May 03, 2011 Beck: Allies and Enemies | Glenn Beck
May 03, 2011 Beck: Allies and Enemies | Glenn Beck With: Glenn Beck This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," May 3, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: All right. Bin Laden is no longer a threat. And we've been talking about whether the world is more safe or less safe. In a time of crisis, you have to be very careful with every move. Clearly, the world is better off without OBL. It's great. But now, each step that we take, we have to be very careful. Releasing pictures, is that going to be helpful? Is that going to stop anybody from believing that it was -- people, there are 14 percent -- is it 14 percent or 8 percent of the population believe we never went to the moon, the U.S. population. So, hello. Pictures don't help. But we have to see what we've done. What we've done in the last couple of years. Who are our friends anymore? Honestly. I asked my radio audience today. What do we even stand for? Who are we? What do we believe in as a country? Who are our friends? I don't know. I don't know. Who are the allies and what's going on? I want to show a video here from a journalist and a Middle East expert. This is what he had to say on Iran's government press TV. Watch. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: America, Britain, France, yes, real economic difficulties, but strangely, the economic difficulty means the Americans, in particular, and the British and French are prepared to use their military power to offset their economic decline. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: The military power -- just, I want you to know who this guy is. First of all, this is a guy who, last month, resigned from the British Socialist Workers Party after 32 years of membership. I guess being the editor of socialist worker paper qualifies him as a journalist and an expert on the Middle East. So, here is a socialist communist Marxist revolutionary talking about the government as a socialist communist, Marxist revolutionary, and saying, you know what? They're going to go to war. Is this what our country is being set up for? I don't think so. But the Iranians believe that. And it is the way that when people hyperinflate, that's the way they usually get out of it. But I want to show you what's happening to our country. Our country is transforming everything. All of our ties are changing. This is who our traditional allies have been, and these are our traditional foes, but let's go through them one-by-one, shall we? France. Here's the latest on France. President Obama called them strong a friend and an ally, but the honeymoon is over. They now have to take the lead in Libya. Right? And if the election were held today, Sarkozy would lose to Le Pen who said, she will break the alliance with NATO and realign with Russia. So, with friends like France, I mean, who needs are Russia? They're kind of in the question mark category now. Germany congratulated us on UBL, but they're also looking for new friends. Russia. Construction on an underwater oil pipeline between Russia and Germany underway. England, things have been a little strained, you know, since we sent the bust of Winston Churchill back and gave the queen an iPod of his best speeches, but they're basically toast. They're still our ally, but, I mean, anybody who watched the royal wedding of -- I don't know -- Kate and Leopold, they were, they were walking down and somebody on TV said that could be the next king, and I thought yes, if there is another king. Canada, you probably missed this piece of news, but this is good. Stephen Harper and his conservatives won yesterday. I mean, I may just chug, you know, knock back some maple leaf syrup, and I don't know break out in "o, Canada" because they're our strongest ally. Please, let us across the border. Please, please. How frightening is this that this is the ally that is -- no offense, Canada, but I mean, you've never been really known for your fighting prowess, but you're the strongest one of the group now. Pakistan, well, I mean, I think they're over here. They could fall at any time. Friend or foe? Which are they? Were they harboring UBL or not? His death could throw the country into a tailspin and let's not forget that the Mumbai incident, you know, the killers were from Pakistan. So, now, we're spreading from Iran through Afghanistan, in to Pakistan, in to India. Wow. It's good. Wait a minute. Who was it on the show that said, who's he? From India all the way to Spain. Egypt, since Mubarak has stepped down, anti-American sentiment has been growing. We're not real popular over there. The Muslim brotherhood all for Sharia law poised to take control. Go to to see the latest approval ratings for the Muslim brotherhood, oh, and ours. By the way, they came out today and defended resistance against U.S. presence in Iraq and Afghanistan as legitimate, but our president loves it. Israel is repeatedly criticized by this White House. We are at a relationship that we haven't had in 35 years. Saudi Arabia, if you've been following it all, why do you think they're not pumping more oil? They're really, really angry. They don't like the example that were setting in Libya by killing leaders. That's falling apart. Put them over here. China is reducing their debts. Our debts. They're not holding our debt anymore. It's also on economy -- economy is on a track now to overtake ours by 2016. Saudi Arabia has been courting China for their own little special deal. They're trying to have a little energy alliance since they're disappointed with us. Japan? There's nothing left of Japan. Between the earthquake, the tsunami and the 400-plus aftershocks, Japan is crippled and on the D.L. Now, wow! What happens? Remember during the time of hope and change, the idea was the president to repair our international relations. I mean, unless, he meant relations in a biblical sense, I mean, we're not really repairing anything. We - well, we still get along with these guys. Kind of. Kind of. Yes, I think these guys still like us. Oh, and these guys like us. Well, Brazil, really, not so much. I mean, yes and no. There's nothing like a former Marxist guerilla that went to prison for trying to overthrow their president -- their government, who's president now in Brazil. I don't look at Brazil, really, like we're friends or allies. I think Brazil kind of looks at us like clients. We're kind of Eliot Spitzer to Brazil. As long as the check clears, they're in. Remember, our friends. Now, let me ask you this. Our enemies, are they getting stronger or weaker? Is Iran stronger or weaker? Is Russia stronger or weaker? Cuba, stronger or weaker? North Korea, stronger or weaker? Here's the point. UBL and al Qaeda were the old idea to scare people into Shariah law, terrorize them, kill them. The new paradigm is the Muslim brotherhood. Organize, legislate. Stand up for Democracy. Get Shariah law in place. You can do it. It's a lot easier to community organize than to convince people to blow themselves up. Community organizing is the most powerful weapon on the planet today. You can kill UBL, but as I just told you, the idea lives on. There is a competing idea. It's globalism, statism, Marxism, Sharia. And it seems as though we are being separated and cut apart from anyone, anyone who once believed in that idea, because nobody wants to stand with a bunch of people that are only about stuff. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. 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