February 17, 2011 Beck: Who Is the 12th Imam? | Glenn Beck With: Glenn Beck S
February 17, 2011 Special Guests | Joel Richardson This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," February 16, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: America, tonight we are going to go on a very touchy subject. This is "The Glenn Beck Program." What do you expect? You're going to hear things that you agree with all the time? Tonight, you're going to hear things that you agree with and disagree with, and you're going to be pushed hard. If you are a Christian or a Muslim, both of these are probably going to -- they're going to be different points of views and so they're going to hack you off. But I don't always say, what, I want to say. I say what I think we have to. Don't take anything at face value. Do your own homework. Make your own decision. This is information you need to know. And we're all people here. So, we have to try to get it right but know that it's going to push you to the limits. Tonight, I'm going to show you the apocalyptic version of Christianity and the Twelvers in Iran and also the people that believe in the extreme ends of the Mahdi out of Muslim Brotherhood. And it's not good. I want to introduce you to Joel Richardson. He is author "Islamic Antichrist." How are you, sir? JOEL RICHARDSON, "ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST": Very good. BECK: Good to see you. And also, we're going to talk to Zuhdi Jasser. He is a practicing Muslim and a physician, also the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. And he's going to join us in a just few minutes. But I wanted to -- I wanted to start here with Joel and talk a little bit about the 12th imam and the Mahdi as understood by Ahmadinejad and also the nutjobs at the top of the Muslim Brotherhood. Same basic guy, right? RICHARDSON: There's a difference with regard how they merge on to the world scene. But once they arrive, they are essentially the same. BECK: Right. The Twelvers believe it's the 7-year-old. Is he coming back as a 7-year-old? Or does it matter? RICHARDSON: I believe he comes back as an adult. BECK: As an adult, OK. And the Mahdi is not the 7-year-old for the Muslim Brotherhood, but he does the same things? RICHARDSON: He's an individual that comes back and just emerges out of humanity in order to elevate the Islamic world, to bring the Islamic world together and cause Islam to be victorious throughout the Earth. BECK: OK. First let me go on this, because we have some comparisons of the Book of Revelation and then the story of the 12th imam or the Mahdi. And it is -- America, it will blow your mind. It will blow your mind. Let's start first here. Let's start with chaos, why would anyone want chaos? RICHARDSON: According to Islamic tradition, it is out of chaos that their messiah, the Mahdi, would emerge on to the world scene. BECK: OK. That is the same basic story that Christians believe. It's going to be seven-year tribulations -- it's going to be nasty for seven years and bloodshed. There are not going to be anybody left really towards the end, and then the messiah comes, right? RICHARDSON: Delivers the Earth, redeems the Earth, restores creation and delivers his people. BECK: Right. OK. So, it's the same kind of chaos we're talking about, right? RICHARDSON: Yes. BECK: Yes. OK. And both stories have the beheadings of people in it? RICHARDSON: Right. BECK: OK. RICHARDSON: The Bible says the method whereby antichrist would kill his enemies, Jews and Christians, is through beheading. And then interestingly enough, it's Islam, it's actually in the Koran, it says, strike the necks of the infidels -- some translations say behead the infidels. BECK: OK. RICHARDSON: Islam has this rich tradition of beheading their enemies. BECK: Right. But these guys believe that the 12th imam is coming if they create another chaos. So, in other words, wash the world in blood because -- I don't know -- do you know of any Christian sects that believe they can hasten the return of Jesus by creating chaos? RICHARDSON: No, they can pray. BECK: Yes. OK. But this would be -- so, you kind of understand this would be like some kind of extreme crazy Christian who is like, hey, you know what Jesus is coming, so let's just get it all over with. What do you say we start slaughtering people so Jesus will come back and split the mountains, right? RICHARDSON: Right. BECK: Yes. It's crazy. It's crazy. So, when Ahmadinejad says, "Help me hasten the return of the promised one," what does he mean by that? RICHARDSON: Essentially, the method that they believe they can hasten the return of the Mahdi is to attempt to carry out the things that he will do. So, they're pushing for the unification of the Islamic world and some of these radicals believe that by initiating global chaos, that they can force the hand of Allah, force the hand of God to make Mahdi emerge. BECK: So, the best-case scenario is, he means that by saying that I want a global caliphate. RICHARDSON: Best-case scenario, and in the midst of that, we have to consider the fact that you cannot separate that from the destruction of the state of Israel and the Jewish people. GLENN BECK, HOST: America, tonight we are going to go on a very touchy subject. This is "The Glenn Beck Program." What do you expect? You're going to hear things that you agree with all the time? Tonight, you're going to hear things that you agree with and disagree with, and you're going to be pushed hard. If you are a Christian or a Muslim, both of these are probably going to -- they're going to be different points of views and so they're going to hack you off. But I don't always say, what, I want to say. I say what I think we have to. Don't take anything at face value. Do your own homework. Make your own decision. This is information you need to know. And we're all people here. So, we have to try to get it right but know that it's going to push you to the limits. Tonight, I'm going to show you the apocalyptic version of Christianity and the Twelvers in Iran and also the people that believe in the extreme ends of the Mahdi out of Muslim Brotherhood. And it's not good. I want to introduce you to Joel Richardson. He is author "Islamic Antichrist." How are you, sir? JOEL RICHARDSON, "ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST": Very good. BECK: Good to see you. And also, we're going to talk to Zuhdi Jasser. He is a practicing Muslim and a physician, also the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. And he's going to join us in a just few minutes. But I wanted to -- I wanted to start here with Joel and talk a little bit about the 12th imam and the Mahdi as understood by Ahmadinejad and also the nutjobs at the top of the Muslim Brotherhood. Same basic guy, right? RICHARDSON: There's a difference with regard how they merge on to the world scene. But once they arrive, they are essentially the same. BECK: Right. The Twelvers believe it's the 7-year-old. Is he coming back as a 7-year-old? Or does it matter? RICHARDSON: I believe he comes back as an adult. BECK: As an adult, OK. And the Mahdi is not the 7-year-old for the Muslim Brotherhood, but he does the same things? RICHARDSON: He's an individual that comes back and just emerges out of humanity in order to elevate the Islamic world, to bring the Islamic world together and cause Islam to be victorious throughout the Earth. BECK: OK. First let me go on this, because we have some comparisons of the Book of Revelation and then the story of the 12th imam or the Mahdi. And it is -- America, it will blow your mind. It will blow your mind. Let's start first here. Let's start with chaos, why would anyone want chaos? RICHARDSON: According to Islamic tradition, it is out of chaos that their messiah, the Mahdi, would emerge on to the world scene. BECK: OK. That is the same basic story that Christians believe. It's going to be seven-year tribulations -- it's going to be nasty for seven years and bloodshed. There are not going to be anybody left really towards the end, and then the messiah comes, right? RICHARDSON: Delivers the Earth, redeems the Earth, restores creation and delivers his people. BECK: Right. OK. So, it's the same kind of chaos we're talking about, right? RICHARDSON: Yes. BECK: Yes. OK. And both stories have the beheadings of people in it? RICHARDSON: Right. BECK: OK. RICHARDSON: The Bible says the method whereby antichrist would kill his enemies, Jews and Christians, is through beheading. And then interestingly enough, it's Islam, it's actually in the Koran, it says, strike the necks of the infidels -- some translations say behead the infidels. BECK: OK. RICHARDSON: Islam has this rich tradition of beheading their enemies. BECK: Right. But these guys believe that the 12th imam is coming if they create another chaos. So, in other words, wash the world in blood because -- I don't know -- do you know of any Christian sects that believe they can hasten the return of Jesus by creating chaos? RICHARDSON: No, they can pray. BECK: Yes. OK. But this would be -- so, you kind of understand this would be like some kind of extreme crazy Christian who is like, hey, you know what Jesus is coming, so let's just get it all over with. What do you say we start slaughtering people so Jesus will come back and split the mountains, right? RICHARDSON: Right. BECK: Yes. It's crazy. It's crazy. So, when Ahmadinejad says, "Help me hasten the return of the promised one," what does he mean by that? RICHARDSON: Essentially, the method that they believe they can hasten the return of the Mahdi is to attempt to carry out the things that he will do. So, they're pushing for the unification of the Islamic world and some of these radicals believe that by initiating global chaos, that they can force the hand of Allah, force the hand of God to make Mahdi emerge. BECK: So, the best-case scenario is, he means that by saying that I want a global caliphate. RICHARDSON: Best-case scenario, and in the midst of that, we have to consider the fact that you cannot separate that from the destruction of the state of Israel and the Jewish people. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. 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