Beck: The Push to Silence the Right Published June 28, 2011 | Glenn Beck
Beck: The Push to Silence the Right Published June 28, 2011 | Glenn Beck | Glenn Beck This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 28, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: I want to go through a few stories that came across my desk this morning and I want you to see if you can figure out what they all have in common. First, Greece is rioting. This is the police in Greece. More violent clashes as youths throw rocks and gas bombs at the Greek Finance Ministry over the cost-cutting measures being taken by the government. They bombed a satellite truck. They blew up kiosks. They attacked police. The protests and strikes have brought the economy to a grinding halt. Everything from the electric company workers to ambulance drivers, to air traffic controllers, to public employee workers employees, they all walked off the job. Greece is lovely today. We told you about this two years ago. We said it was coming. Nobody believed us then. There is much more coming. OK. There is story number one. Now, similar strike is set to hit the U.K. on Thursday. Up to three-quarters of a million workers plan to walk off their job on Thursday. So, there's another nation. Now, let me take you back in time a little bit. This is the Israeli ambassador who was shouted down while speaking at students at U.C. Irvine. They wouldn't let him speak. Let me go now to the conservatives that speak on campuses. They're often silenced. Ann Coulter has been physically attacked on stage. And then we have the president's spiritual adviser, Jim Wallis, who has several groups that targeted Fox, this program, hate talk radio, through groups like Sojourners and Faithful America, and Faith in Public Life. There's a whole bunch of them. And they attack through commercials. Although when you go to their web sites, you always see it's -- I mean, it's painfully obvious that they are mere political arms of the DNC and the uber left. Soros funds many of these. I have often been puzzled, he is an atheist. Why would he fund faith groups? I've questioned Soros, speaking of him. How many times has he attacked us through Media Matters? They had a little party for our departure last night. Media Matters, first of all, our departure is Thursday. But just know -- enjoy that party while you can. You'll be praying for these days to come back. How many millions has George Soros spent to silence me? Now, silencing people is what they do best. If you dare to be skeptical on global climate change, and according to the scientists, maybe you should be branded. This is from The L.A. Times. This has got to be a joke. "Surely, it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinion forcibly tattooed on their bodies. I'm not necessarily saying on the forehead. I'm a reasonable man. But just something along their arm or across their chest so their grand children can say, really? You were the ones who actually tried to stop the world from doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?" You know, there's nothing better than thinking about your grandchildren coming and seeing something tattooed on your arms. That's always good. Even to joke about. It was the same line of attack on health care. If you disagreed with Obamacare, it was because you were a racist, you were a hate monger, you wanted to starve children. Not because you believed in small government or entrepreneurs, right? Do you remember? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP FROM APRIL 29, 2009) PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Those of you who are watching certain news channels on which I'm not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: OK, waving tea bags -- why did he say that? Why did he do it that way? Now, the Obama administration officials are hiring mystery shoppers to pose as patients to find out if doctors are accepting patients with private insurance while turning away those in government health programs that pay lower reimbursement rates. Of course, they are. We told you this would happen. They knew this would happen. What's amazing about this story is this really is the mark of the death of the free press. You see, the press is supposed to be the watchdog. But if you don't have the press, well, then who is it? Well, don't worry about it, because, now, you have the government being the watchdog. You know you don't have an honest watchdog when the president said that doctors are out amputating legs or feet or taking out tonsils just for profit. And the press didn't expose those doctors or expose the president for lying to the American people, because only one of those things can be true. But the press just went away. So now, the government can be the watchdog. In Wisconsin, protesters continue to chant, "this is what democracy looks like," but here is what it really looks like. Listen to what they are saying to a Republican state senator as he is being chased by hecklers around the capitol building. Now, protesters are going around and mobbing banks and other companies. The government employee union is sending letters to businesses asking them to support workers rights or else. They put up signs like this one in their windows. It supports workers' rights. If you don't, then here is what happens -- "Failure to do so will leave us no choice but to do a public boycott on your business. And sorry, neutral means no to those who work for the largest employer in the area and are union members." Do any of -- are you seeing a pattern here? The unions did the same thing to Philadelphia. Locally owned coffee shop, little coffee shop didn't use the union outfit for some of renovations. They had thugs stand in front of their store every single day with signs saying that the coffee shop was harming their community. Welcome to the third grade, gang. You don't agree with me? you don't agree with me? Well, then you must hate teachers. No, no, no, I tell you what. You hate teachers and firefighters and cops and you want to starve children to death. Get 'em! That's what we're turning into. What do all of the stories have in common? Mobs. We're turning into a mobocracy and they're doing it to the whole planet. Why? They don't need to -- they don't need to tear us apart if we'll tear each other apart. We're being taught to hate each other, from the teens in the street, to union workers, to college liberals, to politicians, businesses, at some point, your views are going to be challenged. And, are you part of the mob? Or are you on the other end, the one that's surrounded? And if you are that person, how are you going to react? Tonight, we begin the search for courage. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. 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