This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," March 28, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: I don't remember when I said it, but I told you that there would come a time when the masks would start to come off of these radicals and they would become less and less afraid to admit who they really are and what they were really planning on doing. It's time for you to stand up, because it's not going to get easier.
Media Matters, they're a political hack front group that we've called that for a long time. But, we were always called liars, because Hillary Clinton created it -- well, listen to her own words.
HILLARY CLINTON, SECRETARY OF STATE: The institution that I helped to start support, like Media Matters, and Center for American Progress.
BECK: Hmm, George Soros.
Originally, they said that their mission was just to correct conservative misinformation in the media. They were just being helpful.
But, now, Media Matters CEO David Brock, in a stunning admission, has said they'll focus almost entirely on Fox News. A couple of weeks ago, they said they had 86 employees and they all have to watch this program and spend the day trying to discredit me. Now, they have 90 and they're still looking to hire more. And they've changed their strategy in -- quote -- "handling Fox."
"The strategy we had towards Fox was basically a strategy of containment." I thought they were just correcting things. Containment, that sounds more political than public servicing.
Brock said in an interview, "They stepped up their containment" -- oh, like we're in Japan. And now, it's -- quote -- "guerilla warfare and sabotage."
I don't think that's even legal, but I'm not an attorney.
But there's something else. This jumped out at me -- quote -- "The group will focus on the News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdock and trying to disrupt his commercial interest." Is that sabotage? Whether it that be here or looking at what's going on in London right now. Whoo!
You know, when I read that, I thought, man, disrupt his commercial business. I have heard that before -- the guy from SEIU, Stephen Lerner. Watch.
STEPHEN LERNER, UNION LEADER: We need to figure out in a much more direct action, much more concrete way, how we really are trying to disrupt and create uncertainty for capital, for how corporations operate.
BECK: My gosh! It's like all of these guys are -- what did I write on the board -- working together against capitalism. Disrupt and sabotage. Does it sound like a 501(c)3 to you? I don't know.
I think Soros skates around some of the laws.
By the way, speaking of Soros and his money -- Jewish Funds for Justice, they took $200,000 from George Soros and his Open Society Institute. They took that last year.
And now, they claim, their mission as a group is -- quote -- "helping people in the United States achieve social and economic security by opportunity and investing in healthy neighborhoods, vibrant Jewish communities and skillful leaders." They even have a special FOX News campaign now, saying, "We stand up for those who offer nothing but scapegoats and demagoguery."
They are also hiring interns, in case you're looking to -- you know, they're creating jobs. Here's the job description: Jewish Funds for Justice seeks creative and motivated interns in New York City. I hope you're motivated.
The interns will focus on the solutions, not the scapegoats campaign and report to the senior campaign manager. The intern work will primarily focus on JFSJ's campaign to get Glenn Beck's hateful rhetoric, off of Fox News and off of radio in several cities." Oh, they're going to disrupt me some more? C'mon, guys. It's not working for you so far, is it?
Man, sometimes you must feel like a -- anyway, they continue. "This cutting edge campaign is receiving national press attention for accelerating Beck's decline." Am I in decline? Did someone check with a doctor?
"And promoting positive public discourse." I know, it feels positive so far.
This weekend, I was out in Texas. That's where I got the hat. This is the best disguise I ever worn. Nobody expects me in a cowboy hat.
I was actually out doing a stage show in Texas. And I went to the Alamo on Saturday. My wife had never been. We walked the grounds of Davy Crockett and Colonel Travis.
Tomorrow -- this has nothing to do with Media Matters because I -- I mean really. Can you imagine having that much money and still, years later, we're all still, the lights are on, we're doing good? I mean, wouldn't you really at some point go, I'm so depressed?
Tomorrow, we'll make this about where we're headed. Tomorrow, I'm going to issue a challenge. I'm going to draw a line in the sand.
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