This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 9, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: Welcome to "The Glenn Beck Program."
I am so excited today. As you may not -- I mean, if this is your first day watching the show, you may not know. I'm a right-wing warmonger who just wants to gobble up all the oil in the Middle East. That's all I want to do -- is just take people's resources! And we've gone a whole three month since we started a new war.
And I was totally jonesing, man. I was looking for a vein. I need more kinetic military action, man. I need it.
And then, today, I got up and read this headline -- "The Obama administration is intensifying the American covert war in Yemen." I didn't -- I didn't -- did you know we were in Yemen? Oh, that's right. It's covert.
Exploiting a power vacuum in the country, the strike at militant suspects with armed drones and fighter jets. Well, that's fantastic. That's war number four, hatemongers. War number -- count them -- four.
And it's a covert war, too. I like the secret wars.
Congress, did you guys know about that one? No? Who's feeling a little out of the loop today? You are. Yes.
No wonder Anthony Weiner had all that time to chat online and take pictures of himself. Oh, Congress is completely irrelevant, aren't they?
The other thing I've been waiting for -- I haven't seen it yet -- I thought war number four might push people over the edge today. But where are all the antiwar protesters, do you remember those guys?
I think we need to put out an Amber Alert for them, because they might have been kidnapped. They might be in danger because surely -- surely -- those lefties would be out there holding protests against yet another war.
PROTESTERS: Peace now! Peace now!
PROTESTERS: Wake up, America! Bring the troops home! Wake up, America! Bring the troops home!
PROTESTERS: Not by a dollar. Not by more. Don't you dare --
BECK: Wow! I could work my whole life and not be that big of a loser. But God bless them.
The Code Pinks, the International Answers, are you -- where are you? I mean, besides in spooky dude's pocket, where are you? I'm concerned. I hope you're OK.
Also, does anybody really know what side we're supposed to be on in Yemen? I mean, are we with the government or are we against the government? I'm not really even sure.
Can I ask you this question? Has there ever been in any kind of military action in America where you're not sure? I don't think I've ever seen a war ever where I'm like, I don't know, are we for the Germans or against the Germans?
Why the silence? Here's why -- do you remember the Weather Underground? The manifesto, we showed you this a year ago. We showed you this manifesto. And I said to you, whoa, if you read this thing, it's exactly what this country is doing now from the administration.
Let me just read this again, 1969. "The strategy which flows from this is what Che called creating two, three, many Vietnams." Che was so clever when he was naming things. "To mobilize the struggle so sharply in so many places that the imperialists cannot possibly deal with it all. Since it's essential to their interest, they will try to deal with it all and it will be defeated and destroyed in the process."
I just want to point out, creating many Vietnams and entangling us in wars, key point: "to defeat and destroy the imperialists." That's us.
Now, what did the president say just last week when he was speaking in front of Chrysler? Listen carefully.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: There are still some headwinds coming at us.
BECK: Headwinds, speed bumps.
OBAMA: Lately, it's been high gas prices that caused a lot of hardship for a lot of working families. And then you have the economic disruptions following the tragedy in Japan. You've got the instability in the Middle East, which makes folks uncertain.
BECK: Yes. You got that last one? OK. Gas, he controls. Oil, he's got that one. We're not -- we're not really looking for anything.
The other head wind, Japan -- that's God's territory. And then, at least now, until Cass Sunstein starts to regulate God.
And then there was the last one, the instability in the Middle East. He says it causes uncertainty. Is that true? Absolutely.
So, it's hurting the economy. Got that? Instability hurts the economy.
Let's now look at the president, how he's handled the uncertainty.
Here he is.
OBAMA: The people of Egypt are calling for change. They turned out in extraordinary numbers representing all ages and walks of life, but it's young people who have been at the forefront.
BECK: People just like you. Do you remember that?
OBAMA: New generation.
BECK: New generation -- just like you.
OBAMA: Your generation --
BECK: Your generation.
OBAMA: -- who want their voice to be heard.
BECK: Oh, yes, let's get the marching band out and encourage youth all over the world to stand up. If you remember right, he even compared the guy who set himself on fire in Tunisia to Rosa Parks -- so that headwind might come from the hot air that he's blowing or all the stuff that he is sucking. He is engaging Libya in a war that promises is going to last days, definitely not weeks. And here we are 81 days later.
How many -- Erin, how many days in a week? Eighty-five? Not sure.
Eighty-one days later, 20 days since the War Powers Act has expired. He promised no boots on the ground and there were several reports that yes, Americans have boots on the ground. Now, I don't know if you just dropped boots, but I'm sure there might be feet and legs and people in those boots. But I'm not sure. The only reports we're getting are from that White House tried and true source, the jewel of journalism, Al Jazeera.
And now, the president has started another covert war going in Yemen. He sounds like some of the headwinds of the destabilization are coming from this White House.
He's acknowledged uncertainty is hurting our economy. So, why is he continuing to make choices that led to more uncertainty?
America, I think we are headed for real trouble because the excuses are not working on the American people anymore. He started to do that whole "no, these aren't the droids you're looking for." And nobody is buying it.
The fundamental transformation of America -- changing America into something other than it always has been is the goal, always has been the goal of this administration. There are enemies inside and outside the gates of our country.
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