GLENN BECK, HOST: Well, welcome to "The Glenn Beck Program."
Tonight, we've got quite a program for you. Tonight, I'm going to introduce you to somebody I think -- I think you're going to like. Don't miss a second.
Now, let's go back in the time tunnel, shall we? Remember the debate about Obamacare? Yes. When it was at its peak -- and crazy Glenn was on the air saying this --
BECK: The left knows that public insurance option will put employer-based private insurance out of business.
BECK: First of all, I've gained some L-Bs, haven't I? And I've gone so white.
Anyway, yes, we knew that. We knew that.
Now, remember when I said that, I said that because we played the video in their own words. Nobody would listen to it. I'm not genius. I listen to them and we get the videotape.
Those pushing Obamacare in their own words -- this is what we played for you at the time:
JACOB HACKER: Someone once said to me this is a Trojan horse for single-payer. And I said, well, it's not a Trojan horse, right? It's just right there. I'm telling you, we're going to get there, over time, slowly. But we'll move away from reliance on employment-based health insurance, as we should.
REP. JAN SCHAKOWSKY, D-ILL.: And next to me was a guy from the insurance company who has then argued against the public health insurance option, saying it wouldn't let the private insurance compete.
SCHAKOWSKY: My single-payer friends, he was right!
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: But I don't think we're going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There's going to be potentially some transition process.
BECK: Yes. I think we're in the transition process right now.
Their intent seemed very clear, you know, for anybody who didn't want to play politics. Yet, when we pointed this out, we were called liars by a very important man.
OBAMA: When you hear the naysayers claim that I'm trying to bring about government-run health care, know this --
BECK: Yes?
OBAMA: -- they're not telling the truth.
BECK: No. Apparently not.
Shocking new study out for anybody who listened to that guy. It has now found that once Obamacare fully kicks in 2014, the amount of employers that will stop providing their employees with health insurance has vastly -- is vastly greater than expected. Not by me because it's only 30 percent. I would expect that it would be a lot higher than that.
The 30 percent of the employers in the country now are saying that they are just going to dump everybody into Obamacare. It's almost like this has been a Trojan horse. Of course, all of that paid for by you.
Plus, the study shows employers who have a high awareness of Obamacare's ins and outs, like me, are even more likely to dump employees and send them into Obamacare, to the tune of 50 percent.
Oh, this is going to be sweet for your tax dollars. Can you imagine the doctors that you're going to have or not have, or the surgicals, you know, things you could have or not have? Oh, it's going to be great for us. It is.
It almost seems like mission accomplished for President Obama, doesn't it? Unless it's just one of those, what does George Soros call them? Oh, yes, unintended consequences. They're so pesky, aren't they?
Now that everything has played out, let's go over the film again. Which one was telling the truth about Obamacare?
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