This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," March 29, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America.
A lot to do today -- I have never ever called for an opposing voice to be silenced. Not even Usama bin Laden. I believe it is better to have debate in the light of day. At least people can make an informed decision and it -- by challenging people, it makes people stronger.
We can disagree. But it doesn't seem so anymore in America. Have the debate. Others cower.
Right now, Soros and his billions of dollars are mounting what they describe as a guerilla war and sabotage on all of FOX News -- that's a quote -- and, of course, this program. I guess we're -- quoting them again -- "dangerous."
Let me ask you, who is more dangerous to a free republic -- the one that supports open debate or the one that disguises himself, calls it an open society while trying to silence all debate?
Of course, George Soros doesn't want my voice on the air. Of course, he wants you to sit down as well. Of course, he turns down our invite to be on the show, claiming that he would just be made to look like a foolish old man by me, which is -- couldn't be further from the truth.
The only thing that would make Soros look foolish is his ideas spoken clearly out in the open, ideas that are wildly out of step with the American people, and I do believe becoming dangerous -- which is why he has to keep them in disguise. He has put together one serious operation. It's a serious operation that is on the wrong side of history.
For example, do you know about the Soros-funded International Crisis Group? Look up the International Crisis Group. It is -- oh, it's quite amazing. And it seems to be right in the center of almost everything that is happening overseas, especially in Libya now and Egypt.
International Crisis Group has consistently worked to support the group in the Middle East who want to establish an Islamic government, including the Muslim Brotherhood and even al Qaeda. There is a report that came out in June 2008, it's this one. It's entitled "Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: Confrontation or Integration?"
Guess what they decided would be best? It was put out by his group, the International Crisis Group -- who I believe he sits on the board and so did, so did ElBaradei for a while. Well, he resigned as soon as he got that call. Hmm.
The report calls on Egypt's government and calls a crackdown of Egypt's government back then -- the crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood as, quote, "dangerously short-sighted," adding, "the regime should take preliminary steps to normalize the Muslim Brotherhood's participation in political life." Oh, had Mubarak only listened, had he only listened.
Now, while Soros' group advocates for these radical groups, he then singles out Israel, calling them, I'm quoting, "the main stumbling block" to the transformation of the Middle East. He added in this report, "In reality, Israel has much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East, as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interest, because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks."
Isn't it good to have a grandpa or a great-great-great grandpa that will just take us all by the hand and just fix all of our problems because we're just too young or dumb to understand?
Remember, George Soros says Israel is the main problem in the Middle East to transformation. Too scary for them.
George Soros is also the guy that believes that this, quoting him, "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States." Whoa!
So, let's see if we have this right. Israel and the U.S. is an obstacle to what he and his groups believe should happen. Huh! You know who else thinks that? Osama bin Laden. Oh, I know, how about like Iran?
Wait, we didn't stand up for people of Iran. That's a weird coincidence. It's almost like Iran, remember? They say we're the "Great Satan" and Israel is the little Satan and they're just using Satan while he's using obstacles. See?
Now, what about Iran? Well, Iran -- they're a little different. They're spookier than even spooky dude. They want to wipe Israel off the map and they just produced a video saying that the Islamic messiah is on his way soon. Good, the messiah is coming? No. It's like it's opposite day reading "The Book of Revelation." Got it?
How about the Muslim Brotherhood? The leaders who are openly talking about starting a war with Israel. I thought that they should be brought in the political fold.
I want to pretend here for just a moment that the news is just a bunch of completely spontaneous unrelated events. No one is orchestrating anything! And that George Soros wants all the countries of the world to have a Jeffersonian Constitution and that there's is nobody on the planet that believes in the 12th Imam or the Mahdi that's going to behead all the unbelievers planet-wide. Or that the administration, let's blend -- let's pretend the administration hearts Israel, OK? And every child in every high school is as talented as all of the kids at that high school on "Glee."
Now, with that in mind, let's look at the direction in the Middle East. Do you think it's headed toward, toward peaceful conclusion, to a happier world? Do you think it's going to end well or not so much? Are things happening that are beneficial to survival of Israel or not so much? Is there any leader in the world standing up for Israel or not so much?
Yes, Bob, I'd have to go for not so much. Israel is under attack.
And let me show you just a couple of things. OK. First of all, we have George Soros' powerful group and his players in the White House saying they're obstacles and also his players in the White House are pushing responsibility to protect that.
But let's look here. Obama says that just last September, that we want a Palestinian state that it was possible within a year. Listen to this exactly.
PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: When we come back here next year, we can have an agreement that will lead to a new member of the United Nations -- an independent, sovereign state of Palestine.
BECK: When they meet, a year from that speech. So, a year from that speech would be September and 2011.
Now, today we learn from an Israeli paper that an unnamed European diplomat has told them, quote, "International recognition of the Palestinian statehood appeared to be unavoidable in September." OK. So, September of 2011.
Hamas is calling on the Arab League to stop Israel from exploiting regional instability to carry out massacres against Palestinians. Wait a minute. That one goes under the responsibility to protect -- which is this new George Soros/Cass Sunstein wife kind of thing. We'll get into that later. OK. Got it.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas says he is willing to give up millions in U.S. aid to get just unity deal -- a unity deal with Hamas. Great. Great. OK. So, they're willing to negotiate.
Reports this week also say that Abbas ordered lawmakers to complete a draft legislation for future state. So, in other words, draft the legislation to have an independent state within six months -- within six months that would be -- oh, yes, that would be the ninth month of this year.
So, let's go with what else we know here. The U.N. is recognizing Palestinians as independent state. Yes. Yes. We got that one, too. Or this, or this, or this. All righty.
Norwegian Socialist Party -- yes. Yes. They're calling for action now against Israel, military action. They're going to use responsibility to protect, I think.
Muslim Brotherhood is now poised to grab power in Egypt and Libya. That's going to be great. They say that they're just ready to declare war against Israel.
Oh, and one more thing that I'm sure is not a problem. Remember the president said last night that "I'm ready to turn it over to NATO. That's what I'm going to do because we've done our job." It's weird because just this morning -- I wonder if something happened overnight -- the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations -- wait for it, wait for it -- said, wait a minute, we're not going to turn it over to the NATO forces yet because we haven't decided if we're going to -- we haven't decided yet. I have no idea. Arm the rebels. No, no. Might, might not.
That brings us to the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine. This states that states have the right to protect the population. In fact, the responsibility to protect the populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethic cleansing.
This apparently is what was happening in Libya. That's what we use, justification to wage kinetic military action against a country that, as Defense Secretary Gates said, was not vital interest to the United States. But we had a responsibility to protect.
And that was an idea spawned by none other than Samantha Power. She is a White House aide and the wife of the most dangerous man in America, Cass Sunstein. I'm thinking about calling them the most dangerous couple of the year because she's now out in the press bragging that it was Obama who triggered the Libya uprising. What? I'm sorry.
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