This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 14, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: All right. I have some good news for you. The Senate Armed Service Committee just approved the next secretary of defense. He is fantastic. If I told you that we had a guy that was, OK, kind of a socialist, kind of not really strong in defense, but he could be unanimously endorsed, what would you say, huh?
The full Senate is going to vote on this nomination next week, no date has been set. We got him. He's transitioning from his post at the CIA. Now, he leaves a legacy behind him of a revolutionary groundbreaking leader.
He was the only CIA chief to get all of his information from watching the news on television. He was sitting in front of the House Intelligence Committee. He said this during the midst of the Egyptian riots back in February.
Watch this. This is brilliant. Watch this.
LEON PANETTA, CIA DIRECTOR: I got the same information you did. That that there is a strong likelihood that Mubarak may step down this evening.
BECK: He didn't know. But he only had the full resources of the CIA. Senior intelligence official was left to clean up the mess saying that he was, quote, clearly referring to press reports. His statements were not based on the intelligence reports. Of course not.
He also gave America a fresh new take on the Muslim Brotherhood, while most people believe the Muslim Brotherhood leaders, you know, when they said if they gain power in Egypt, their first order of business would be to declare war on Israel and wipe them off the map.
Not this guy. No, not worried about the Muslim Brotherhood. Here he is.
PANETTA: This is not a monolithic organization. It's an organization that goes back to 1920s and it varies from area to area. And so, it's very difficult to kind say, OK, you know, they are "extremist."
BECK: Yes, varies from area to area. Some areas, they play pinochle. That's all they do.
Some -- OK, they want to kill all the Jews at all cost. You know? But extremist, pinochle. Kill all the Jews, we don't know.
So, I'm looking forward to him being the secretary of defense because he's going to bring that same revolutionary kind of intelligence, you know? Kind of -- he's going to bring that cable news philosophy with him.
You know what? I know he prefers CNN -- but, Leon, I mean, just in case you're watching now, Coke over Pepsi.
Also, Muslim Brotherhood. Bad.
So, take him seriously, because he is a serious dude.
The president -- the president doesn't need any more logs on the fire in the Middle East. I'll tell you that right now. And this isn't going to -- he's going to be great at the secretary of defense.
Does anyone find it odd that he is going from the CIA secretary to secretary of defense? And we have General Petraeus replacing him at the CIA? I don't think I've ever seen that flip before.
When you look back in the records, it was 1973. I can't figure it out really myself because that guy is really -- I mean, he's a leftist. He's not a big military guy. He was a budget numbers geek in the Office of Management and Budget during the Clinton administration. And nothing screams secretary of defense quite like debits and credits. You know what I'm saying?
Now, I'm not sure what's going on here exactly. And so, I'm not going to speculate. I instead am going to let one of the terrorists from the Weather Underground -- Mark Rudd, I'm going to let him speculate. But not today. He speculated right after Obama got elected.
Listen to this, quote, "Obama had to basically play to the center, not be run over. He has a narrow mandate for change. The economic agenda will stress stimulation from the bottom sometimes, and hand-outs to the top at other times."
Isn't that amazing? That's what he said after he got elected. Terrorist from the Weather Underground knew. I mean, he's nailed it so far.
Then he says, "Move on the small stuff, you know, but to a small and significant extent, gain support and confidence. Leave the military alone because they're way too powerful.
By the second or third year of this recession, however, when stimulus is needed at the bottom, people may begin to discuss cutting the military budget if security is being increased through diplomacy." Hey, all we want to do is 1967 lines. That's it.
"Or the application of international law." I'm just saying, responsibility to protect. "But one thing," he goes on to say, "I do now is that you'll have to be able to look like you're doing one thing but do another."
Again, that's a Weather Underground terrorist. I mean, this president, you know, gets his weather from the Weather Channel. He knows nothing about these guys.
You know what's weird? If you watch the debate just last night, I think there was a guy who's in the Navy I think. He is asking a question. And he said this, quote, "We have issues at home. And we have to reduce our expenditures." Is that weird? A Navy guy saying, hey, we should.
Do you think Mark Rudd got this one right? Who knows?
All you have to worry about, you just trust the senators. OK? Because the senators are going to look into this. And in case they don't, don't worry, we got 13 shows left and there are plenty of people in the main stream media that will follow this story for you. Trust.
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