Beck: America's Energy Under Attack Published June 21, 2011 | Glenn Beck
Beck: America's Energy Under AttackPublished June 21, 2011 | Glenn Beck | Glenn Beck Special Guests: Bob Murray This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," June 21, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: Back on October 5th, the White House said something -- by the way, final episode, June 30th. Eight shows left. Don't miss a single one. Tonight, we're going to talk a little bit about energy, because on the 5th of October, the Energy Secretary Steven Chu made America an exciting promise. And here it is. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) STEVEN CHU, ENERGY SECRETARY: The White House will lead by example. I'm pleased to announce that by the end of this spring, there will be solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity and solar hot water heater on the roof of the White House. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: Oh, my goodness! I thought -- when I heard that I thought -- thank you, Jesus, for having a hot water tank powered by the sun on the top of the White House, because that's going to make all the difference in the world. We're fixed, America! That's how upside down this White House is. By the way, look at the clock, officially end of the spring. Yes! Let me show you. What it looks like. Now at the top -- I don't see it. Where are the solar panels? It must be an old picture. Tiffany, is this an old picture? FOX NEWS PRODUCER: It's a brand new picture. BECK: Brand new picture. So, I don't know where the solar panels are. Maybe it was a different spring. Maybe it's camouflage. Maybe they didn't do it because it's bull crap from the beginning. What do you think? No solar panels, even though this White House solar panel project was, quote, "designed to accelerate deployment" of solar technologies. Now, I know it's been 259 days since the announcement. But let me defend the president here. That may seem like 259 days. If I bought the solar panels, and they weren't on my roof yet, I'd be a little pissed. But remember, 259 days in union time -- that's like 10 minutes. So, back on down. Tonight, the administration's attack on our most reliable and our most needed energy sources all in the name of going green. Oh, and the extra little added bonus of how our businesses are suffering because of it. Come on! (MUSIC) BECK: Oh, boy. (APPLAUSE) BECK: Look at them. Look at them. Some of these people, some of these people in this audience, big oil people. Yes. Big coal people. Some of them businessmen. Oh, don't worry. We've alerted the authorities. Hello, America. The president spoke today at the DNC. Actually, I think it was actually yesterday -- his 30th fundraiser of the year. Just a little perspective: the last president at this point in his re- election period had three fundraisers -- 30 for this one. The White House has released of the fundraiser, believe it or not, this is not edited. It's right there on Drudge caught this and posted it. And I want to show you the remarks by the president. And it was -- it ended with laughter. Over the last 15 months, we have created over 2.1 million private sector jobs. Laughter. That's funny. Man, that's funny. Ignoring the pain of the American people and the horrific economy and 9.1 percent unemployment, all the companies shutting down, people struggling to do this, put food on the table or have gas in their car -- man, that's funny, Mr. President. It really is. You're a riot. Speaking of riots -- which are coming soon -- at the same event, Obama also talked about energy. And here's what he said, quote, "We have begun the process of changing how we think about energy in this country." Oh, he's done that. Yes. We don't even think about energy in the country anymore. It's like, yes. Whatever spills out of that socket there, that's a magic wall box. I don't even know how that energy gets in there. It came with the house I think. The primary energy sources the Americans rely on to operate and function, you know, for the blender when they're making daiquiris at those really swank function at the White House, are now treated as enemies. The companies that provide them are also treated as enemies. The FTC has launched another investigation into big oil. Regulators are, quote, "examining" whether the oil companies are refiners and traders have manipulated crude oil markets and caused the increase gas prices. This is so weird because they don't have evidence whatsoever. In fact, I've got a stack of evidence on what is causing the problem. But, no, they're involved in a political witch hunt. Back in April, Obama created a joint task force of the Justice Department and the FTC to investigate the oil and gas markets. They haven't found anything, but they're determined to get to the bottom of these outrageous prices. Now, America, if you have a clue on what's causing these outrageous prices, could you do me a favor? Just put them in a box and send them to the White House. With all those clues, they have a box of clues. They'd be like -- I don't know, I don't have a box of clues -- ding dong, the post office will deliver it. Box of clues. What do you think? Put in that box maybe a president who says making energy prices skyrocket is necessary. I know. The odds of finding something that obvious are really slim, especially if you work for the Justice Department. Maybe you had a chance of finding out -- oh, I don't know, a printing press somewhere where they're printing up money and oil is pegged to the dollar so if you devalue the dollar, your energy prices would necessarily skyrocket. Wouldn't they, Mr. President? Maybe you can find an out-of- control government agency going out of their way to shut down coal plants, like the EPA. Their new stricter regulations have already caused one of the country's largest power companies, the American Electric Power, to close at least five plants. That will cost us hundreds of jobs and invest $6 billion to meet the new requirements. A coal plant needs to meet now. By the way, another one in San Antonio just announced that it's going to close shop because of the stricter regulations as well. Quote, "It was a decision driven by expectations that we're going to have to face more challenging environmental regulations." Cass Sunstein, is that you? Oh, you're crazy. An executive at that plant expects more to follow suit. Now, the timing couldn't be better, because things -- this economy is about to rocket, and then blow up. Yes, it is. Couldn't be better, the timing -- in Texas, especially. You remember, Texas, the state that's creating 50 percent of the jobs now. Texas population is booming. Power companies are struggling to keep up with the increased demand. Texas has 19 coal-fired plants more than any other state. And don't forget, creating half the job that Obama was joking about in his fundraiser. You might hate coal. You might -- you might think to yourself, man, I always hated it when Santa was going to bring it to me. You might hate it with everything in you. But every time you turn on your light at your home, you should fall to your knee and say, "Thank you, coal." Coal is used to generate about half of the electricity consumed in the United States. Here's an idea you environmentalist whacko -- ban coal. But before you do that, I want you to use half of the electricity in your own home, in your own life, in your open office and tell me how sweet it really is! And don't wait for the Obama administration to put solar power, you know, hot water heater on the roof first. Lead by example, you weenies. OK. Coal. Coal is the largest domestically produced source of energy -- half of our electricity, the largest source. Why would our president make it harder for Americans to gain access to our most easily accessible energy in the middle of an economy teetering on the brink of disaster? What do you think? Why would he do that? I know he wants everybody to have a windmill in their front lawn and I'm hoping mine comes really soon. I'm going to put it in after my solar panel on the roof and I have my car plugged into the wall. Thank you, G.M. But the technology is not there for all of those things to happen. Talk to G.M. The government cannot force innovation. It doesn't work. And, by the way, if I plugged my car in -- because of evil oil, I'm not going to do that -- I'm going to plug my car in, where does the electricity come from for the car? Out of the magic box in the garage? A coal-fired plant. Now, let's see if any of these policies on energy this administration is making is making any sense whatsoever. Here is America's overall energy consumption breakdown. Petroleum -- 37 percent. Evil oil, hate those guys. Natural gas -- 25 percent. I don't know what to think. Nobody said anything about them yet. Coal -- evil! Nuclear? Dangerous and evil! Renewable -- 8 percent? Perfect. Perfect. How are we going to survive? I just showed you the war on coal from this administration. They're shutting down the plants. Exactly what the president said he would do. Oil, the top overall energy source. And the administration is -- what are they doing? Relentlessly investigating, threatening to take wind fall profits, making it harder for them to get domestic oil. The Gulf -- the BP spill, the administration put moratorium on offshore drilling in the Gulf. The longer this went on, the harder it got for local companies to keep their doors open. We've lost jobs. We've lost all kind of things -- tens of thousands of jobs, skyrocketing gas prices. And then the president says, "I'm going to put that out." Yes. Try to get one. While the shares of major oil companies have tanked, Petrobras, Brazil's main oil company, oh, they're in the money. They're doing great. Of course, the president went down there and said, we're going to big their biggest customer. How about -- how about a policy where everybody else is our biggest customer? Because I don't know about you, but I'm kind of fresh out of checkbooks. Oddly enough, George Soros had his largest holding in Petrobras. Three months after the BP spill, Soros dumped his shares in the company. When his eyes start wondering around, and our eyes stop looking at him. Guess what happened? He increased his holdings again in Petrobras to more than 1 million shares. What? Just those two sources, coal and petroleum, are 60 percent of our total energy and they're under attack. I have an idea. Everybody who hates coal and oil, you stop using them, because that has to be at least 60 percent of the population. So, you stop using them, you use them still, but you can save the planet. We're going to survive. What do you say? May I ask you when the president says, I've got my metal detector out and I've been walking around a beach all over the world trying to figure out what's causing the high oil prices -- what do you say? Could it be, perhaps, maybe, possibly what is happening in the Middle East? Libya? Egypt? What do you think? Possibly? Is there action in the Middle East? Is our president saying, revolution -- hey, crazy kids all over the world, you should all do that? Do you think that's helping or hurting the price at the gas pump? What do you think, America? It's not that hard. It's really not that hard. Tonight, I'm going to show you how business is being affected by energy prices. We have a studio full of those evil entrepreneurial capitalists. Oh, I don't especially know how we let them in the front door. How many here are businessmen? Or women? How many people have their business being hurt right now because of the situation we find ourself in -- not necessarily, you know, the president or anything else, but because -- OK. How many people are expecting even more problems because of the energy policies that we're pursuing right now? Perfect. Your jobs are going to be so secure soon because of the president -- it's going to be great. It is. It might be chilly and hungry and poor. But the earth will be safe. You know, that's what we want. It's going to keep doing what it does. America has always done well because of our energy. We have -- if you grew up in the Soviet Union, you know when we bought Alaska, the Soviets went "crap." They knew we were -- they were in trouble because we had all of those resources. Now, we don't use any of those. But on the bright side, we do have really, really cold barren land that nobody ever walks around. We have that. Other countries like China and Russia are pursuing cheap energy -- while we're pursuing more expensive and the least productive energy sources. When the world breaks down, and it will because it always does, life goes on, we'll be cold, because we're banking everything we have on the Middle East and a solar panel, that we can't even get installed on the roof of the White House. And he is the president. Can I tell you something? I think that sounds like the dumbest idea. I would rather bank on the flux capacitor than this energy policy. Tonight, we're going to introduce you to some energy executives as well, who know firsthand about these policies. Bob Murray is with us. Hello, Bob. BOB MURRAY, MURRAY ENERGY CORP. CHAIRMAN & CEO: Good evening, Glenn. BECK: Bob -- I want you to know is a friend of mine. I have to admit that, I'm in bed with big coal. Bob and I -- we met, what, two years ago, Bob? Bob Murray is the CEO of Murray Energy, a coal company in Ohio. And we have talked -- I don't know how many times, Bob, a couple of times in the last couple of years. And I was struck by you because you're a guy who started with something. You built a company. You created jobs. You've defended workers. You have put up with more crap from unions and administrations past and present than I think anybody. I heard your story the first time and I thought -- there is a strong man. Tell me what happens if the coal plant starts to close down. MURRAY: When President Obama ran for the presidency, he said you can build a coal plant in America, but we're going to bankrupt you. Biden said no coal in America. What they have done to date, by the latest study that just came out by the National Economic Research Associates, are going to cost America 1,440,000 jobs by 2020, just out, independent agency. It's going to raise the electric rates in this country $184 billion through 2020, Glenn -- 1.44 million jobs, $184 billion increase in electric rates, which is a staple of life. But, to me, sir, that's national issue. It's bad enough. It's also a human issue to me. I live with our miners. These jobs I created from scratch, there's only 3,100 of them, but the universities say those mining jobs yield 37,000 jobs nationally due to the secondary jobs created for the goods and benefits. Sir, these people want to work in honor and dignity. And they're being denied that by Obama and his out-of-control regulatory agencies and policies. Sir, this isn't the America that I've known and have cherished. For them and their families, to be denied their lives and livelihood and jobs, for these policies that are going to accomplish nothing. One more thing, sir -- exports of coal from America are at record levels. He has denied the American utilities the ability to use this coal, so we're exporting it to countries that are building power plants every day. China, a new 50-megawatt power plant every week. What they are doing is using the low-cost electricity because it costs 4 cents a kilowatt hour, compared to 22 cents for solar, 9 cents to 10 cents for gas. And, of course, solar and wind have $24 a kilowatt hour in subsidiaries from you, sir, the taxpayer. So, what he's done is he has exported that low-cost coal. They have the low-cost generation. The jobs have been exported to the foreign countries. Our people are unemployed. And it is insanity. BECK: Is there anybody here -- is there anybody here that can explain it and give somebody the benefit of the doubt? I see this -- quite honestly, America, I apologize, but I see this only as one -- I mean, you are trying to cripple business and the country and you're trying to fundamentally transform. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Read more: Read more: Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." 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posted by Carl Ray Louk at 7:22 PM
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