Friday, August 18, 2006


Original Air Date: Friday, August 18, 2006Belle and Mimi, still at odds after the custody argument, worry that they haven't heard from Shawn and Philip. It turns out the guys are at the pub trying to come up with a solution to their problems. Philip thinks Shawn and Mimi should move far away from Salem, but Shawn refuses. Instead of a fist fight, the boys battle it out in a drinking contest. Shawn wins, but when he gets home, he passes out. Bo confronts Chelsea about changing the e-mail he sent to Hope. Billie is furious when she hears what Chelsea has done. Bo vows he will have nothing to do with Chelsea if she keeps acting in selfish and destructive ways. Chelsea runs out in tears. Later, Chelsea runs into Belle at the garage. Seeing Belle with Claire, and knowing that Shawn is the father, makes Chelsea realize it's time for her to do the right thing. Caroline tries to convince Bo and Hope to attend Sami's wedding together but Hope refuses. In private, Bo tries to change Hope's mind. He reminds her about Chelsea changing the e-mails and says he will not give up on a future with Hope.

Original Air Date: Friday, August 18, 2006Theresa explains her marital situation to Jared and asks for another chance. Jared refuses her request. Gwen and Ethan watch the exchange and Ethan is secretly happy. Whitney comes up with a scheme to get Theresa and Jared back together. Luis is amused as Fancy prattles on about being excited about police work. Chris and Spike meet up for the security code handoff, but Sheridan overhears Chris and wants to know who he is talking to. Chris lies to Sheridan and Spike prepares to rob the mansion. When Chris and Sheridan go out for dinner, Luis and Fancy show up at the same restaurant. At the fair, Tabitha tries to win a stuffed animal for Endora to no avail. The cunning baby witch zaps a zoo's worth of stuffed animals into her stroller, creating a sticky situation for Tabitha when a fair worker notices. Kay threatens to expose Siren as a mermaid, but the sea creature assures Kay no one will believe her. Miguel asks to speak to Kay privately, but she and Fox go off for some private time together.


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