Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Finding the True Meaning of Christmas in Wilmingto

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," December 15, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.



GLENN BECK, HOST: From Wilmington, Ohio -- hello, America.

We are -- we're so glad to be here. This is -- this is an amazing town. This is an amazing town.

Tonight, I want to talk to you -- first of all, turn the camera around. Meet Wilmington. Go ahead, turn the camera around. Turn it. Go. Turn the camera around. There's Wilmington, Ohio.

Say hi to -- America, Wilmington. Wilmington, America.


BECK: Here's what I want to ask you --


BECK: Here's what I want to ask you, America. Christmas is really about what? Christmas -- everybody, every movie for Christmas, everything is believe, believe.

Believe in what exactly? Believe in Christmas? Believe in Santa? Believe even in Jesus? Believe in what? Believe in what?

If you are to watch television, if you are to watch the news, if you watch my program, God knows what you believe in now.


BECK: I'll tell you that I think you probably believe -- if you're to watch the reports on the news, or you're to watch the coverage of Christmas, you believe in greed, because you'll see pictures of people that are camping out at, you know, Wal-Mart, or Best Buy, or wherever, trying to get that latest toy. You'll believe in presents and materialism and stuff and greed, with people stampeding over each other just to be able to get the latest, whatever it is. So, you believe in that.

You believe in crime -- because TV news will tell you that you better lock your doors. You better not leave your presents out. You better not leave anything out because people will steal it. So, you believe in greed. You believe in crime.

But that's not what we're supposed to believe in, is it? We're supposed to believe -- because everything always says, joy and peace, honor. Is that a joke or what? Who here believes on -- who believes in peace on Earth?


BECK: Oh, stop it. No, they don't. No, they don't. No, they don't.

Really, we're going to solve all the wars and peace on Earth, really? Are we? Everybody is going to lay down their guns. No, they're not. No, they're not. It's not going to happen.

Unless you're talking about a different kind of peace that leads to joy -- but joy and peace are not things that you believe in. There's something that -- it's a byproduct of something else. It's a byproduct of -- love.

But what is love?

Everybody should have a rabbi. I have a good friend of mine, Rabbi Daniel Lapin. And I swear, if I could miniaturize him and keep him in my pocket, I would.


BECK: Because everybody should have a rabbi.

Love -- if you -- Daniel Lapin is -- I'm trying really hard to get him to teach me everything in the Old Testament in ancient Hebrew, because he's amazing. He has -- we have taken I think like nine verses and spent 3-1/2 hours and really not even covered anything. And every time he comes to New York, I convince him by buying him a kosher meal and which, by the way, I don't know how people eat kosher food.

But I choke it down because it is worth it to hear what he has to teach. What he teaches on love -- love in Hebrew, God's language, if you will, is this. And forgive me if I'm destroying this. But that is Hebrew for love.

But what does that mean? The root of this is this. It means "I give." "I give." That's love to God.

So, when you -- when you say, "Oh, I love pizza." No, you don't. Because you're not giving to pizza, am I right? You aren't giving to pizza. You're eating pizza.

It may love you because it's sitting there on the plate going "I give myself to you."


BECK: You know -- you know, I knew when I was going to marry Tania, I knew that she was the woman for me, because I would give her everything. I would spend every waking moment trying to give her everything, whatever she need, whatever I could. Service.

Service leads to joy and peace on earth. Giving. That's where the presents come from.

So, believe in what? Love? More tangible? Believe in "I give" -- which leads to what you're really -- whenever they say this. I mean what is Santa? Really?

What is Jesus? Miracle. Believe in miracles.

America, I am here in Wilmington, Ohio, because I have been on the ground now since 11:00 last night. And I had been in, what, six different cities in Ohio. And there's something happening in Ohio -- something very, very different that is happening in Ohio.

I'll tell you what it is. I'll tell you what the symptoms are. I don't know what it is yet. I think I know. But I was -- I've been in Ohio many times. Last time, I did a book tour, which yesterday, I was fortunate enough to shake the hands of 5,000 to 6,000 people, and get a chance to look them in the eye.

A lot of people are very uncomfortable looking you in the eye. A lot of people -- you try to look people in the eye. Sometimes, they'll just break eye contact with you real quick because they're something that they are uncomfortable with.

You look someone in the eye and don't break eye contact with them. It's hard. It's hard, especially if you're uncomfortable with yourself. Last time I was in Ohio -- and this goes for any state in the Union -- last time I was in Ohio, and I shook about 5,000 to 6,000 hands, and I look people in the eye. And when I did that, the last time I was here, about 30 percent broke out eye contact with me.

Now, I notice it was almost a challenge. Yesterday, I was looking people in the eye and they were like, "Oh, yes? Merry Christmas to you brother!"


BECK: And there is something -- there is something happening. People are not breaking eye contact, which means to me that people are starting to really look inside themselves and say, what is it I believe in? Who am I? What am I? And who are you? Who are you?

They're shoring themselves up. That is a miracle in and of itself. But that's not the miracle of Wilmington, Ohio.

America, let me tell you something. We are, as a nation, in trouble. And here's the thing. We have a choice. We are either going to become Europe. Oh! Europe with deodorant.



BECK: And that's a miracle!

We're going to be Europe, and we're going to do exactly what they're doing to themselves right now, which is tear each other apart, set our cities on fire. It's coming. If you've watched this show and you really watch this show and you've done your own homework, you know. You know what the truth is. You know what's coming.

Don't want it to be that way. But it's coming. If we allow it, it will be.

Or we can be Wilmington, Ohio. We can be this town. We can be this town.

This is a town that "60 Minutes" came to -- how long ago? When was "60 Minutes" here?


BECK: Last year? They're happy people, aren't they? It's always a good day when you hear ding-dong, hi, "60 Minutes."


BECK: They were here. They were here, and -- I mean, I saw it. If you weren't looking for rope after the "60 Minutes" series, you're like oh, my gosh, we're so depressing. I want to hang myself now.


BECK: I've seen it. It was depressing.

Let me tell you another story, America, because see, we have choices. We can believe. There's two sides to every story. There's two sides to every story.

Well, there's actually three, because the media usually doesn't even find the truth side of a story. But there's two sides. There's the bad stuff -- and this program, I guess I would say kind of we focus on the bad stuff, but that's only because nobody else is telling you the truth. We're trying to get to the root of the bad stuff.

I'm not trying to tell you the bad stuff. I don't really care how many people died in a plane crash, or whatever, it's not relevant to me. If I can tell you why the plane crashed, well, then I will. If I can tell you why our country is going down the crapper, then I will. I don't care that it's going down the crapper.

I made the choice in my life that I've -- we're going down the crapper. I don't care if you're liberal, Democrat, Republican, conservative. I don't care what you are. We all know the country is going down the crapper. And we're all watching it.

We're all watching it go off the cliff and we're like, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh. Now, what are we going to do about it?

Tonight, by the end of this hour, I am going to show you four miracles that have happened since I've been here at 11:00. Since 11:00 last night, four miracles. Big miracles, too. Not little ones, not like, oh, that's kind of cute, you found a little Pez dispenser.


BECK: Big!

And I'm going to challenge every single person in this auditorium, every single person not only in this town, but every single person in the country to start looking at the other side, because we have a choice. We're going to tear each other apart like Europe, or we're going to come together. And we're going to live our lives in a way where we expect miracles, demand them. Call them down.


BECK: So, last night, I come in and it's very, very late. And it's -- Kerry, what time did I get there, 11:00?


BECK: About 11:15. You know, because -- Kerry is -- Kerry is the pizza man. He's from Generations Pizza, which is delicious pizza.


BECK: And I ask people to come and do their shopping here in Wilmington and just experience what we have experienced -- not what "60 Minutes" experienced -- just good decent people who are saying yes, OK, so we're a nightmare in unemployment. OK. Yes. And then what? Now watch us.

It's liberating strife. You can concentrate on the strife or you can concentrate on the liberation part of the strife and what you're going to turn into. America, this town is ahead of the rest of the nation.

So, last night, I walk in and your place is packed. You're supposed to close at 10:00, 10:30?

STEED: Ten o'clock.

BECK: Ten o'clock. And Kerry is still, he's waiting for us and we're running really late. And it's packed. And it's not only packed with people. Well, who was there?

STEED: Well, out of the 120 that were there that night, about 10 or 12 from Wilmington. But the rest were all from California, Louisiana, Indiana, Michigan, all over the country.


BECK: Yes. Why do you think they're here?

STEED: I'm sorry?

BECK: Why do you think they're here?

STEED: I think they believe in what you believe in us.

BECK: They believe in --


BECK: Love. They believe in miracles. They believe in something. They believe in what they found on 8.28. They believe in what they felt on that day. What they felt on to 9.12.

They believe that there is a group of people that can make it happen. They believe in exactly what our Founding Fathers believe in, that man can govern himself, that man can be decent to one another, that man can go through hell and back again and not lose his integrity, not lose who they really truly are.

That's what they believe in. And they are so hungry, they will come from California. They'll come from North Dakota. Have you ever driven across Dakotas?


BECK: It never ends. You're driving through to the Dakotas. Does anybody here -- who's here from the Dakotas? Anybody here from the Dakotas?

OK. It's -- there you are. There you are. You're back here. OK. Stop with the state.


BECK: I mean, there's a drugstore there called Wall Drug. Look at everybody sitting, yes. Because it's like the only place in the Dakotas. And you drive like 7,000 miles and it says 6,999 miles to Wall Drug. It's a stupid drugstore. By the time you get there, you're like I got to see this place.


BECK: And you walk around, and you're like, people. There are people here!

They drove through that to come here for something. Many of them found at Generations Pizza last night. Then, I left there to go to stay at the hotel. And I stayed at Molly's hotel.

Hi, Molly. How are you?


BECK: Very good. Your hotel is called the General Denver Hotel.

DULLEA: That's right.

BECK: You're not -- you're not a -- you're not a Hilton.


BECK: You're not somebody who has run a bunch of chain -- bunch of chain hotels.


BECK: This is a really old, historic hotel.

DULLEA: It is.

BECK: And I got there probably midnight, 12:15?


BECK: One o'clock.


BECK: It's been a long day! Got there at 1:00. And you gave me a quick, a real quick tour of the place. And give me a hug. And it's just so great.

You have been packed as a hotel. You have people from our -- are we taking the whole hotel or do you have other people?

DULLEA: No, just you.

BECK: Just us.


BECK: Well, I like mannequins. They have to have their own rooms. But you did -- you bought this hotel how?

DULLEA: On a handshake.

BECK: Tell me the story.

DULLEA: Oh, dear. I was maybe driving around a bit much as the kids were older and I kept passing this old hotel in Wilmington, Ohio. And, oh, I thought it was gorgeous. And so, I showed it to my husband, he said, whoa! That needs a lot of work, honey.

But there was small sign in the window, the kind you buy at the grocery store and it took me four tries because it was so faded from the sun you couldn't reach the numbers. But I finally got ahold of the gentleman that owned the hotel. And I would stop by there all the time. So much he just gave me a key and said you can't hurt it. You can do whatever you want.

And one day I stopped by and he was there. He said, are you going to buy my hotel? I said boy, I would love to. But, you know, I'm a nurse and my husband is a firefighter, and I just don't think that that's something we something qualify for. But it's beautiful and I would love to help you find someone, you know, who can buy this.

And he said, "Ah, you look OK to me." And I said, sir, you know, you don't even know my last name. You know, you don't know my Social Security. What if I'm a bad credit risk? What if I'm, you know, not who you think I am? He goes, honey, I know people. You look fine.

And I said, well, OK, but I don't -- I don't have financing for that. He goes, oh, no, I'll do it. Six percent, OK? He goes, honey, you ought to take this because that's a great commercial rate.

I said, really? He said, "Yes." I said, OK. He goes, we'll shake on it. We did. Then I called my husband and said, "Mark, I think I just bought a hotel."


BECK: And there's your husband. Look at her husband.


BECK: Is that the arm-twisting? How long have you had it? How long have you had the hotel now?

DULLEA: Seven years.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Seven years in February.

BECK: Have you ever missed a payment?


BECK: She looks pretty OK to me.

Let me tell you something. That's what happened as of 1: 0 a.m. We haven't even scratched the surface.

Remember when I had Jon Huntsman? Who saw the Jon Huntsman, Sr. show?


BECK: The guy told me if you can do business on a handshake, if you can look a man in the eye and shake his hand and do a business deal there, you got America. You've saved America. This town will save America and it will inspire you.

And before the end of the hour, I will show you four miracles. Don't turn the dial. Back in a minute.




BECK: Welcome back to Wilmington, Ohio.


BECK: America's First Christmas.

This is the Fellowship of Praise Choir who -- you've been singing together for a matter of hours. And they're incredible. I want to thank them.

So, I want to continue the story. I'm -- last night, I get here and go have pizza with people from all over the country. I go to a hotel that was purchased on a handshake, because people believe in each other being honest and decent with each other.

And then I go to Robyn's store front.

Now, Robyn is a woman who started a prayer center. What do you -- what do you call it, Robyn?


BECK: A prayer room. And it is right across the street. You walk out of this hotel and there's a prayer room there. Eleven churches are participating, right?

And now, it's 1: 0 in the morning, and I walk in the prayer room and there are people sitting in front of these chalkboards. I immediately feel like at home.

It's heaven! Heaven does have chalkboards!


BECK: And people are sitting in front of these chalkboards. And I talk to Robyn. And she goes in the backroom and I sit in front of one of these chalkboards. There's somebody that's playing music there, live music. It's almost like "The Truman Show" where the guy was playing the live music in the background. And he's playing music and people are praying at these chalkboards for people around the city.

The entire area, people come in and say, you know, Mr. And Mrs. Hoffelmire (ph) are having this problem or whatever, and they write it down and people are praying there 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

I sat down and prayed at one of those chalkboards and I read everything on it. And then I wrote something on the chalkboard -- don't show it yet. When I finished, I got up and I went to talk to Robyn.

And, Robyn, you said when you first felt that you needed to put this prayer center together. Why? What was the feeling that you had?

MORRIS: Well, in 1998, there's a lot of different things that happened, but what we were talking about was that in our time of prayer, the Lord has said that the eyes of the nation will be turned to the brightness of his light in Wilmington. And we just said, OK, Lord, I'm kind of naive, I have a childlike faith, and I said, Lord, if you said it, I believe it. So, be it. It's a done deal.

BECK: Have you ever felt like, OK, this is really -- I really feel kind of uncomfortable here?


BECK: Yes. People -- the amazing thing is, if you follow prompting like that, you usually feel stupid for quite some time. And you're like, OK, maybe it was just me. Maybe I'm just hearing things.

And a lot of people will mock you or whatever because you're out in the open. You're like, I know this is crazy, I'm starting a prayer room. Eleven churches, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

I contend it is what is going to get Wilmington through the crisis. Now, let me show you what I wrote on the chalkboard, before I heard the story. Is it still up on the chalkboard?


BECK: Before I heard this story, I was praying at that chalkboard and I wrote that a nation may see Wilmington. That was my prayer. Because when I walked in to that room, I could feel it. And I could feel that what's happening in this town is you're not dividing yourself by politics or anything else. You're coming together and you're recognizing who's in charge. And you are getting the job done.

And it is in his hands. And when you told me that story I went, that's why I'm here. I know that's why I'm here because that is going to happen all across -- you want to save the nation? You do this. You do what Robyn is doing.

You go online and you look it up. You see what they are doing. You come to Wilmington, Ohio. And you see it. You witness it.

Christine, where are you from?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: East Birmingham (ph), Pennsylvania.

BECK: How far away -- how far away is that?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: It's about nine hours.

BECK: Nine hours. You drove here all by yourself?


BECK: OK. Why did you come here?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Well, first, I had attended Restoring Honor, by myself.

BECK: Yes.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: And it was one of the most moving experiences. And then I actually came here not really to see you. I came to see --


BECK: Oh, no, cut, cut the tape!

AUDIENCE MEMBER: I came to see Sugartree Ministries and I came to see the prayer room.

BECK: OK. You went in the prayer room. I have a minute. You came in the prayer room and what did you feel? This is after I left.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: After you left. It was amazing atonement. It was -- I came in when all of the leaders of all of the churches were praying together on Wednesday morning. And I was so moved when I walked in. It was an amazing, comforting spirit of hope. And --

BECK: There is -- can I tell you something?

Allen? You are a guy who has started Sugartree Ministries. You're not taking money from anybody. You pray on the shelves and you expect dad upstairs to provide. And what happened?


BECK: He provides. And I hear today, I don't know if this is true, I hear you have enough food on your shelves to last the next six months.

WILLOUGHBY: We have quite a bit. Yes.


BECK: I contend -- I contend, Christine, now, if you take this back home, this is what's going to change America. There is an awakening. We taught you about George Whitefield. We taught you about George Whitefield. We showed you what happened when George Whitefield started talking.

And I'm telling you what is happening here, if it happens all across the country, will change the course of a nation. And Wilmington, Ohio, will be responsible for it.

Back in just a second.






BECK: We are in Wilmington, Ohio, with a bunch of residents and friends from Wilmington. This is a town that's been -- according to CBS News -- "devastated." I think is a town that is rocking. I think this is a town that is finding itself.

And I want to -- I want to run down four miracles -- four miracles that I have seen since I've been here.

Here's the first miracle: Taylor and Mark. There they are. Look at them.

Taylor and Mark -- Taylor and Mark are two guys that you wouldn't necessarily agree with me on stuff. Look, come on. Be honest.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: We agree that Wilmington is a very special place.

BECK: Exactly right.


BECK: But politically we're polar opposites. I mean, you're not commies, are you?



BECK: Taylor, make a commitment.



BECK: But we're polar opposites, right? I mean, yes, one of you guy writes, a story written on tree-hugger and I'm as far from a tree- hugger as you can get.

OK. Here's what -- when I was sitting in my office about a month or two ago when we first found Wilmington, I was afraid that people on the left would make this about politics, just like it was made 8.28. They tried to make it about politics. And you have good reason to believe that because that was I do it for a living. I talk politics.

But I think it's bigger than that. Our solutions are bigger than that.

Here's miracle number one. Taylor and Mark, polar opposites, got involved in this project. Not because you agree with me. Except on the principle of -- what?


BECK: And you think is a great town. And you don't think that what -- how are you -- what is this going to do with your town? Why get involved? Glenn Beck is coming here.

REMBERT: I think -- we've been trying to -- we believe in this story, or this idea that Wilmington is a model for the nation. And, you know, for two years, we have been working as hard as we can to try to help share that story. And, you know, some people have gotten it, and some people haven't. So --

BECK: But it doesn't -- politics doesn't matter, does it?

REMBERT: It doesn't matter at all.

BECK: Doesn't matter.

REMBERT: Not when you talk about local community like Wilmington.

BECK: When you're talking about principles that make magic, it doesn't matter. Here is people from the left, people from the right, working together, because they both recognize truth in Wilmington, Ohio. Miracle number one.

Miracle --


BECK: Miracle number two. Rich, I met you two hours ago? Three hours ago?


BECK: OK. Tell me your story.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Basically, I came on the premise of America's First Christmas. It will be my first Christmas in four years. My wife passed away three-and-a-half years ago. I've been alone since then.

And when I heard about this, I decided I'd better get up off the couch and celebrate my first Christmas.

BECK: I saw him in line and he said, "This is my first Christmas." And he told me that story quickly, as we had 2,000 people in a bookstore in line. And I saw a guy who said I want to start my life all over again and I want to stop feeling sorry for myself, or living in the pain of the past and move forward.

Exactly what this town represents -- moving forward. Miracle number two.


BECK: Miracle number three. Where is Todd Rainey?

Todd, there you are. Tell me your story.

TODD RAINEY, BOSS INCORPORATED: I'm the owner of probably the newest business to come to Wilmington. We came June 30th. About 6:00 in the morning, I got a phone call that our business of 15 years was on fire. It destroyed everything that we had built. We lost all of our supplies and inventory.

And we went out to -- when we were out there, my wife and I, after the fire trucks had left, we just realized how lonely it is when all the lights are gone and you're standing there covered in soot trying to rebuild your life. And our church came together and helped us watch our kids while we were there and they brought them out to our shop.

At first I was kind embarrassed, because I didn't want my kids to see that. I knew it would hurt them. My daughter looked up and said, "Daddy, it's going to be all right." In all of those years of picking her up when she was little, she was picking me up.

And before we've even moved in, what was left over of the building, I got a phone call from a guy from my church named John Stone (ph). He prayed a prayer and said, what specifically one thing, what's one thing I could do to help Todd. He said he'd need a building. Got up rolodex and pulled up name of Bret Dixon (ph) in a little town called Wilmington, Ohio.

And I'd never been there before. The next day, I told him, I said, thank you for doing that for me but I'm covered in soot at the moment. Can I give you a call tomorrow? He said sure. And we drove up to the building and looked at it. That was the first time I felt peace since the fire. I was able to sleep. I was able to eat, and I met with Bret Dixon.

And it turns out that 20 years ago, their family business had burned to the ground. And they heard what had happened to me and they just wanted to help. He actually let me move in, on nothing but a handshake.



BECK: But politically we're polar opposites. I mean, you're not commies, are you?



BECK: Taylor, make a commitment.



BECK: But we're polar opposites, right? I mean, yes, one of you guy writes, a story written on tree-hugger and I'm as far from a tree- hugger as you can get.

OK. Here's what -- when I was sitting in my office about a month or two ago when we first found Wilmington, I was afraid that people on the left would make this about politics, just like it was made 8.28. They tried to make it about politics. And you have good reason to believe that because that was I do it for a living. I talk politics.

But I think it's bigger than that. Our solutions are bigger than that.

Here's miracle number one. Taylor and Mark, polar opposites, got involved in this project. Not because you agree with me. Except on the principle of -- what?


BECK: And you think is a great town. And you don't think that what -- how are you -- what is this going to do with your town? Why get involved? Glenn Beck is coming here.

REMBERT: I think -- we've been trying to -- we believe in this story, or this idea that Wilmington is a model for the nation. And, you know, for two years, we have been working as hard as we can to try to help share that story. And, you know, some people have gotten it, and some people haven't. So --

BECK: But it doesn't -- politics doesn't matter, does it?

REMBERT: It doesn't matter at all.

BECK: Doesn't matter.

REMBERT: Not when you talk about local community like Wilmington.

BECK: When you're talking about principles that make magic, it doesn't matter. Here is people from the left, people from the right, working together, because they both recognize truth in Wilmington, Ohio. Miracle number one.

Miracle --


BECK: Miracle number two. Rich, I met you two hours ago? Three hours ago?


BECK: OK. Tell me your story.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Basically, I came on the premise of America's First Christmas. It will be my first Christmas in four years. My wife passed away three-and-a-half years ago. I've been alone since then.

And when I heard about this, I decided I'd better get up off the couch and celebrate my first Christmas.

BECK: I saw him in line and he said, "This is my first Christmas." And he told me that story quickly, as we had 2,000 people in a bookstore in line. And I saw a guy who said I want to start my life all over again and I want to stop feeling sorry for myself, or living in the pain of the past and move forward.

Exactly what this town represents -- moving forward. Miracle number two.


BECK: Miracle number three. Where is Todd Rainey?

Todd, there you are. Tell me your story.

TODD RAINEY, BOSS INCORPORATED: I'm the owner of probably the newest business to come to Wilmington. We came June 30th. About 6:00 in the morning, I got a phone call that our business of 15 years was on fire. It destroyed everything that we had built. We lost all of our supplies and inventory.

And we went out to -- when we were out there, my wife and I, after the fire trucks had left, we just realized how lonely it is when all the lights are gone and you're standing there covered in soot trying to rebuild your life. And our church came together and helped us watch our kids while we were there and they brought them out to our shop.

At first I was kind embarrassed, because I didn't want my kids to see that. I knew it would hurt them. My daughter looked up and said, "Daddy, it's going to be all right." In all of those years of picking her up when she was little, she was picking me up.

And before we've even moved in, what was left over of the building, I got a phone call from a guy from my church named John Stone (ph). He prayed a prayer and said, what specifically one thing, what's one thing I could do to help Todd. He said he'd need a building. Got up rolodex and pulled up name of Bret Dixon (ph) in a little town called Wilmington, Ohio.

And I'd never been there before. The next day, I told him, I said, thank you for doing that for me but I'm covered in soot at the moment. Can I give you a call tomorrow? He said sure. And we drove up to the building and looked at it. That was the first time I felt peace since the fire. I was able to sleep. I was able to eat, and I met with Bret Dixon.

And it turns out that 20 years ago, their family business had burned to the ground. And they heard what had happened to me and they just wanted to help. He actually let me move in, on nothing but a handshake.


BECK: Miracle number three.


RAINEY: Bret Dixon is here.

BECK: Where is Bret?

RAINEY: He's a great man.

BECK: With the ball cap on? Stand up.


BECK: Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! Stand up!


BECK: Now, miracle number four -- is going to blow your mind. Next.




BECK: Back in Wilmington, Ohio, where tonight on we have another live show. You're asking you guys to get the hell out of here in a minute. But at Sugartree Ministries and at the hotel, right, they're going to play it on screens so you can watch what's happening in the theaters. New audience comes in. It's a really special thing and you can watch it all and get information at

All right. Now, here is miracle number four and here's the set up. They're at the book signing. Just met Rich. And then I meet Tracy (ph) and Wendell (ph) and we're talking. And we're just chitchatting and I don't know remember what we're talking about because I'm watching your son, Tyler.

Where did guys you come from?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Southern Illinois.

BECK: Southern Illinois. How long did it take to get here?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Six-and-a-half hours.

BECK: Six-and-a-half hours. So, guys are sitting there and talking. Tyler is probably used to this. It's very, very noisy in there. I say something to Tyler and he doesn't look to me, he looks at two of you because he knows I'm saying to him, but it's nosey and he can't hear it because he has hearing aids, right?

How much -- how much hearing does he have?


BECK: You have 100? One hundred?


BECK: Yes.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Between 30 and 40.

BECK: Thirty and 40 percent? And so with a hearing aid, it's all background noise, right?

And miracles always come in the form of what the world will call a "coincidence," but they're miracles. And the minute he looked up to his parents, and I could tell he could not hear what I was saying. I remembered a coincidence that happened in my office an hour before -- a meeting I tried to get out of because I was so busy. A meeting that happened on my office before I got on a plane to come here and I want to tell you about it next.

Back in a minute.




We're in Wilmington, Ohio, where I told you that you'd see four miracles. Four. The last one is in the form of a coincidence.

A couple of hours ago, Tracy and Wendell and their son Tyler in a very noisy room, I say something. Tyler looks at his mom and dad, like, what did he just say? Because he has hearing aids. I know people who have hearing aids, and it's hard to distinguish sound.

Right before I got on a plane, and a meeting, quite honestly, that I tried to reschedule because I was so busy, couldn't get out of. I'm sitting in this meeting, I'm sitting with these people that are developing a new product that is not cochlear implant, because cochlear takes, first of all, cuts it so you can't do anything again. Second of all, it's electronic sound. I don't want to listen to electronic sounds my whole life.

It's not a hearing aid which just amplifies everything. This actually goes in and re-stimulates the hearing.

In my office, at two women. One of them was a mom. She said she never heard the voice of her child before. And she was driving home and her daughter said, "Mom." And she heard it for first time. She heard her daughter speak.

I witnessed two people where this works. I doubt you guys have the money to make sure that he hears, but I do. And this company I think will work a miracle for your son. I don't know if it will work, but I want to make sure you meet these people and if there's anything we can to restore his hearing so he can hear, we're going to do it, OK?


BECK: Back in a minute.


BECK: I want to introduce you real quick to Phillip Mason (ph). He's just got -- he's a soldier who just returned from Iraq, heard we were coming here. He lives in Indiana, said to his wife, "We've got to come to Wilmington, Ohio." America, come to Wilmington, Ohio and witness miracles.

We'll see you tomorrow. God bless.



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Carl Ray Louk


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