GLENN BECK, HOST: Well, the results from the national assessment of educational progress is in and they are really good. I mean, if you define really good by really scary and pathetic.
I'm not sure where breakdown is. But I think it's time to say it doesn't matter. It's a major breakdown start from scratch. Are you ready?
Only 20 percent of fourth graders performed at or above the proficient level for eight graders -- for fourth graders. Eighth graders, it's even worse, only 17 percent, at or above the proficient level. And for 12th graders -- 12 percent.
A country cannot survive -- it cannot survive -- if we allow this to happen.
Michelle Obama said Barack was going to change our traditions and history. And as crazy as that sounds, it ain't that difficult because no one knows it. If you don't know American history, how are you going to save the country? Why is it worth saving?
It's open game to anybody who wants to alter it. Don't think this is a coincidence.
Let's look at a couple of other questions. I put one up on the chalkboard here. You tell me. Can you answer this? This is for fourth grade.
Write the letter each event listed below, correct square on the timeline.
Jamestown, the year Jamestown was founded. That would be "A."
The United States Constitution was written. That would be "B," 1787.
Christopher Columbus sails to America. That would be "C."
Abraham Lincoln announced the Emancipation Proclamation. I don't know. This one is already taken.
Here's another one for fourth graders. What is the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? Remember, these are ones they didn't get.
It explained how the new government of the United States would work.
It explained why the colonies would not longer let England control them. It gave all men and women of colonies a right to vote. It organized the people in the colonies to one religion.
No, no. I think that's SEIU. It's this one, "B." "B." Only 35 percent of fourth graders got this right.
The next question for fourth graders. 1787, the Constitutional Convention. Northern and Southern delegates debated whether or not slaves would be counted as part of the state's population. Disagreements over this question led to bitter tensions among delegates to resolve the question.
They referred to in the passage delegates agreed to -- A -- include all male slaves in population totals, include no slaves in population total, count each slave as three-fifth of person in population totals, or count slaves in the Southern states, but not in Northern states.
The answer is three-fifths. But no one -- no one -- will teach the reason why. That was to help free slaves. Fifty-nine percent of eighth graders got this one correct. But if you ask them why, I can guarantee you, 58 percent have no idea.
Twelfth grade question -- During the Korean War, the United Nations forces made largely of the troops of the United Nations and South Korea fought against the troops against North Korea and what? Correct answer: China. Only 22 percent of 12th graders got that question right.
America, the less we know and the less we teach our children, the more power we give to those who wish to challenge and change our lives, control our lives to, destroy the Constitution and man's freedom.
A lawyer does not go in a defense not knowing any of the facts of the case. How can we go into the trial of the Constitution and freedom without any of the facts? American history is on trial.
Do we have the facts?
If we fail to teach ourselves and fail to teach our children, we fail our Founders. We fail our Constitution. We fail our God.
Know your history. Tomorrow, we're going to do a show all on history.
Know the reasons why America became great. And since, for whatever reason, it's not happening in our schools and not being taught, you have to step up. You have to be able to make the argument.
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