePeanutButt...

Just gotten drinking a Denny's ChocolatePeanutButterMilkshake. So good! It like drinking a Reese'sCup
Carl Ray Louk

I am @ Denny's enjoying a double bacon avacoldo c...

I am @ Denny's enjoying a double bacon avacoldo cheeseburger & fries with a lemonade ice tea
Carl Ray Louk

High Risk, Low Yield Thomas Sowell | Sep 24, 2013

High Risk, Low Yield

Thomas Sowell | Sep 24, 2013
Thomas Sowell

This has been the worst time, politically, for President Barack Obama since he took office. Recent polls reveal that public confidence in both his domestic and foreign policies has been falling, amid revelations about their defects and dangers. Even people who once supported and defended him have now turned against him.

There have even been rumblings against Barack Obama in the Congressional Black Caucus and among labor unions that were a major factor in helping him get elected and re-elected.

Two of President Obama's own former Secretaries of Defense have publicly criticized his gross mishandling of the Syria crisis, which has emboldened America's enemies and undermined our allies around the world.

As ObamaCare continues to go into effect, step by step, its high costs and dire consequences for jobs have become ever more visible -- as have the lies that Obama blithely told about its costs and consequences when it was rushed into law too fast for anyone to see that it would become a "train wreck," as one of its initial Democratic supporters in the Senate has since called it.

As more and more revelations have come to light about the cynical and dangerous misuse of the Internal Revenue Service to harass and sabotage conservative political groups, the lies that the Obama administration initially told about this, as part of the coverup, have also been exposed.

So have the lies told about what happened in Benghazi when four Americans were killed last year. Their killers remain at large, though they are known and are even giving media interviews in Libya.

With Congressional investigations still going on, and turning up more and more revelations about multiple Obama administration scandals, the political problems of this administration seem to loom ahead as far out as the eye can see.

What could possibly rescue Barack Obama from all these political problems and create a distraction that takes all his scandals off the front page? Only one thing: the Republicans.

By making a futile and foredoomed attempt to defund ObamaCare, Congressional Republicans have created the distraction that Obama so much needs. Already media attention has shifted to the possibility of a government shutdown.

Politically, it doesn't matter that the Republicans are not really trying to shut down the government. What matters is that this distraction solves Barack Obama's political problems that he could not possibly have solved by himself.

Should ObamaCare be defunded? Absolutely. It is an economic disaster and will be a medical disaster, as well as destroying the Constitution's protections of American citizens from the unbridled power of the federal government.

For that matter, President Obama deserves to be impeached for arbitrarily waiving laws he doesn't like, in defiance of his oath of office and the Constitution's separation of powers.

Chief Justice John Roberts also deserves to be impeached for his decision upholding ObamaCare, by allowing the government's taxing power to override all the Constitution's other provisions protecting American citizens from the arbitrary powers of government.

But, for the same reason that it makes no sense to impeach either President Obama or Chief Justice Roberts, it makes no sense to attempt to defund ObamaCare. That reason is that it cannot be done. The world is full of things that ought to be done but cannot in fact be done.

The time, effort and credibility that Republicans are investing in trying to defund ObamaCare is a high risk, low yield investment.

Even if, by some miracle, the Republicans managed to get the Senate to go along with defunding ObamaCare, President Obama can simply veto the bill.

There is a United States of America today only because George Washington understood that his army was not able to fight the British troops everywhere, but had to choose carefully when and where to fight. Futile symbolic confrontations were a luxury that could not be afforded then and cannot be afforded now.

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of The Housing Boom and Bust.
Carl Ray Louk

Not racist, not violent, just not silent anymore

Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

I am Carl Ray Louk and unlike the President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, I stand with Israel

We are a community of over 2 million grassroots activists We recruit, educate & mobilize across the country Fighting for lower taxes, less government, and more freedom.

"Friendship Never Ends" SG-1996

"Let Love Lead The Way" SG-2000

"The Phoenix Shall Rise" Count Carl Ray Louk 2003

"Even A Man Who Is Pure In Heart And Says His Prayer By Nigh, May Become A Wolf When the Wolf bane Blooms And The Autumn Moon Is Bright." LT-1941

"Flesh of my flesh; blood of my blood; kin of my kin when I say come to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding!" CVTD-1895

"From Hell's Heart I stab at thee, for hate sake I spit my last breath at thee" CA-1895

"I have been, and always shall be your friend" Spock

"Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat candy is dandy but murder, oh murder, is so sweet" Count Carl Ray Louk-2003

"Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog adder's fork, blind worm's sting, lizard's leg, and owlet's wing. For a charm of powerful trouble, like Hell broth boils and babble. Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn, and caldron bubble"




Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard

Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk