.Friday, January 07, 2011 Time for a Personal Revolution | Glenn Beck
Friday, January 07, 2011 Special Guests | Dr. Keith Ablow This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 7, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. (MUSIC) (APPLAUSE) GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America. Welcome to New York. Our studio audience is here tonight. Uh-oh, look who unplugged the phone! This has been a very interesting week. And we're going to go out with a bang. I want you to set your DVRs for this one. Get the remote. I'll give you a second. Really -- I mean, I'm doing this because -- well, OK, I'll tell you in a sec. Ladies and gentlemen of America, I, Glenn Beck, am calling for a revolution -- a personal revolution in the hearts and minds of each and every one of us. Now, the reason why I ask you to set the DVR is because that way when MediaMatters.org grabs this clip and in about 10 seconds -- eight, seven, six -- and posts it online, the last part about the personal revolution, yes, you'll be able to send that to your neighbors and friends so you can set them straight. The left is calling for a revolution. And they are calling for violence in the streets. I said earlier this week about Van Jones and how they really are -- I mean, sounding more and more like "Star Wars." Has anybody else noticed this? It's all starting to sound like "Star Wars." They're quoting the emperor and Darth Vader: "Feel your anger. Strike out." I mean, what are you -- what are you doing? No, no, go with Yoda. You remember the little, weird creepy guys with the ears? He had the answer. If I asked you -- let me ask the studio audience. Who can solve our financial problems in America right now? Who has the system to solve that? Did anybody have that? Who here has a solution for solving the ethical problems of the banking system right now? Do you have that? We are so stupid sometimes. I shouldn't say that. I am so stupid sometimes. I have been looking for answers in all the wrong places. I have been looking to Washington and to the parties and to the politicians for the answers. And then the Tea Parties came along and they just kind of sprouted out and everybody got up and they're like -- hey, that's kind of cool, huh? And they changed things. This should be the giant lightning bolt that we're all hit by. The key to overcoming the overwhelming challenges we face in our country is you and me and the neighbor next door. I think it was on Tuesday's show of this week that I said that in the last few weeks, I have come to the realization that time is up. We cannot wait for the next George Washington or Ronald Reagan. I mean, how many people -- how many people ask somebody that you respect, hey, who do you think is going to be the next president? Who's out there? Who can run -- who cares? If they show up? Great. I'm there. If they don't, we're kind of screwed if that's our plan. This week, I introduced this, E4. This is on a gas tank because let this be a refueling station for you every day at this time. Do DVR the show. Do share this with your friends. Talk about the show. Disagree about the show, argue about the facts and the show. Do your own homework. The four E's: enlightenment, education, E2, empowerment, and entrepreneurship. It is. I mean, watch "Star Wars." It's pretty much this. It's a way to achieve a personal revolution. The left is doing all of them except this. Enlightenment not really even, it's twisted enlightenment. It's collective salvation. Education is a William Ayers education. It's twisted. The founders were evil and bad. Empowerment, Van Jones we showed you today or last -- what was it? A couple of days ago, that empowerment, all that is, to Van Jones, feel your anger, rise up and grab the whip. If you do this right, enlightenment and education and empowerment, you realize who you are, you realize what the truth is, and you realize that you do really make a difference, it leads you to create. This isn't about making money. If entrepreneurship is just about making money, well then that leads to people creating CBOs. We can sit around and talk about how making money, but that's not what entrepreneurship is. Entrepreneurship is about creating something of value. Why does something have value? Because it's something that somebody wants, something that somebody needs. That's different. Enlightenment being twisted, education being twisted, and empowerment, grab the whip. You're not creating anything. You're destroying for the left. This is the solution. And it is a way for each of us to discover who we truly are and in turn restore. But each of these have steps in and of themselves. This is -- quite honestly, I have told you earlier this week that this is a one-year process. But it's not. Wait until you see what I have planned for 2012. This is -- this is the beginning. Once we've gotten through here, I'm telling you, we are going to rock the world. And I know it to be true, because I've done all of those. I've done them. And if you met me 15 years ago, you would have said, he's the last guy to do them. This year, we are going to challenge ourselves and those we -- that choose to chart this course with us, maybe that's you, maybe it's not. I'm challenging you to find out what you really believe. And I don't mean like, yes, I think that's true. I mean, no, tell me why it's true. You know what? Tell me why you hate me. Don't tell me, oh, he's a racist, he's stupid, he's ignorant. No, no, no. Come on, you can do better than that. Dig down, man! Why? Why am I wrong? Specifically, what have I been wrong about? Come on. I'm challenging you. Find out who you are, what you believe and then what you are capable of. It is the power of the individual and it is the only way. Does anybody really think that a president is going to come in -- answer this question -- a president can come in and fix our nation's problems? I mean, unless he's Jesus, I don't think that's happening. It's not going to happen. It's interesting, the other side, the radicals, and people who are running our country mainly in the ground, are using this same system. They have come to same conclusion. And I want to give you this audio again from Van Jones. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) VAN JONES, FORMER GREEN JOBS CZAR: So, now, your challenge as you leave here -- our challenge -- is to take care of that bottom-up part and that inside-out, the hard part. That's where we're weak now -- top-down, bottom-up, and inside-out. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: OK. The top-down is have the people, have a solution, and have the people in the top ready to go. Bottom-up, get the people angry, get them to rise up. But the inside-out as he's meaning it in some of his speeches is empowerment. You stand up and grab the whip using his words. Grab the whip. Several times we've heard him say, in effect, we built the structure, we've taken the White House, we've taken Congress. But it's the inside out, the hard part, the individual, that powers the revolution that is lacking. He said it there. It's lacking. That's why they have to organize. That's why they have to get everybody the unions and everybody else to get people on the buses to come. In a minute, we come back, with the seven and the value of life. Back in a minute. (APPLAUSE)(COMMERCIAL BREAK) (APPLAUSE) BECK: Tonight, I want to start with the audience here in New York, because I'm out on a limb here. This is something that I haven't even told most of my staff, the E4. They didn't even -- most of my staff didn't know about E4, until what? Pat, my best friend is here, works with me. Most of the staff knew maybe three weeks ago? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maybe. BECK: Yes. And this is stuff that I have been working on for a long time. I'm way out on a limb. Is this connecting with anybody here? Are you -- is it -- do you understand? It makes sense? Do you know where it's going? Anybody? Yes? OK. I think they're lying. I think they're bluffing. This is such an unconventional way to fix the country. But it really started with Keith and I talking in my office one day, on my couch, not his. I should charge him. And we were just talking about the things that I did to change my life. Did you know where you were going at the time when you asked me that? Did you connect it with the country? ABLOW: Well, I connect everything individual with the country, of course, because I know the individuals are who can change things. BECK: OK. ABLOW: All right. BECK: I think you're bluffing, too. You're trying to sound smarter than you are. ABLOW: No. I will tell you the truth. BECK: The -- when we put this together -- courage, faith, truth, compassion, friendship, family, common sense -- the first one, it really starts with courage. ABLOW: It does. And, listen, when we started to get to know each other, it struck me that when you were as open as you were, as quickly as you were, and I found that there were really very few defenses that you were deploying -- you really wanted to tell me when I asked what your story had been. And it's gripping. But what I noticed when we really got into is that things you had used to come back from your mom taking her life, from trying to cover all the pain up with alcohol or material goods, or false friends, the elements of your journey were the same ones that as a psychiatrist I try to deploy with people who come to me for help. And you found them on your own. BECK: Because they're common sense. Because I think -- ABLOW: They're common sense, but they're hard one common sense. And, boy, if we can offer a shortcut, what a great thing. BECK: Yes. They're common sense. They come -- that really comes from the beginning with me it did, with Thomas Jefferson. I told the story a million times. Question with boldness even the very existence of God. When you do that -- that goes to courage. When you question with boldness the very existence of God, what he is saying there is question everything. ABLOW: Yes. BECK: Question everything. ABLOW: Yes. BECK: And don't have the answer. Don't look for your answer or the convenient one. And you will find answers that you do not want to embrace. ABLOW: And how did you get there? Because let's get into it, right? You were on an olive green shag carpet -- BECK: Yes. ABLOW: -- on Christmas Eve, having said goodbye to your daughters -- BECK: Yes. ABLOW: -- post-divorce. BECK: Yes. ABLOW: And thinking you might not live by choice. BECK: By choice, I felt like the guy who called me this week in the car. Yes. ABLOW: And you said something tremendously important. It's as important it is for the individual as is it for every individual in this country. Which is you said, you know what? I decided after I wrote a letter to my daughters explaining the ways in which I had failed them. BECK: It wasn't a suicide note. It was just a letter of, man, I suck as a dad. ABLOW: I know, you told me that. I get that. But at that point, you said something tremendously important that I've used with my patients since. And that I realize that I had tried to use before, which is that you said, I decided to get up off that carpet, but I didn't feel any better. People expect that somehow when they decide, OK, I'm going to do it. I'll face the pain. I've been down on the ground and I'm going to get up. They think there should be bright light -- BECK: There's not. ABLOW: -- all the weight should lift off their shoulders. BECK: There's not. ABLOW: It's very important for people to understand, fear and doubt accompany courage. Don't look for a blue sky. BECK: Not only that, but you also have to pay for all the sins of the past. You will have to pay for them. You know, we were talking on the radio this week about the debt ceiling. Whether they're going to -- who wants to raise the debt ceiling? Who says we shouldn't raise the debt ceiling? OK? Do you realize that probably means collapse of our system if we do not raise the debt ceiling? How many people understand that it most likely means collapse of our system? Did you realize that? OK. A couple people knew that. That's -- that is -- OK, let me look into, let me question with boldness what that is. Now, you may still raise your hand and say, well, that's what it is going to take. We have to pay for the sins. We can say right now, we're not going to run up anymore debt, but we still have to pay for what we've done. We just now have to not do anymore of that. But the bright light doesn't come because you've got problems that you're still going to have to face. And that's where the courage comes in. Back in just a second. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (NEWS BREAK) GLENN BECK, HOST: All right. Today I want to talk to you. I'm back with Dr. Keith Ablow and a studio audience here in America. And I'm talking to you about a personal revolution, because I think the individual is the solution. So now, we have to shore ourselves up. And people made fun of me - the press did - for saying around the time of 8/28 that America needs a detox. It needs to go through rehab. As recovering alcoholic, I recognize signs of denial and everything else. We have to admit to ourselves we've got a problem. But how do you do it as a nation? You can't. You have to do it as the individuals in the nation. You can't fix anything through parties until we fix ourselves. And what is happening on a personal level is just being played out on a global level or a country level. I mean, let me ask you this. Are your finances or most of your friends' finances in about the same shape as the United States of America? Are they overextended? Did they buy too much? Did they do crazy things? Did they not use common sense? Because the stats show that the American people are no different in their personal lives than they are as a country, as a whole. That's what is happening to us. So we have to change us and then we won't accept it from the leadership anymore. Let me go to - this is the book that Keith and I put together. It's "The Seven Wonders that Will Change Your Life." This is a country solution on an individual basis. One of the seven is friendship. And I got into the break here and I just asked. Who here has lost friends or had problems with friends or family that has caused real stresses in your personal life because of what you believe and what you stand for and say? You were saying, Diane, that you think that this is kind of like the Civil War right now. DIANE, AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes. I did not obviously live in the time of the Civil War. BECK: no. DIANE: I did not. BECK: Wow. DIANE: But from what I've read, I would have to say that there is as much unrest between people and family members as there was at the time of the Civil War. BECK: It's interesting because the Civil War pulled people apart and families apart. Now, again, if the country is going through this, and our lives, our personal lives, are a reflection, Keith as a guy who is a recovering alcoholic and my best friend and my wife are here in the audience, my friends changed. And there was -- there was almost a fight in my friend's circle, from my bad friends of -- no, no, wanting to hold me there. Does that make sense? DR. KEITH ABLOW, PSYCHIATRIST: It does, absolutely. Look, if you use the individual as a metaphor for the country or the country as a metaphor for the individual, it takes courage. But it also takes friendship in order to tell someone the tough truths. And I know that Pat was there for you. He wasn't jollying you along. BECK: No. BECK: He was saying man, "You're bankrupt, spiritually. But by the way, I love you. And I'm here for you. Why, man? " This is an incredible - what about him led you to say I'll hang out and remind him that he is a decent person? PAT GRAY, GLENN BECK'S RADIO CO-HOST: You know, there was a lot that I saw in him that maybe others didn't. It was a little like, you know, when he was talking about the brain coral earlier that was muddy and messy. And I think I saw, you know, there was some coral under there. It's, you know, maybe - BECK: Some brain coral with this guy? GRAY: It was a little piece of brain coral. I washed him off. BECK: Right. GRAY: Put him in some bleach. BECK: There's not. ABLOW: It's very important for people to understand, fear and doubt accompany courage. Don't look for a blue sky. BECK: Not only that, but you also have to pay for all the sins of the past. You will have to pay for them. You know, we were talking on the radio this week about the debt ceiling. Whether they're going to -- who wants to raise the debt ceiling? Who says we shouldn't raise the debt ceiling? OK? Do you realize that probably means collapse of our system if we do not raise the debt ceiling? How many people understand that it most likely means collapse of our system? Did you realize that? OK. A couple people knew that. That's -- that is -- OK, let me look into, let me question with boldness what that is. Now, you may still raise your hand and say, well, that's what it is going to take. We have to pay for the sins. We can say right now, we're not going to run up anymore debt, but we still have to pay for what we've done. We just now have to not do anymore of that. But the bright light doesn't come because you've got problems that you're still going to have to face. And that's where the courage comes in. Back in just a second. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (NEWS BREAK) GLENN BECK, HOST: All right. Today I want to talk to you. I'm back with Dr. Keith Ablow and a studio audience here in America. And I'm talking to you about a personal revolution, because I think the individual is the solution. So now, we have to shore ourselves up. And people made fun of me - the press did - for saying around the time of 8/28 that America needs a detox. It needs to go through rehab. As recovering alcoholic, I recognize signs of denial and everything else. We have to admit to ourselves we've got a problem. But how do you do it as a nation? You can't. You have to do it as the individuals in the nation. You can't fix anything through parties until we fix ourselves. And what is happening on a personal level is just being played out on a global level or a country level. I mean, let me ask you this. Are your finances or most of your friends' finances in about the same shape as the United States of America? Are they overextended? Did they buy too much? Did they do crazy things? Did they not use common sense? Because the stats show that the American people are no different in their personal lives than they are as a country, as a whole. That's what is happening to us. So we have to change us and then we won't accept it from the leadership anymore. Let me go to - this is the book that Keith and I put together. It's "The Seven Wonders that Will Change Your Life." This is a country solution on an individual basis. One of the seven is friendship. And I got into the break here and I just asked. Who here has lost friends or had problems with friends or family that has caused real stresses in your personal life because of what you believe and what you stand for and say? You were saying, Diane, that you think that this is kind of like the Civil War right now. DIANE, AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes. I did not obviously live in the time of the Civil War. BECK: no. DIANE: I did not. BECK: Wow. DIANE: But from what I've read, I would have to say that there is as much unrest between people and family members as there was at the time of the Civil War. BECK: It's interesting because the Civil War pulled people apart and families apart. Now, again, if the country is going through this, and our lives, our personal lives, are a reflection, Keith as a guy who is a recovering alcoholic and my best friend and my wife are here in the audience, my friends changed. And there was -- there was almost a fight in my friend's circle, from my bad friends of -- no, no, wanting to hold me there. Does that make sense? DR. KEITH ABLOW, PSYCHIATRIST: It does, absolutely. Look, if you use the individual as a metaphor for the country or the country as a metaphor for the individual, it takes courage. But it also takes friendship in order to tell someone the tough truths. And I know that Pat was there for you. He wasn't jollying you along. BECK: No. BECK: He was saying man, "You're bankrupt, spiritually. But by the way, I love you. And I'm here for you. Why, man? " This is an incredible - what about him led you to say I'll hang out and remind him that he is a decent person? PAT GRAY, GLENN BECK'S RADIO CO-HOST: You know, there was a lot that I saw in him that maybe others didn't. It was a little like, you know, when he was talking about the brain coral earlier that was muddy and messy. And I think I saw, you know, there was some coral under there. It's, you know, maybe - BECK: Some brain coral with this guy? GRAY: It was a little piece of brain coral. I washed him off. BECK: Right. GRAY: Put him in some bleach. BECK: Right. GRAY: And it was all was good. BECK: The thing, though, Pat, is I was split and had you, and you were really one of the few. And then I had a lot of other friends who were living the same kind of life that I was. And this is what I think is happening to us politically, is that a lot of our friends are saying you don't want to be one of those crazy people. You don't want to be that. No, that's crazy. And they are holding you down and yet they haven't looked - really, truly looked at their own problems. Who in the audience would say that's accurate with your friends that are disagreeing with you? What is your name? I'm sorry. Judy. Go ahead, Judy. JUDY, AUDIENCE MEMBER: Well, it's just that it's very difficult, because they don't want to hear it and they don't want to understand it. And they don't want to discuss it. And it's very frustrating. BECK: Right. But they're not doing anything about it. JUDY: They're not doing anything. BECK: They're not engaged? JUDY: No. BECK: Right. And so, on a personal level, because that's what is happening all around the country - on a personal level, what do you do - I know what I did with my friends. I lost all of my friends. And I had to stop being with my bad friends, because it was just -- it was leading me -- it was enabling me. So what do you do? ABLOW: So if you are interested in restoring yourself, you take a good hard look at how many Pats are around you and how many false friends. And you, "Who has really challenged me? And who has told me, 'Don't worry, there is no pain in store for you'?" One of the things a real friend will do is say, "Look, it is going to be tough. If you've got to detox, whether as a country or an individual, there is pain. There is real pain waiting for you. But guess what, it's OK, because number one, you have people around you who support you. Number two, you're a decent person inside and we can see it. Or we love this country, and we know its values are strong and can be restored. That's where the faith comes in. There is a plan for you. Anybody who believes that in their heart can be a true friend to you. And Tania - talking about family - believed in you. There is a story -- (CROSSTALK) BECK: I would be dead if it wasn't for Tania. Would you agree with that, Pat? GRAY: I think so. BECK: I would be dead if it wasn't for Tania, because - because I did -- I didn't expect the clouds to open up when I had courage and said, "OK, I want to change." But I thought it would be a little easier than that. I thought, OK, you know, things -- I'm trying to live my life the right way. When are things going to get better? And I think it took four years, Pat? Four years maybe? GRAY: Yes. BECK: Yes. About four years before. And I was like at the end of the rope. But it took four years and I was like, you've got to be kidding me. I can't do it anymore. And that's when I met Tania. GRAY: And things take time. That's where the faith comes in -- BECK: Yes. ABLOW: For a country or a person. And that's where love and family comes in, because you told me a story where you approached this woman. This is how powerful people are. BECK: Hang on. Hang on just a second. I've got to get my wife's approval to tell this. We'll do it in just a second. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: Back with ideas that I ask that you would consider a challenge in your own life. We were just talking in the break and I want to get the story that you want to get to here with my wife Tania. But we were just talking to Pat in the break. And Pat you said - well, say it again. GRAY: In the beginning, when I was saying, "Glenn, it doesn't have to be this hard," when you were going through whatever you were going through -- BECK: Alcoholism and (UNINTELLIGIBLE). GRAY: Whatever else. There are answers. You don't have to put yourself through this. You weren't interested. BECK: Right. GRAY: You just weren't interested. BECK: And I have to ask you, is it normal for somebody in my position to actually want him to fail a little bit? I wanted him to be wrong, so I wanted him to fail. Is that normal? ABLOW: Sure. BECK: See, Pat, I told you - ABLOW: It's very normal. BECK: I really hurt his feelings when I told him that years later, that I actually was hoping he would kind of fail, because it would make me not have to listen to his answers, which I didn't want to, because they were hard. ABLOW: When you know you're on the wrong path as a citizen, as an individual, as a country, you can't honor things and really meet with them on common ground. You do resent truth - BECK: Right. ABLOW: Because you're not living a true life. It's when you finally come down to the nitty-gritty that you can say, "Wow, this guy has been beside me an awful long time." BECK: I have to tell you, does any of them -- I mean, whenever you hear anybody stand up and tell the truth and you see how they're pilloried in public. It's beginning to make -- I mean, it's just hitting -- it's dawning on me now as I'm tying the personal experience that I had and all the other experience. ABLOW: Right. BECK: In many ways, I'm you. You know, when people are like, "He's wrong. He's bad." And I didn't say that, that I'll admit to. But you know, I wanted you, in a way, to fail so I didn't have to face the truth that he was saying. And what is amazing is he was telling me before I really had real problems. You were telling me this way before, right? ABLOW: And you took a risk. You could have said, "You're out of my life." BECK: Right. ABLOW: Your wife, who gave us permission for the story. You told me a story that blew my mind about the role that family and love can play. Because you said - on a particularly bad evening, you came up behind her and you warned her. BECK: I was - I felt like such a black hole that I was -- she was so -- she is more beautiful inside than she is outside. She radiated light and goodness to me. And I felt like a black hole. And I just felt like I was bending it all in to me and I was just stealing all of her light. And I thought I am going to crush her. I'm a black hole. I am going to crush her. I walked up behind her and I put my arms around her. She was facing that way. And I said -- I felt like I had to tell her, and I said, like I could feel her goodness. And I said, "I have to know I am stealing light from you." And without hesitation -- and you don't even really remember this, do you? You kind of do? It was the moment I was like, "Oh, my gosh. I have to marry this woman." She said to me, without hesitation, "You cannot steal that which is being given." I was like, "Who are you, you alien life form?" ABLOW: Yes, an alien life form. What did it do? It restored some confidence deep inside you that you're loveable. A question that you carried with you since you lost your mother. BECK: Here is the problem. Here is the problem. America, I don't believe in all of the mumbo jumbo (UNINTELLIGIBLE) family and all this crap. ABLOW: I'm telling you. BECK: Here's the thing I believe in. Get over it. Get over it. ABLOW: It takes all of this to, quote, unquote, "get over it." What she did for you is she restored a flicker of light inside you to say you're worthwhile. BECK: She was a lamppost you could at least hold on to and say, "Oh, my gosh. These two were tethers that would help me. Back in just a second. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: My theory is that our problems are so big in the country that we don't know how to solve them. Nobody is going to come along on a white horse and - there is no magic problem fairy that leaves us a quarter and takes all our problems away. We have to fix them. The founders said local is the best form of government, not national. We're going global. It's not local. It's individual - individual. We have to fix ourselves. That is why Keith and I worked on the seven that you can find more information on about on "GlennBeck.com." Jack, before we go, you were saying? JACK, AUDIENCE MEMBER: The doctor talked a little bit about respect, because in that relationship, neither one of you had to be right all the time, but you had to know you were loved in that situation. BECK: Yes. He knew he was right and that really pissed me off. But you respected - what do you say? GRAY: Well, yes. I think there was mutual respect, you know, even though you were struggling. You still - what you weren't was patient in those days. And I think that's what - I think that's what came out with many others. BECK: That's the nicest way of saying "you were a big fat jerk" I think I've ever heard. That is one thing, Jack - if I may go back to our country -- that we don't have. I had never said that -- I never called for Van Jones to be fired. I have called for Van Jones and the president to explain, do you agree with him? Did you know he was a communist? How did he get there? And if you do agree with him, why? What is your fundamental transformation? That's a respect. I respect you being a communist, Van Jones. Now, let's just be honest about it. And if you respect me, you will tell me what it is, and we can have a dialogue, a respectful dialogue. It's not happening in America and it needs to. Back in just a second. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: I ask you to challenge everything you believe and everything I say this year. Seven wonders that will change your life? No. It will change your country. Find out more at "GlennBeck.com" and we'll see you back here. From New York, good night, America. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." LT-1941 "FLESH OF MY FLESH; BLOOD OF MY BLOOD; KIN OF MY KIN WHEN SAY COME TO YOU, YOU SHALL CROSS LAND OR SEA TO DO MY BIDDING!" CVTD-1895 "FROM HELL'S HEART I STAB AT THEE, FOR HATE SAKE I SPIT MY LAST BREATH AT THEE" CA-1895 "I HAVE BEEN, AND ALWAYS SHALL BE YOUR FRIEND" Spock "TRICK OR TREAT, TRICK OR TREAT CANDY IS DANDY BUT MURDER, OH MURDER, IS SO SWEET" CRL-2003 "EYE OF NEWT, AND TOE OF FROG, WOOL OF BAT, AND TONGUE OF DOG ADDER'S FORK, BLIND-WORM'S STING, LIZARD'S LEG, AND OWLET'S WING. FOR A CHARM OF POWERFUL TROUBLE, LIKE A HELL-BROTH BOIL AND BABBLE. DOUBLE, DOUBLE, TOIL AND TROUBLE, FIRE BURN, AND CALDRON BUBBLE" WS MySpace.com: www.myspace.com/carlraylouk http://www.myspace.com/carlraylouk Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyardhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/LouksHauntedGraveyard/ Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk/ |
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