Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Original Air Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Chelsea tells Jett that Danielle is married, and Jett gets upset with her for sticking her nose in his business. Stephanie consoles Chelsea, but wants to know why Chelsea's more preoccupied with Jett than with Nick. Max admits to Jeremy that Jett was asking him about their side deal. Jeremy confronts Jett and tells him that the designer knock-off scam is no big deal. Jett calls Danielle and tells her that Chelsea knows she's married, but says that he thinks he can still use her. Max tells Jett about finding Jeremy with Ilsa and says he thinks something was very wrong with the situation. Chelsea apologizes to Jett for prying. Jett tells Chelsea that it's okay, and "confides" in her that it's over with Danielle. Jett and Chelsea are about to kiss when Jett pulls back and tells her to leave. EJ helps Bo set a trap for "Tony" by asking him to meet on a rooftop. Bo goes in EJ's place instead to arrest "Tony" for attempted murder, and for his involvement in the real Tony's disappearance. "Tony" finally admits he is Andre, but demands total immunity in exchange for information on the real Tony's whereabouts. Bo rejects Andre's offer. Andre accidentally falls off the roof, but manages to hang on to the edge. Bo gets Andre to confess that Tony is being kept prisoner on a remote island, and that there's a map. Bo asks where the map is when Bart returns to the roof. Andre shouts, "Bart's back!" before slipping from Bo's grasp and falling. Roman grants EJ's request for a meeting with Sami at the pub, in exchange for EJ's help. Sami agrees to work out an arrangement for the children. Sami denies when EJ suspects she has feelings for him. Bo announces that Andre is in the hospital and probably won't survive. Bo reports that he didn't get the location of the map, but when relating Andre's last words, EJ realizes that Andre meant the map is on Bart's back.

On the next Days of our Lives:
John tries to track down Tony. The story of the feud continues to unfold. Belle catches Shawn in a lie.

Original Air Date: Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fancy and Jared search for the Blackmailer. Fancy wants to clear Luis, and Jared wants to help Theresa, vowing to kill if he loses her. Theresa sips her poisoned tea while Sheridan, possessed, urges her on. Theresa collapses to the floor, gasping for air. Ethan pleads with Gwen to leave Theresa alone and let them live happily. Gwen surprisingly agrees, but first has something she feels Ethan needs to know.

On the next Passions:
Miguel has a romantic surprise for Kay. Spike's on the loose. Gwen slaps Theresa around.


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