Friday, June 08, 2007


Original Air Date: Friday, June 08, 2007

Lucas forbids Sami to go anywhere near Stefano again. Sami insists to Lucas that she needs to solve the mystery of the vendetta and Coleen. Lucas tells Sami that he'll ask Bo if he knows who Coleen was, but says that Sami has to stay out of it. EJ shows up after Lucas leaves, having received a note from Stefano summoning him and Sami. Stefano supposedly wants to offer Sami the possibility of a truce. Sami's torn, recalling Lucas' warning to stay away from Stefano. EJ reminds Sami that everything she wants is within her grasp, and manages to convince her to join him. Sami writes Lucas a note telling him she went to see Stefano. Bo and Hope tell Shawn that Willow is dead. Shawn decides to take care of the funeral arrangements, provided the DNA tests prove the child Willow was carrying is Shawn's. Shawn says that if Willow lied to him and the child isn't his, he wants nothing more to do with her. Hope asks Bo if he believes Chelsea had nothing to do with starting the fire. Bo and Hope both agree that Chelsea's innocent. Doug and Julie arrive with the key to Doug's Place. Lucas asks Bo about Coleen. Bo, Doug, Julie and Hope report that Coleen was the love of Santo DiMera's life, and they think she's at the root of the DiMera/Brady feud. Bo, Hope, Doug and Julie are going to open up Doug's Place to search the tunnel underneath the club, where Doug and Julie once found evidence of the DiMeras' plans in Salem. Philip tells Belle that he got a call from a man named George Stemmer, who claims to have spotted Claire the night she disappeared. George arrives and positively identifies Claire as the little girl he saw being taken away by a woman who tore out of a parking lot in the South Pacific. George remembers that the woman's backpack had a bumper sticker: "USADORABLE." Philip discovers that it's a beauty pageant for toddlers, and there's a pageant being held that day in Chicago. Shawn arrives, and Belle and Philip fill him in. Philip and Belle plan to go to Chicago to investigate, praying they'll find Claire. Belle urges Shawn to attend the inquest into Willow's death to find out if he really was the father of her unborn baby. Shawn agrees to meet Belle and Philip in Chicago once the inquest is done.

Original Air Date: Friday, June 08, 2007

Paloma and Noah go through the police evidence to try and clear Jessica of murdering the johns. Fancy and Sheridan go at each other's throats over who's to blame when the blackmailer escapes. Theresa confesses to Father Lonigan that she's glad the blackmailer got away, even though it means Luis won't be saved. Tabitha, determined to raise Endora to be wicked, ignores Endora's pleas for a cute puppy. Tabitha conjures Endora a black cat instead. Endora turns the cat white, and names it "Snowball."


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