May 04, 2011 Beck: What Makes Us American? | Glenn Beck
May 04, 2011
GLENN BECK, HOST: I have to tell you, as I was preparing today's show, I said to my staff, there is absolutely no reason this show is the most successful show in the history of cable news at 5 o'clock. Zero reason for that, because everything we do goes against common sense, and we break every television rule. Right now, we should be analyzing Osama Bin Laden's death and every last bit of it. Last night, I was on Judge Napolitano's show on FOX Business, and he was worried that the White House is now using executive orders to kill people, and we are in Libya. Now, what about Osama Bin Laden? As I walking up to the studio, I had to decide exactly where I stood on that, and I realized I know where I stand, but you can't tweak the system five percent. The whole system is so far out of line. You need to reset the system. For better or worse, we've been telling you that the world is about to change. There are the naysayers, and I hope to God that I'm wrong and I mean that, but nothing is happening by chance. And I believe that those who are the best organized will find themselves in power, but if I ask you to organize, what are you organizing on? I mean, what do you even believe in anymore? Let me ask you this question, and I mean this sincerely. I want you to ask yourself tonight who are we? Who are we? Who are you? What is it you believe in? I don't know who we are as a nation anymore. I don't recognize us. I don't even know who our friends and allies are anymore. I don't know why we have some of these friends and allies. Saudi Arabia, we know why they're our ally. It was oil. That was it. This was terror, Pakistan, that's it, but they don't have anything in common with us. Please. France? Thank you for the statue of liberty. That's fantastic. You know, they're moving toward to the foe. They're thinking now about getting out of NATO. The woman who would, Le Pen who would beat Sarkozy today says getting out of NATO and make an alliance with Russia for oil. Germany is moving towards Russia. These guys are over. These guys are pissed at us. That's why they're not pumping any more oil, and Pakistan, we just screwed, too. These guys are like little black sheep. You want to talk about being alone, tea party members. Anytime you start feeling down, imagine the little box that Israel is in. Friendless. I mean, I think you get the point here. But why is all of this changing? What is happening? Who are we? And what are we becoming? If you really want to know who we are, you have to start back at the beginning. What separated us from the rest of the world? Was it our land? Was it our car? Our house? Or was it something else? What makes us uniquely America? If you're the president, you'll say there is no difference between us and Spain except the arrogance, really. It's just the arrogance. I'm Spanish. Whatever. Well, people are people, but there was a new and revolutionary idea here in America, and, maybe, we need to go back to that idea. So, what was the idea? The idea that was man can rule himself, but how does he do it? Remember, America is great, because America is good. What makes us America, really, and unique? Right now, I read a story today that Americans are just killing killers. That was the spin. On one of -- which one was it that said that? One of the news show said, America is just a bunch of thugs, killing killers, Osama Bin Laden. That's why we need a revolution. No. No. Don't you see that everything that is making us America is being dismantled. This is -- you may have a different list. This is just mine. We're individuals. Then, we're pioneer. We're dreamers. We're courageous, charitable, fair-minded, and people of faith. I put this list down yesterday, and I started looking at this list, and I thought to myself, really? Are we individuals anymore? Are we individuals? Look what our system is doing. It's all about collective salvation, the people or the workers. It's them. It's us against them. The rich versus poor. The blue collar versus the white collar. Politicians against the people or the people against the politicians. You can't do it on your own is the rallying cry. It's no longer yes, I can. It's yes, we can. Meaning the government now. One out of every seven Americans are on food stamps. That is where you arrive after saying yes, we can. The next two are pioneers and dreamers. Are we that? Not pioneers anymore. We're dreamers, but we're daydreamers. We're not dreamers. We're losing the ability to even think out of the box. You have to be concerned when our teenagers flood the internet to Google, who is Osama Bin Laden? I bet they can name all the real housewives of New Jersey, but they don't know who Osama Bin Laden is. That is why Van Jones and Al Gore have said you know things that your parents just don't. That's why they're forgetting our children, because they know their empty vessels, because of regulation, you know that it's now damn near impossible for the Bill Gates of the next generation to create another Microsoft in their basement? You can't do it. Courageous? What does courage even mean anymore? Courage to stand and go to a tea party. That was pretty courageous for a lot of people. Courage to stand if you're in a union and to say I disagree. How about courage to stand alone? Tell me how full of courage is a country when they are all folding to political correctness. As individuals, we need the intestinal fortitude of Israel. You want to be alone? Be them. They're surrounded, but they're going down swinging. Well, maybe we're charitable. No, no, no, no. Charity is under attack now, as well. Charity, that's the IRS. How about fair-minded? Are we fair-minded? No, no. Not anymore. Americans aren't fair-minded, they're racists. That's why we have to have this institution over here for social justice because they're not fair-minded as individuals. You got to have some an NGO or special interest group to provide that so we treat each other right. Are we people of faith? Well, we might be, but do we actually practice it? Atheists and political correctness and sloppy people of faith. Social justice. By the way, when I say atheists, I don't have any problem with an atheist. It's the militant atheist or the militant Muslims or the militant Catholics or Mormons or militant anything. My way or the highway. That is not America. You know, the best way to teach people about your faith or absence of? Live it. People will see that you're happy and want to know what it is that makes that guy so happy and strong. I believe individuals will find their own way or they will not, but I do know this. I can't save you nor can anyone else. You have to chose to find the truth. You have to choose to apply it. You have to chose to be who you are meant to be, not who you've allowed yourself to become and not be part of a stagnant collective, sitting around, waiting for some savior to save you, some government official to walk in and do it for you. So, if you're going to change things, you have to know who you are. It's time we decide. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." 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