Thursday, July 26, 2007


Original Air Date: Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chelsea urges Nick to stop gambling as he loses big at a blackjack table. Chelsea leaves, and a larger-than-life player offers Nick advice about life and gambling. Nick, bolstered by the kind stranger, takes a huge risk, and wins almost $50,000. Nick shows Chelsea his winnings and blurts out that they should get married. Jeremy ditches Stephanie to follow Ilsa. Max trails Jeremy and Ilsa to a hotel corridor. Max looks on as Jeremy chastises Ilsa. Max reveals himself and asks what their connection is. Ilsa tells Max to mind his own business and moves off. Jeremy tells Max that he's tired of Max's suspicions, and thinks that he and Max should end their partnership. Max agrees and promises to keep quiet about the designer clothes. Max confronts the drunk guy, who reveals that Ilsa is a prostitute, and Max demands the number of her escort service. Chelsea tells Stephanie that Jeremy cheated on her, informing her about Max finding Jeremy with a girl at Bo's house. Stephanie lashes out at Chelsea. Stephanie confronts Jeremy about his one-night stand. Belle doesn't give an answer to Shawn's proposal right away. Belle questions if they are ready, gently suggesting that his proposal has more to do with Philip than anything else. Shawn denies, patiently telling Belle that it's okay if she's not ready. Belle asks Shawn why he lied about flying to Cleveland, asking where he actually went. Shawn claims he just drove around Salem. Belle accepts his explanation, and then also accepts his proposal. Shawn is ecstatic as he slips on the ring, but Belle's feelings are a bit more enigmatic. Steve tends bar at the Brady pub as Kayla walks in, glowing after spending time with Ciara. Steve says no when Kayla asks him if he'd like to have a baby, but Kayla won't accept that. Kayla wants to raise a child with Steve, which they didn't get to do with Stephanie. Steve reminds Kayla that his relationship isn't great with Stephanie, pointing out that he may not be father material. Kayla disagrees, staying firm on her desire to adopt a child.

On the next Days of our Lives:
John sets up a sting. Nick’s actions upset Chelsea. Max confronts Jeremy.

Original Air Date: Thursday, July 26, 2007

Everyone visits Luis in his death row cell. Luis gets the bad news that his stay of execution was rejected. Luis asks everyone to celebrate the good times instead of dwelling on his death. Luis overhears Theresa and Pilar talking about Little Ethan's paternity. Luis makes a last request of Theresa, to tell Ethan the truth. Norma and Mrs. Wallace get sucked back into the basement, and plead with Tabitha and Endora for help. Norma and Mrs. Wallace successfully escape, but the Chief Evil Officer of Tabitha's Basement, the Hooded Demon, appears in a fiery blaze, wanting what's his.

On the next Passions:
Luis accepts Fancy's proposal. Sheridan tries to thwart Fancy's plan. Endora unleashes her power.


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