Beck: Turning Tragedy to Triumph Published May 30, 2011 | Glenn Beck
Beck: Turning Tragedy to Triumph Published May 30, 2011 | Glenn Beck | Glenn Beck Special Guests: Stephanie Nielson, Christian Nielson This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," May 30, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. (APPLAUSE) GLENN BECK, HOST: From New York, tonight, I want to bring you a story on this Memorial Day of real hope. First of all, thank you to anybody who has fought for our country. Americans, I hope, are this weekend deciding who they are, and what it is important and realizing that it is in their future to not necessarily pick up a gun and fight for their nation, but to fight with everything in them, for what they believe and what is important, and our way of life. Every night I come to you and I tell you -- I mean, really, how many in the audience are spooked by half the crap that I say on the air? I mean, yes? Look, look. (LAUGHTER) BECK: All right. Clowns, put your hands down. I talk about some pretty spooky things on the air. And one of the things I hear all the time from you, at least I feel all the time and I hear when I go out is, "OK, Glenn, we get it. Now what?" "Now what" comes when your life is in order enough to be to withstand what's coming. What I've tried to do on this program is not only to inform you of what's coming but also try to do something that I don't think has ever been done on commercial television before, at least not successfully -- and that is talk to you about ways to find hope. Your life, like it or not, my life, all of our lives, they're about to dramatically change. But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Life is what we make of it. My father used to say, and I think everybody's father used to say this, it's not whether you win or lose -- it's how you play the game. So, how is it that you play the game? How is it you get through a game inning after inning where it feels like you are getting hit in the face? I think it boils down to who you are before the event happens, what seeds do you have inside. When I first told you the story on this program of a couple that I'm going to introduce you to, it was -- I think it was last week. And I told you this story and it was on a day that there were two stories in the news. One, a friend of mine had seen on ABC's "20/20" about a family who had gone through a real tragedy. And the woman was burned to the point to where her children didn't recognize her. The other story was about a woman in Iran that had acid thrown on her. And she was horribly disfigured. She was in the news because she was angry that the government wouldn't let her, as she felt was due, burn him back. One was filled with anger and darkness and rage. And the other had found hope and faith and God and beauty and love. Stephanie and Christian Nielson. Stephanie is 29 years old. This is somebody who has gone through the worst fire of life and survived, literally. We all have fires in our life. This one was literal. I contend this couple and this family is not just surviving, but they are thriving. They will tell you the story, but I want you to know, it's not -- it's not the crash or the burns that this program wants to concentrate on. It is my sincere hope that you get out of this program the answers to this question -- how are they doing it? How did they survive? Who were they before? Who are they today? How can I do it? Stephanie Nielson, plane crash survivor and the author of the blog, The Nie Nie Dialogues, which is read by millions of people. I cannot tell you how many friends of mine have said, "Oh, my gosh, you are having Stephanie on?" It's a big deal. Joined by her husband Christian Nielson, who also survived the plane crash. And their children are here. Claire is here, she is 9. James is 8. Ollie is 6. Nicholas is 4. Welcome, guys. How are you? STEPHANIE NIELSON, PLANE CRASH SURVIVOR: Good. Thank you. BECK: For somebody who doesn't know the story, what wants to tell it? CHRISTIAN NIELSON, PLANE CRASH SURVIVOR: Which part of the story? BECK: How it happened? What happened? C. NIELSON: Well, we -- Stephanie and I, we were -- the day of our accident, we were going to, we have a family ranch in New Mexico. We lived in Arizona at the time. We were flying to -- I had recently become a pilot. And Stephanie and I and a friend of mine who was my flight instructor, the four of us had planned, long planned this trip to the ranch and then back home. And we had experienced a beautiful day together, beautiful flying conditions. On the way home, we made a scheduled stop in a town, our last stop of the day before we arrived home, back to our children. And that's when we -- that's when the accident occurred after taking off from that stop. BECK: Pilot error? Mechanical error? Do you know? Does it matter? C. NIELSON: There is a pending -- BECK: Lawsuit. C. NIELSON: And investigation. Yes. BECK: OK. So now, the plane is down on the ground. What happens? C. NIELSON: Well, we had fuel on board, and at the time of the crash, there was a lot of -- you know, not sure exactly how the fire started. But the three of us when we crashed, we -- each of us woke up and came to at different times. I think I was the first to regain consciousness after impact. When I opened my eyes, there was just fire everywhere. The flames and the fire had matured. So I don't know how long it had been since we impacted the ground. But the flames were quite mature. At that point, it was just -- BECK: Get out. C. NIELSON: We need to get out. BECK: The pilot didn't get out? C. NIELSON: When we all got out on our own strength in different phases. I got out first, out my door. And told Stephanie to follow me, she exited behind me. And then my friend who was in the pilot seat, he got out last. BECK: Stephanie, you don't remember him saying, "Get out"? S. NIELSON: No, I don't remember him telling me to follow him and get out. It felt like really I was drowning with fire, which is a terrible feeling. I just, I wasn't -- I didn't like think well, where is he? Where did he go? Why didn't he help me out or anything? I was just -- I just remember that people were there. You know, that were helping me. That helped me get out of airplane. And I felt that it was a miracle how it happened. And I don't think I could ever explain it in a way without people thinking I was kind of crazy. But I know what happened. And I -- BECK: You believe -- you believe you were helped beyond? S. NIELSON: Yes. I was helped by people and friends and loved ones who told me. BECK: Can you go into that a little bit? Do you mind going into that? S. NIELSON: Oh, sure. Yes. I remember feeling like, OK, this is the end. This is what it feels like to die. And so, I thought, OK, I'll just -- it's going to hurt me. It's going to hurt really bad for maybe five for minutes and then I'll wake up and I'll be with my grandma or something, you know? That's what I was thinking, because I couldn't get the seat belt off. I was really confused, probably had a concussion that I was -- you know, I was just very -- I had no idea what was really going on. And so -- but I felt like people that love me said to me that this isn't -- that this isn't the end. It's not over. And I still have a lot to do. And so, they told me what to do and how to take my seat belt off and where to reach my hand and open the door and get out and that's what I did. And I remembered my second grade teacher telling me to stop, drop and roll in my head. And so, that's what I did. BECK: OK. So, you get out of the plane. Now, you are in, you're in a -- you're in a coma for how long? Medical induced coma. C. NIELSON: Yes. My first recollection after being woken up was about five or six weeks, they told me I had been asleep. BECK: You were in a medical induced coma for how long? S. NIELSON: Three months. BECK: You wake up and Barack Obama is president. S. NIELSON: Yes. (LAUGHTER) S. NIELSON: That is honestly the first thought I thought. I woke up and there was a white board and they had written the date on the board. It was like November 6. And I was like, who is our president? I don't know who it is. Who won? BECK: OK. I got to make the joke. So, did you think you were in hell? (LAUGHTER) BECK: Sorry. Cheap joke. And I thought somebody had to make it. Come on, you were thinking it! All right. So, all this time passes. S. NIELSON: Yes. BECK: And now, your children, hadn't seen you. Tell me about that. S. NIELSON: They were two-and-a-half years younger than they are now. So, Nicholas, the little one, was just about 18 months. And so, they hadn't seen me and may family is -- both of our families just sort of came and just picked them up and took over. My sister took care of the three oldest. And my other sister who didn't have children took the baby. And they lived as if their parents might not make it. They lived for three months thinking maybe their mommy would never, never come back. And so -- they're miraculous. They're amazing the way that they just -- they just thrive. They're OK. They're good kids. So, yes, no, I haven't seen them. I knew something was wrong. And I didn't -- I knew something was wrong with me and I didn't want them to know. I didn't want them to see me. BECK: So, they actually looked through a sheet for a while. S. NIELSON: So, yes. My room had like a sheet. That kind of went -- C. NIELSON: There was a privacy curtain. S. NIELSON: Yes, there was a privacy curtain. And we talked through that. BECK: What was your thought when you first saw your wife? C. NIELSON: You know, I was in a real low spot emotionally and physically when I woke up. And the first time I saw Stephanie, she was far worse than I even imagined. I mean, she was comatose, bandaged from head to toe. You know, just in a pile of medical equipment and bandages. And it could have been anyone under all of that stuff. But she -- my first thought was when I could feel, I could feel her in that room when I went to see her. And we made a spiritual connection. And I felt like -- I was just relieved that she was alive and I had seen her with my own eyes. And that she and I had every faith she was going to recover. BECK: I want to tell you just in the studio here. S. NIELSON: I'm so sorry. BECK: No, you shouldn't be. I knew you were thinking that. S. NIELSON: I can't concentrate. BECK: I have children, too. Children are like -- (LAUGHTER) (CROSSTALK) BECK: And I'm sitting here and I'm listening and I know, I can see you looking over to them and I'm thinking as a parent right now, I'm thinking I'm going to kill you when I get home. S. NIELSON: I know. I know. My hands are a little sweaty. BECK: Don't be. Don't be. I have to tell you what? We're going to take a break. We're going to let the kids go to the play room. S. NIELSON: Yes. BECK: So, you can concentrate. We all have kids. Back in just a second. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (APPLAUSE) BECK: We're back with Stephanie Nielson. She's a plane crash survivor and author of blog, "The Nie Nie Dialogue," which is read by millions of people. Joined by her husband now, Christian Nielson, who also survived the plane crash. We were talking about you seeing your wife for the first time in the hospital. And what was it like for you? Were you afraid to see yourself? S. NIELSON: Yes, out my own eyes I could -- I felt totally fine. But I knew the way that people were looking at me, I could tell that something, something wasn't right. And in the burn centers, they don't usually have mirrors around because they kind of want you to wait until you're ready to look at yourself. But I never got to that point. And so, they were saying to me, "It's time to look at yourself. You need to see what your children are going to see." I just didn't want to do it. BECK: You still see yourself the way because I still see -- I look sometimes in the mirror and I'm like whoa! You have gone down hill quickly. I still see myself younger. You kind of just -- you're always kind of 19 in your head. When your children saw you. And you? C. NIELSON: Only -- my facial injuries were not as serious as Stephanie's, but I -- BECK: Did it help your children get prepared? Because you're burned on your legs, too, right? C. NIELSON: Yes. And so, our, you know, legs and arms. So they saw my injuries so I think that did probably help them understand what they were going to see with their mom. Maybe, maybe not. But they -- I don't think that they -- we tried and tried, prepare as much as we could with the children. But it was almost all in vain. There was no real effective way of helping them understand what that was going to be like. BECK: I understand that you are a protector now, that when you are out in public, I heard you -- I heard you say that you have heard people in supermarket and children say things less than kind. S. NIELSON: Yes. BECK: How do you deal with that? S. NIELSON: Children are children. They're just being honest they're OK. It's the adults that I think I'm shocked that you would say something, you know, that hurtful. BECK: What are you -- adults say? S. NIELSON: Yes. Ladies at the grocery store will say oh, I feel as bad as you look. You know, things you're like oh, thanks so much. You know, just things like that are I think, didn't your mother teach you better than that? And so, I feel -- so I think I'm using this in hopes that my children won't be as careless and rude to people. And so, in a way, it hurts, but what an opportunity to teach my own little children, you know, how to treat people, that we love people, we respect people, it doesn't matter what they look like. You know, we're all people. And -- BECK: Who are you guys -- because we met and I'm so sad to say that most of my meetings are at a very high velocity. S. NIELSON: (INAUDIBLE). BECK: I know. S. NIELSON: There was a huge long line waiting. BECK: But we met in Arizona, right? S. NIELSON: It was in Utah. BECK: It was in Utah. S. NIELSON: It was at the freedom fest. C. NIELSON: Yes, you were hosting the freedom festival in Utah. BECK: Oh, my gosh. And we met -- and what were you like as a couple before? What did you have that prepared you for this? S. NIELSON: We were just the same, really. We were just the same. Wouldn't you think? BECK: Yes. And I think that -- the love that we have now is the same love we had then. And that is what helped prepare us for this tragedy. And I think that a lot of -- a lot of the people who are experts in the burn world, and healing arts, the doctor, the physicians and the nurses, a lot of them had experience that a lot of times marriages don't work out. BECK: A lot of times -- I would imagine most times. S. NIELSON: Most of the time. BECK: And it has nothing to do with the scars, here or here, but the scars inside. Be honest. You have to both be kicking yourself for getting on the plane. Whoever said let's go to the ranch this weekend. You wanted to be a pilot. I have didn't hear you say get out? You got out. Whatever the -- whatever the deception or the lie is that is running through your head, had to have played out -- had to have. C. NIELSON: Well, I mean there were. S. NIELSON: Sure I felt guilty for getting in the airplane because why did I do that? My children, you know, my children are -- they're going to be motherless. They're going to -- BECK: So, in pain and with everything, the stress of life -- come on. Come on, really? There is no time that you guys have -- I'm not saying for -- I'm just say you're being human. You never at some point you said either to each other or to God, why? None of it? C. NIELSON: You know, it's an interesting thing. I think what you are getting at is, you know, condemning the situation and, you know -- BECK: Or even your own guilt. For something that you -- there is no guilt there. C. NIELSON: We decided early on we wanted to be burn survivors, not burn victims. And, you know, it's a little bit, it's semantics but it's meaningful in how we deal with our problems. And we want to be -- we often corrected people about you know, calling us victims of our injuries. But we survived our injuries. We are alive today. We're with our family. We spent a lot of time -- BECK: Can I tell you something? I don't think you are survivors. Because I often talk about surviving something, you know, what's coming, or whatever I'm spooking the audience with. And being made fun of by Jon Stewart. I always, I'm going to not survive, you're going to thrive. I think you guys are burn thrivers. S. NIELSON: A good way to put it. BECK: I think you have taken and done much more than survive. S. NIELSON: I am now to the point and I think maybe I'm to this point now that I have forgotten all of whatever this madness and guilty that I've had. But I am grateful. BECK: So, it's like childbirth? Because I think -- S. NIELSON: Yes, that's a good point. BECK: Because I think God does some sort of wicked magic on, because women are, like, screaming, "I want to kill you." then the baby comes out and they're like, "We got to have another." S. NIELSON: Let's do it again. It's totally true. C. NIELSON: It sounds so familiar. S. NIELSON: It's totally true. BECK: We're the ones on earth that are here going, don't you remember? (LAUGHTER) S. NIELSON: I know, I know. YES, but I -- C. NIELSON: it's a good thing. Otherwise we don't have much. S. NIELSON: But I'm grateful for it now, I'm -- I can honestly tell you. And my kids ask me all the time -- don't you want to just go back, just how it was before? I don't. I really don't. I have been blessed beyond comprehension that anyone could ever have everything the whole world and they wouldn't have what I have, even though I deal with pain regularly. I just -- I am just so, you know, honored to have this, to be given this opportunity. I see it that way. BECK: How do you see it? What an amazing thing your wife has just said. C. NIELSON: I see it the same way. I remember thinking there was a point where all I can do is live in the moment and just talk about how this sucks and how our life has changed. And everything about our life changed. But it was soon after when Stephanie woke up and we started talking about it and processing our feelings together. We got to the point where it was hard kind -- it was hard to wish it away because of the way our family had grown, the way that our family rallied around us as we healed, the influence of the blog. And people all over the world who are -- a lot of them are strangers, total strangers to us, who live in other countries, but read her blog. We were on the receiving end of their prayers and faith in our behalf. And that experience alone to me seems worth it all. It's a remarkable experience. S. NIELSON: It's an actual tangible feeling. C. NIELSON: She -- Stephanie and I made the same observation when we came to be after being awoken from the coma, that we could actually feel people's prayers. And it was -- BECK: But do you remember George Bush use to say that after September 11? He used to say, "I can feel your prayers." I can tell you that's true. I can feel them, too. It's amazing, isn't it? It's really amazing how you can feel it. And you know when he is attending. I don't know if he is ever, sometimes he's done it twice to me here recently where after 8.28, after I did the "Restoring Honor" event, he kind of left me gofer, like on a vacation or something. I was just thinking about that today. I actually - - I missed him a great deal, you know? You can develop a nice relationship and you are used to having that. And you're used to feeling the prayers of others that just help you so much. It's an amazing feeling. I want to talk a little bit about the role God played in your life. And then any tips on, you know, how to survive. You know, I kind of feel guilty about whining about anything at this point. And the audience has questions, too. We'll do that, next. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: We are -- we're with the Neilson family. They are plane crash thrivers. They are people that I think haven't survived, but are doing more than that, and they are teaching others how to -- how to survive. On this -- on this program, we talked about some spooky things and people's lives are about to change. Your lives have dramatically changed. Is anything really the same anymore really? C. NIELSON: Superficially, no. S. NIELSON: Yes, yes. C. NIELSON: But -- BECK: And not something that you would've on the other side picked. You wouldn't have said, you know what, I'm going to have a can of that, right? S. NIELSON: No. BECK: And I think that's the way a lot of Americans -- that's why they don't want to look at what's possibly ahead because they don't want a can of that. And they're going to get served a can of that whether they like or not -- some will. So now I wanted you guys on because I wanted to know what got you through. I think I know the answer, but I watched the 20/20 and I -- I didn't see God in that story. S. NIELSON: No, and he didn't really show up in that story, but he -- BECK: Was he mentioned in the videotaping? S. NIELSON: He was a huge part. He was a humongous -- He was the part. He played the role in this story. BECK: But no God was hurt in the filming of that story? S. NIELSON: No, definitely not. BECK: OK. Good. So is that the reason you made it through? S. NIELSON: Yes. C. NIELSON: Yes, without question. S. NIELSON: 100 percent. BECK: OK. Members of your faith -- strong members of your faith -- we are both members. The three of us are the same members of the same faith. Were you strong members before? S. NIELSON: Yes. C. NIELSON: Yes. BECK: Did any of this challenge your faith at any point? C. NIELSON: No. S. NIELSON: Not even a little bit. BECK: And what role did it play? C. NIELSON: It was -- it was central to everything that we did. You know, for the first five weeks of the accident, I mean, before I woke up, it was just Stephanie's parents, my parents, and our siblings and some -- and close friends and people who were reading the blog. But the people that came to the hospital and visited us and interacted with the doctors and the bleak reports they were giving about how things were -- our outlook, our family had great faith in God, a supreme being who was overseeing this healing, and they expected a great miracle and they got it. And they had been exercising great faith and great prayer in our behalf for weeks. And when I woke up I realized at what point they were at spiritually and it gave me a lot of hope and realized that they were in a good place spiritually and how they were looking at our accident. And I -- I was got on board with that and I wanted the same miracle. I want Stephanie to come out and make it through and have our life and health restored. And you know, the doctors always said, they said, you know -- as far as Stephanie, said, you know, if she makes it, she probably will never walk again. If she makes it, she won't a nose or fingers or toes or, you know, legs. If she makes it and it was always predicated on if she makes it. But we -- we had great hope in a miracle and she's a bonafide miracle that we see today. BECK: What was the God part that you wanted people to hear? S. NIELSON: We all have problems. We all do. Every single one of us. Not one of us can go through this moral life without trials. And it was when I woke up from my coma that I realized I was one of those people that actually needed to rely on God to help me get through this. I've had minor little problems where you say your prayers and then you get answers. This was something much bigger than just a simple little prayer can fix this. This was -- this was relying on and giving everything up to him, leaving everything up to him. And it was hard to do that. But once I did that -- once -- I remember just being alone in my hospital room and just praying out loud just over and over again making deals like, if I can live, I will share the gospel with every single person that I know. And I'm trying to live up to that because I believe that was part of the deal and I'm doing it -- I'm trying to do it. And so, he was -- he was everything. He was the one that would be with me at nighttime when it was so awful and scary, and I missed my children and family. And he was there with me, and he never left my side, never, not once. And so to tell my story would be wrong if he wasn't a part of it because he is the story. He's the one that made it triumphant and glorious and so -- I was just -- I felt a little bit saddened that he wasn't mentioned in the 20/20 piece because that is -- that is the story. BECK: Have you ever read the "Survivors' Club?" S. NIELSON: No. BECK: "Survivors' Club" is a book written by another guy who I think heads ABC News. Does he not, Joe? Yes, he heads ABC News. He's a friend of mine. He's a good man. And he wanted to find out, as a journalist, what do all these survivors have in common? People in plane crashes, mountain climbing, you know, boat wrecks -- whatever happened to them. How do they survive? The number one thing they had in common, God. S. NIELSON: God, of course. BECK: God. That's what gets them through. Back in just a second. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: We have two amazing people. We have plane crash survivors Stephanie Nielson and her husband, Christian. And I think I want to start with -- is it Tina? Tina. Hi, Tina. Go ahead. TINA: Thank you, Glenn. Hi, Stephanie. My question was regarding the relationship with your dad. When I read about your story, I was so moved by his courage to tell you that you're a mother -- that's what you've always wanted to be -- and to just do it. Have you always had that connection with your father? S. NIELSON: Yes, I have. And I'm actually the eighth of nine in my family. So my dad, you know, he's got a special connection with all of us. But I'm his namesake and so I feel like we sort of have maybe something there that not everyone has. But I remember -- you know, after the accident, everyone was really nice to me. They were really sympathetic and really kind and you do whatever you want to do. And you can -- you know, whatever you want, we'll give it to you. And I think it was one day that I was just complaining a lot to my father because he and I sort of always -- you know, he'd make me walk laps with him to get exercise and kind of my therapy done with him. But he said to me one day, he said, Stephanie, what do you want? What do you want to do? You've got this family, you've got these beautiful children, you've always wanted to be a mother, you know, just do it. Just choose to do it. You can choose. And I think at first I was a little like, you're supposed to be nice to me. I just got in a plane crash. But it was true. You know, you can't mope around. And so, after that I realized this is what I want to do. I was born to be a mother. I love it. It's what I'm good at. TINA: Purpose. S. NIELSON: I know my purpose. BECK: They told you that you may not walk or they told you that she may not walk or having hands. You have hands. They also said that you weren't going to have any more children. S. NIELSON: Right. BECK: But now that's changed. S. NIELSON: Wrong again. Yes. BECK: And this is a double blessing, is it not? Can you explain? S. NIELSON: It's -- you can only give -- you can only give skin to yourself really. You can -- they can put -- C. NIELSON: Skin grafts. S. NIELSON: Skin grafts. They can put -- you know, pig skin or cadaver skin as just sort of like the base or the first -- temporary and then you can only give skin to yourself. Being burnt 80 percent, there's really not a lot that you can give yourself. And so, for my neck they did this similar thing where they put kind of like -- it's kind of like breast implants in and then they blow it up. And each week I'd go in for another treatment and my back would get bigger and bigger and bigger. And then they took that big skin and made a neck out of it. And so, they actually want me to get pregnant so that they can use that skin for other parts of my body which is really exciting because I want a baby more than anything and I -- you know. BECK: What an amazing story. All right. Let's go to Joe. JOE: Thanks, Glenn. Thanks for sharing this story. It's amazing and your outlook. Obviously, your faith got you guys through, made you thrivers, but I guess other people who may not have that -- how do they react and how long does that process take for them to get back to normal? Or has that changed for good? Other people's reaction and your interactions with other people in your daily lives, your jobs, your neighbors? S. NIELSON: Go ahead. C. NIELSON: Well, I guess -- you're talking about people who don't have that faith -- BECK: No, they're talking -- I think -- Joe, you're talking about people around you -- have you had friends and family that have been shook by this and you can't get them -- JOE: Yes, because it kind of changes -- it changes you -- that you're going through it. They don't know how you're going through it. They're looking -- BECK: I lost every friend I had when I went -- went through my alcoholism -- lost everything. I can count the friends that I have now that I had then on one hand. Same question here. How -- how have your friends reacted? C. NIELSON: You know, our friends -- Stephanie and I have talked about this. We have the best friends. We don't have a lot of friends, but the ones we have are good, stellar friends. BECK: Come on. Throw somebody under the bus. C. NIELSON: I really mean that. S. NIELSON: We really only have like two friends. It's not a big deal. C. NIELSON: But they were -- they were -- you know, they were instrumental in our healing as well and they -- you know, they -- two of our friends, they were the godparents of our children. And in the interim while our family was trying to figure out what to do with our situation with our children, our house and stuff, they stepped in, played the role as godparents and took the kids for overnight or a couple of days while Stephanie's family and my family worked out some things. But you know, our -- so we have good friends in that regard. But plus, you know, our friends -- the few friends we have -- we share the bond of our faith as well. We share a common belief in God and having that foundation as part of our mutual friendship made enduring and thriving in our accident possible. BECK: With that faith, is there anything that you believe that you cannot conquer? C. NIELSON: I don't think there is anything. S. NIELSON: No. C. NIELSON: I think with God all things are possible. S. NIELSON: Of course. BECK: Back in just a second. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: We are -- we are back with Stephanie Nielson and Christian Nielson. We have final remaining minutes and I wanted -- I'm sorry, I can't remember your name again. You're from Portland, Oregon. What is your name again? DAPHNE: Daphne. BECK: Daphne. Yes. Your question? DAPHNE: How did you change from a negative mindset to a positive one? S. NIELSON: It didn't happen really fast. It took me a while. But being positive to me means looking at what I have already that's wonderful and I still have wonderful things. I had -- I still had four beautiful children and a handsome husband. And I still had my faith and my relationships. And so I would -- I just remember thinking about those things and pretty soon they outnumbered all of the awful things that I was going through. And so it was just spin around and I could do that all day long. And I wanted to do that all day long because I was pretty bummed a lot. And -- but I just never let go of the -- of the feeling that God's never left me and my children will never leave me and my husband loves me regardless of what I look like. And then, all of a sudden, it just seemed good, seemed OK. BECK: You two are amazing. You really are. S. NIELSON: Thanks. BECK: A minute each, the last two minutes. Probably two, two and a half million people are watching. What -- I can't tell you how many people are struggling with something. Give them a message. What is the most important thing that you could say to somebody? C. NIELSON: I would say that, you know, everybody has challenges in life. Everybody suffers as one point or another. And they -- a lot of people lace of their boots and put on a happy face knowing that things are just as bad as the day before and the day before that. And for some people, they not feel like there's much hope in their life. But that's not true. There is hope no matter how low you get and how bad you think your life it. If you have hope in your future and trust that God is more powerful than you are, then things will turn out. And I believe that the level of trust that you put in him somehow equates to the outcome of how much hope you will have. BECK: Stephanie? S. NIELSON: I -- similar to what Christian said. I believe and I know -- I know that there is a God and he loves me and he loves my children and he wants my happiness. And he wants everybody's happiness, not just mine, not just the people who are good, everybody. And he will accomplish that and -- so if I can help people do that, then I'm -- I'm here. I'm more than willing to do that. I believe that I'm a blessed person. And so I want to share that with everybody. And so, I would say that to them. BECK: Back in a minute. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: A year ago last summer I asked you to take the "40 Day and 40 Night Challenge: A Blueprint for National Survival." And it is the first line in the challenge that is the last line of the declaration -- with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence. That is the key. From New York, good night, America. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Read more: Read more: Read more: Read more: Read more: Read more: Read more: Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." LT-1941 "FLESH OF MY FLESH; BLOOD OF MY BLOOD; KIN OF MY KIN WHEN SAY COME TO YOU, YOU SHALL CROSS LAND OR SEA TO DO MY BIDDING!" CVTD-1895 "FROM HELL'S HEART I STAB AT THEE, FOR HATE SAKE I SPIT MY LAST BREATH AT THEE" CA-1895 "I HAVE BEEN, AND ALWAYS SHALL BE YOUR FRIEND" Spock "TRICK OR TREAT, TRICK OR TREAT CANDY IS DANDY BUT MURDER, OH MURDER, IS SO SWEET" CRL-2003 "EYE OF NEWT, AND TOE OF FROG, WOOL OF BAT, AND TONGUE OF DOG ADDER'S FORK, BLIND-WORM'S STING, LIZARD'S LEG, AND OWLET'S WING. FOR A CHARM OF POWERFUL TROUBLE, LIKE A HELL-BROTH BOIL AND BABBLE. DOUBLE, DOUBLE, TOIL AND TROUBLE, FIRE BURN, AND CALDRON BUBBLE" WS Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk |
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