Monday, January 10, 2011 Beck Responds to Giffords Shooting Blame Game | Glenn
Monday, January 10, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 10, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: Welcome to "The Glenn Beck Program." First of all, let's start here: my family's thoughts and prayers are with Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her family. But also her staff, and the others who are wounded on Saturday, the families of the six dead. With special note to Christina Taylor Green, she was 9 years old born. She was born nine years ago, 2001, on 9/11. This family was welcoming in their arms -- while we were all panicked in terror -- they were welcoming a new baby girl into the world on a day of unspeakable terror. She lost her life in unspeakable terror at the hands of a madman. What can we learn from that? I monitored the news all weekend, and I waited and I waited and I waited. I waited for anyone to step up and lead, someone to say something of common sense, something that wasn't political, something that would call us together, something that would call us to be our better self, someone in the end just to stand up and say, "Stop it, knock it off." I'm still waiting. People are suffering. I don't know if the people in the media or in Washington understand this is real. It's real life. This is our country. But I guess our country, our republic, people's lives, everything, can just be used and turn into a game of political opportunity. It's a disgrace. You deserve better. And the republic deserves better. So I decided to go back to a statement that I started the show last week with. I am sick and tired of waiting for a leader. So, at least this hour, I'll do it. I'll do it. And you need to do the same. Lead. Much to the chagrin of most of the people in the media, I'm not playing defense tonight. Oh, no, no. This is offense. I'm going to issue a challenge. Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Sarah Palin, President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Speaker Boehner -- it's time to make a choice. I know how many of them will stand, but I'm going to issue a challenge. It is time to stand up for the republic, stand for peace, stand for principles, or you can just keep adding to the problem by playing the game. Let's see who steps up. The game? Stop it. Knock it off. It begins next. (MUSIC) BECK: Well, this is -- these are the players apparently in the game. Some of them are players and others are being played. I guess one at the top there is just being used. Hello, America. I was in New York City, on my anniversary with my wife, I was actually at "Spider-Man," halfway through -- I can't wait to tell you about that, maybe tomorrow -- about halfway through and my security detail said, "I'm sorry, but I'm told you need to see this." And it all said was, "Congresswoman shot in the head, several dead." Quite honestly, my first reaction, I looked at my security guy and said, "Send somebody immediately, protect the kids." My second reaction was the human reaction of praying for everyone involved and worried about their safety, praying for our country. However, my professional reaction was about 20 minutes later, as my wife was still sitting next to me and I was trying to pretend that I was still really watching the show. And I'm just thinking about everything that was happening. And it went into intermission and I text-messaged my staff. I contacted my staff and I said, "No statement whatsoever. No speculation on any of the platforms, nothing. Wait for the facts." It's common sense. I didn't need to tell them that. They all knew that. But the rest of the media didn't seem to understand that it's weird, because you'd think they would have learned that from the Shirley Sherrod incident. Don't jump to conclusions because you can make terrible, terrible mistakes. But some people, it means, will never learn. Since we didn't "Shirley Sherrod" Shirley Sherrod in the first place, I wasn't going to make that mistake the first time, but they made it again. This network was one of the only places that didn't engage in wild speculation, but I guess common sense doesn't matter when you're just trying to create a story line to fit an agenda. Tonight, I want to separate the garbage, because that's what it is. It's trash. I want to separate the garbage from the facts. Because if this network doesn't do it, and this show doesn't do it, who will? I showed you last week how progressives will go about implementing their agenda. It comes, all you have to do is listen to people like Van Jones and especially Frances Fox Piven. But this is an old -- really, this came from the congressional testimony and papers that were released and smuggled out of the -- behind from the Iron Curtain. This has happened before. This is how they transformed governments before in communism. What happens is a group of people have a solution. And then they make sure that they have people in power in government at the top. Then they create a problem, or exploit problems that will go to their solution. Overwhelm and collapse the system, get people to rise up, and then when the people rise up and there's chaos in the streets, the top comes down -- remember, those are the people they have in power in the government with their predetermined solution. This isn't wild speculation. This isn't -- this is fact. We've laid this case out over and over again and not some conspiracy theory. I've shown you the documents. I've shown you the history of it. I've shown you how it's all playing out again. Now, the solution in this particular case is to silence or discredit the opposition. They've been trying to do it for years. Talk radio, it's bane of their existence forever. The right, you've got to shut them down. Tea Parties, oh! Conservatives. Sarah Palin -- how do you control Sarah Palin? You don't. You just shut her down. But how do you do it? Well, they have to create a problem or exploit a problem. So, are they creating one or exploiting this one? For instance, you want to shut everybody down, all you do is you say they're dangerous. It's hate speech, you know. Nothing but violent rhetoric. They have been using this story line for a very, very long time. It's almost laughable at this point. They've been wrong so many times. They're desperately using every opportunity to try to convince you that somehow or another Sarah Palin is dangerous. Somehow or another, Rush Limbaugh is dangerous. Or I am. Anything to shut her down, shut me up, shut talk radio down, shut FOX News off. Then everything will be sunshine and lollipops, and they can come in with the predetermined solution: silence the opposition. And they can do it with the Fairness Doctrine or maybe Al Sharpton's call for regulation of racist rhetoric on talk radio because it's gone -- what was his quote? -- way beyond hate speech or free speech? OK. We saw the strategy before. You've seen it for almost two years now. It's Tea Party. Look how dangerous this woman is. She's about to sing. If she sings, she's dangerous. Oh, that one is. She's very dangerous! The problem with this is the media script doesn't match reality. They're so isolated on this stupid little island called Manhattan that they just think that you're so stupid that you'll believe this -- 8.28, there were no violent acts. There were no arrests. There wasn't a stick of garbage left on the Mall. Yet, these people are consistently called dangerous, based in zero facts. They did the same thing with a consensus worker in Kentucky. Do you remember this guy? Everyone rushed to blame the right. Many actually blamed me, said I killed him. Yes. No facts. They got it wrong. If I'm not mistaken, it was suicide. They did it again with the guy who flew the plane in the IRS building -- had to be the right! No. No. No, it wasn't. No, it wasn't. They got it wrong again. They did it with the Florida school board shooter. Remember this guy? Blame the right. It's people like Glenn Beck that get this guy wound up. No, no, no, he was from the left. They got it wrong again. May I ask the media a question? Is there such a thing as an editor anymore? Is there anybody -- do you have a boss? Is there anybody there? Or do you just write stuff or say stuff that comes out? Is there anybody holding anyone responsible? Because I know this, if I got this many things wrong, this wrong, I would have been fired long ago. If I were the editor and allowed this speculation to be on the air? They would have fired me then, too. And they say the Internet is irresponsible. In reporting that would quite frankly embarrass the worst basement blogger in the underpants, the media picked up their story line, dusted it off again because it fits their agenda without any of the facts. And they kept pushing the garbage. The Giffords shooting -- oh, it's no different. Oh, this is a right wing guy without any facts about the shooter -- without any facts about the shooter. The founder of the leftist site Daily Kos is factlessly tweeted: "Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin." And then had a link to an image of her campaign graphic with the targeted races on it. He did this before we knew the name of the shooter. How did we connect that to Sarah Palin? He didn't even know the name. Let me ask you this -- if this map was responsible for someone who wasn't even fan of Sarah Palin, I don't -- there's no evidence that he even listen to Sarah Palin, nothing. And then we saw this, nothing. If this did it, could it be that seeing that he was so far seemingly to the left, that maybe, maybe, because I have no evidence of this, no fact whatsoever, that maybe he read The Daily Kos. See, because two days earlier, The Daily Kos had posted this story. "My congresswoman voted against Nancy Pelosi and is now dead to me." Said that she was just a sell-out and that she is -- she's a conservative in hiding. She's dead to him. I think the "Daily Kos" thinks so because they scrubbed this. You can't find this on the Internet anymore. It's too bad people archive things. Isn't it? Should we blame The Daily Kos for this shooting? Because this, oh, my gosh, "now, dead to me"? What is that? That's a threat, isn't it? Wasn't he encouraging people? No. No. The Daily Kos is not responsible, no more than Sarah Palin is responsible because of the stupid map. If that's the standard, hey, Gabrielle Giffords supported the cap-and- trade bill. Maybe, maybe we should blame Joe Manchin, because remember this? This guy, there he is. He's loading the gun and he's taking aim at the cap and trade bill and he says he's going to stop it. A Democrat. Is that a little insulting? Because I think it is. The shooter was nuts, pure and simple. That's it. He never mentioned FOX, but he never mentioned MSNBC either. He never mentioned me, Obama, Sarah Palin, Nancy Pelosi, none of it. He was obsessed with Giffords for some time. In 2007, he actually asked her a question in person and then kept the letter from Giffords, her office, in a safe. The letter just said "Hey, thanks for attending this." That's it. 2007 -- let's just do a history check. Check your calendar. Two years before the Tea Party was established. A year before Sarah Palin was thrown in the political spotlight. And what, three years before the little map. Oh, and by the way, at that time, I was on the liberal bastion of CNN. How clever we must have been. I have told you on this program that we are facing a danger. We are facing danger, and I, on this program, have highlighted certain things. I have told you that there are people out there, that I think are dangerous that actually believe that 9/11 was an inside job, and that George Bush was responsible for wiring it up and blowing up the World Trade Center. I think some of those people are nuts. I think some of them are dangerous. I have told you that the government would so discredit themselves that those things would start to make more and more sense. And people would say, "You know what? I don't know if I believe in the moon landing anymore." I warned you that there would be a danger from people who understand big government solutions and they would be for it. And it didn't matter to them whether it's communism or fascism like in Germany. Remember I said that there were two rails of the same train: fascism and communism. And it really didn't matter. Well, let's take a little look at this. Here we have a shooter. This kid thinks the mars rover, the landing, was faked. He thinks George W. Bush was behind 9/11. He believes in big government solution. His favorite books include "The Communist Manifesto" and "Mein Kampf." It's almost like there is no difference between the two for this guy. So, he's got these -- you know what I could do? I could tell you right now this guy is a textbook study of everybody I've warned against. But I'm not going to do that. Why? Why don't you hear me blaming "the truthers" for this? The communists, the "We never went to space" people. Why? Because the evidence doesn't support it. It fits my agenda, if I had an agenda to make you believe those things, but my agenda is the truth. And that doesn't fit. So, what was it? Oh, well, you have to look long and hard. You have to look almost two minutes to find the truth. The community college he attended booted him, said he wasn't to return until he sought psychiatric help because they thought he was a danger. One of his professors, this guy, said he was spooking him, intimidating him. He said he was a danger to the class. OK. So, they believed he was dangerous. And one of the reasons why is because he made no sense. He believed in a better world through grammar. OK. Well, that is ridiculous and may make you crazy, but it doesn't make you dangerous. But this guy was. The media and politicians are trying to sell you the idea that this guy is a right wing nutjob. Moved to action by FOX News or me or Sarah Palin. It's great if you want a bedtime story and read it to your kids. It is fiction. But if that's what you want to tell your kids? Go ahead. But if you want to be responsible American, or a responsible journalist, you have to look at the facts. And those tell a very different story. This man wasn't a right wing nutjob. But he also was not a left wing nutjob. He was just a nutjob. There are people who are nuts and will do violent things and they will do them in somebody else's name because they're nuts. There's also people like the 19 hijackers who took down the world trade center in the name of Allah. Is Allah responsible? Or, hey, how about the religion that these guys go to? No, no, no, no, no, no -- we are told by the media. These 19 hijackers -- no, no, no. It's interesting how the media will spend so much time saying it's an individual that did it. And never push the blame to the groups that they might be a part of -- except in this case and cases like it. And they're wrong every time. In just a few minutes, I'm going to issue the media and all of those in Washington, anyone involved quite frankly in this country in dialogue, a challenge. It's not going to make news because it's not going to fit into anybody's agenda, but I posted it at And I hope the true leaders of this country step forward and take a stand. Take a stand against people like this, the sheriff, Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, who with no facts whatsoever -- I don't even know if they had all the people out to the hospital yet, but he took the opportunity, of course, to play politics. Here's what he said. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) SHERIFF CLARENCE DUPNIK, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA: Even though we have free speech in this country, constantly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, making the people angry at government, public officials, elected officials and so forth, may benefit some party. But I think those people have to consider that they may have some responsibility when things -- incidents like this occur. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: Hmm. That was today, by the way. He said the same stuff on Saturday -- even though the facts now came out, and showed that he was wrong. I mean, I'd like to get his opinion on health care sometimes, or maybe who his pick for the Super Bowl is, just so I can bet on the other team, he doesn't have a good track record so far. What this is have to do with the case, here's a sheriff whose job is to give the facts, but he went out right after the shooting and blamed recklessly people for a shooting when he had zero -- let me back it up -- zero basis to back up his accusation, immediately went after talk radio. He's a law enforcement official, you'd think he'd know better, but apparently, he doesn't. Garbage. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. 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