Beck: Do We Have a Plan? Published June 29, 2011 | Glenn Beck
Beck: Do We Have a Plan?Published June 29, 2011 | Glenn Beck | Glenn Beck This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 29, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: Well, hello, America. This is the last audience that will join us, because tomorrow is just you and me. And tomorrow is our last episode on Fox News Channel. You don't want to miss it. I have a lot to share with you. Tonight, it's big picture. When you're down to the last two episodes of something that you've worked in for five years and you try to think, what is it I want to leave you with? What is the most important? I haven't been good at narrowing things down. Today, I thought I wanted to spend time with you on two things, the most important things. What's coming our way? One last stab at it. And who do you trust? The media. Tonight, I want to talk to you about those things, but I have to start over here with Israel, because you are being lied to. Absolutely, positively, you're being lied to. And you need to know what the truth is. Some analysts that's got together in Washington, D.C. and now, they have come out with this -- the three things that Washington feels might be the most pressing threats to America. See if you've heard these anywhere? Nuclear-armed Iran. No! No, they just want peace. What are you talking about? This is from That's all they want. Nuclear-armed Iran dominating its neighbors -- what?! By the way, Iran just carried out a test of a ballistic missile capable of delivering a nuclear payload. Just days earlier, Iran said the missiles are capable of striking Israel or the U.S. targets in the Gulf. Worry about this? No. Three years ago or four years ago, that's what I sat down for an hour with Benjamin Netanyahu to talk about. I said nobody is taking him seriously. Nobody is. What are we doing about it now? Obama wrote a love letter to Ahmadinejad when he first got into office that sought to unfreeze U.S.-Iranian relations. Oh! Yes. The second thing that we're worried about as most pressing threat now in Washington, Egypt under control of the Muslim Brotherhood. What?! The Muslim Brotherhood -- they're great! This administration doesn't see the Muslim Brotherhood as even a religious organization. Let alone a dangerous one. And three, al Qaeda terrorists roaming free near Yemen's coast where 40 percent of the world's oil supply passes through. I haven't heard that. Where do you get that? These are all crazy. An oil spike because of an unstable Middle East? What? May I ask you, do we have a plan for oil flow interruption? Is there a plan? What are we doing? The president did just agree to release 30 million barrels from our strategic oil reserve to help at the gas pump. But that's not just us. That's for the entire world. That's not your gas but for the rest of the world. We put up 30 million barrels, the rest of the world put up 30 million barrels so we can relieve the tension around the entire globe. Look, this is not difficult to figure out. There's a lot of people in the Middle East that hate the Western way of life. Heck, there's a lot of people here in America that hate the Western way of life. They think that it is evil. At least in the Middle East, the people who hate it here do not believe in evil. The only answer to millions in the Middle East is re-establishing a caliphate. That's not a blanket statement. That's not everybody. There are good people in Iran that don't want a caliphate. But those with power do. These elitist dopes in the media can laugh all they want because they think caliphate is, I don't know, some sort of fancy hors d'oeuvre. I've never had a caliphate before, does it have fish eggs on it? I like it, huh? They don't get it. When they say we're going to kill the little Satan and drive the little Satan into the sea and then go kill the great Satan, they mean it. You'd think we've learned by now, but we haven't. I've shown you several videos on this program. This one I showed you just I think a couple of weeks ago. 1953, a group rose to re-establish a caliphate, six days of -- six decades of challenging tyranny. Notice these are all the guys that we've been in bed with. Pretty much all the guys we've been in bed with. You notice the regime in Israel -- I mean, in Iran wasn't there. Then oppression, they have been challenging that. This is all promoting -- I love this one -- exposing colonialism, all us and the Jews. This is promoting an upcoming caliphate conference. Caliphate is spelled two different ways. Caliphate, as we usually spelled it here on this program. And also Khilafah, but they mean the same thing. This is their vision for change. There's Khilafah. That means caliphate, a global Islamic Sharia law government. Now, this conference is in the U.K. Hizb ut-Tahrir is organizing these conferences, like it said, in 44 countries around the globe. They had this in the U.K. They had one I think in Australia and the on the road Khilafah tour continues. They have just announced that the next will be in the Netherlands this weekend, July 3rd. This is interesting. Does anyone know who Geert Wilders is? Eric? (INAUDIBLE) BECK: I'm sorry, bring his mike up. ERIC, AUDIENCE MEMBER: He's a leading Dutch politician who takes a strong stand against radical Islam. BECK: Got it. This guy has been speaking out for a long time. What -- do you know what just happened to him this week? ERIC: He was cleared of hate speech charges in the Netherlands. BECK: He was just cleared of hate speech charges. Right. So, now, they announce this. It's not like there's any kind of problems going on that they might to take advantage of. This July 3rd, this weekend. You got questions about Islamic unity, the establishment of a caliphate, or you want the destruction of capitalism and the Western way of life? Well, then, this is for you. But wait, there's more. They have a promo video explaining where we are, they believe, in history. They believe that we are on the verge of the next great Khilafah or caliphate from Allah. If you look and read the message in this -- go ahead and play this message here. You see this message. It is narrated that the messenger of Allah has said. The prophet will be there. Then there will be a caliphate on the prophetic method. Then there will be biting rule for as long as Allah wills. Then there will be oppressive rule for as long as Allah wills. And then he'll remove it when he wills. This is the time they believe there is because then there will be a caliphate on the prophetic method. They believe that they are at that time that Allah promised through the Prophet Muhammad. They believe that. And they are rallying the troops right now. It is an easy message to sell to the people when the United States looks dazed, when Israel is under attack by the whole world, you pull the linchpin out of Israel and the entire West falls! You don't believe me?! Well, hell, they didn't believe me when I said you pull out Egypt and it will set the entire Middle East on fire! Is that happening? Yes or no? Yes or no? Yes is the answer! The Middle East is on fire. Now, would you like to believe the clowns in Washington and the clowns on television who told you that I was wrong that time?! Or how about the time when I was telling, talking about buying gold at $700 an ounce, it's now $1,500 an ounce! When? When will your neighbors decide to stop listening to the people who are steering them wrong every single time? Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. 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posted by Carl Ray Louk at 5:56 PM