GLENN BECK, HOST: If you've been watching this program for any length of time, you know that I have been, shall we say, nervous about this so-called Arab Spring. I believe people want to be free and they want liberty. And I believe the people of the Arab world aren't any different than you and I.
But from the beginning, I have had my doubts that that's what we were watching because we are watching something that has been planned and orchestrated from the beginning.
From the beginning, we have seen the seeds being sown of a deeper hatred for Jews. It began to sprout or we started to notice it really when al-Qaradawi, the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, spoke to 2 million Egyptians about wanting to kill the Jews himself. It manifested itself on the Day of Liberty -- so-called liberty -- when the crowd of hundreds just around CBS's Lara Logan were chanting, "Jew, Jew, Jew" while they were raping her and, in her words "trying to rip her scalp off."
The ugly harvest of anti-Semitism has been bountiful. Yesterday I showed you a clip from a children's show from Hamas. I want you to watch this -- because we found more -- I want you to watch this. This is what is being shown to children in the Arab world. Watch.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): Therefore, my dear children, every day the criminal Zionists scheme and ponder how to destroy the Al- Aqsa Mosque. Absolutely. Do you know why? In order to build their false temple in its place.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translation): God inflicted His punishment upon them. That was the punishment they deserved.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thus, God transformed these sinners into apes.
UNIDENTIFIED CHILD: A child must be raised on the love of Jihad and on the desire to be martyred for the sake of Allah. The tree of Islam is irrigated with blood, not with water.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why doesn't the stewardess (INAUDIBLE). Go on.
I'm protecting (INAUDIBLE). Mr. bin Laden, there's a tower. Look, it's the next street. Fly to the middle of the tower. Wait a second.
BECK: America, how is there any Arab Spring? Why are you not seeing these images? In the next month -- I told my staff today to scour for these images? I want to show you what no one else will show you. In the next month, I am going to show you good versus evil and you decide. This isn't about politics. This is about the end of the Western way of life.
This is good versus evil. I urge you not to miss a single episode. What you will see on this program in the coming month, you will not see anywhere else.
How does a child raised with a puppet show saying that or a cartoon showing that God turned Jews into monkeys? How -- what chance do those children have? Searing hatred is being engrained in them from the very beginning -- from the start. They have no chance to develop healthy, independence, let alone, loving attitude towards their neighbors. If you raise your children on a diet of those kinds of images, they will cross a border with their mothers as children and they will walk into gunfire so they can go to Allah and set the world on fire in the meantime.
Mark my words, it is coming. The world must decide now before they see the images of what I going to be thrust upon Israel.
Meanwhile, in news that nobody else seems to be reporting for some strange reason Egypt is now forming a new Nazi party. So Mr. President, is this what democracy looks like?
Earlier this week, there were reports that a Nazi party is being formed in Egypt with a contemporary frame of reference. I don't know. Is it -- was it the uniforms that were outdated that stopped that from growing here in America?
An independent Egyptian news Web site said, they quoted founding members saying, "The party would bring together prominent figures from the Egyptian society. The party's founding deputy is a former military official." One of the party's leaders said that the membership has been going up at an unexpected rate. The party also has a one-year plan which is unlike -- quote -- "the marginalized liberal parties, which are like dead bodies." None of this should come as a big surprise.
Next week, Wednesday, we will do a show on the roots of the hatred of the 20th Century of the Arab world for the Jews. We will show you the Muslim Brotherhood connection to the Nazis. Even according to "The Weekly Standard," they report the Muslim Brotherhood has a history, quote, "of campaign against the Jews that used not only Nazi-like tactics but also German funding," end quote.
Now they're just making it official by calling it a Nazi party.
Didn't we promise each other that we would never forget? And didn't we promise each other never again? How is the world ignoring what is being spoon fed to children in the Arab world?
The article goes on to say that the party membership went from hundreds to hundreds of thousands in the late 1930s. During those years the Brotherhood conducted only one major campaign in Egypt and it was against Zionism and the Jews.
Mr. President, was there no one in your administration that knew about the connections of the Muslim Brotherhood to the Nazi party? Is there no one in Washington that is watching the Arab world television as much as my staff is? Mr. President, you cheerlead the Arab Spring. Now that you know that there is a developing Nazi party and you've seen the cartoons yourself, will you still cheerlead? And if you didn't know, well, may I recommend Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard for the basic facts?
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