February 14, 2011 How Do We Judge Success in Egypt? | Glenn Beck
February 14, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," February 14, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: The budget proposal of the president is unbelievably insulting. You can find out the details on it at FoxNews.com. Look into it. It is insulting. But beyond that, let's talk about the things that affect you. Food prices -- food prices are about to skyrocket as we have said. The orange growers association came out and said they believe that orange juice is going to become a luxury item. Orange juice. Things are changing. Tell your friends to please wake up. The media is busy hailing Egypt's revolt as the second coming of 1776. I saw that newscast at the bottom of the hour and I thought, my gosh, that is exactly what we said would happen. It would set the Middle East on fire because others saw it and were inspired. Egypt, however, is on a path to unprecedented liberty and freedom, according to the media. Democracy at last. This morning on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" the co-host continue believe that a smart, Harvard-educated man like Niall Ferguson could possibly believe that anything is wrong in Egypt. Why, just look at the pictures. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: I want to hear more about how you think he blew it with Egypt, because looking at all the reports and pictures and peacefulness on the streets of Cairo -- so far, so good. It actually seems like it went pretty damn well. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: He didn't think so. He started telling her about caliphate and isn't it a little early? Sure, the Egyptian people threw a dictator out of power in 17 days, and I think we all agree on that one, that that's great. But is that the way we judge success in Egypt? To me there are several things we need to look at to have some metrics to be able to measure this. Do we see a positive or negative change in the way that Egypt deals with the U.S.? Do we see a positive or negative change in the way Egypt deals with Israel? Do we see an Egyptian politician outwardly expressing Islamic extremist rhetoric? Do we see human rights violations go up or down? Is the government decreasing or increasing the rights of women? Is the government decreasing or increasing the rights of religious minorities? See, isn't this what the left called for in saying how do we won the war? What does success look like? They wanted a definition and I do, too. But we should apply it in Iraq and Pakistan and Afghanistan, but maybe in Egypt, too. Because I don't remember them celebrating when Saddam Hussein was out of power. They said it's un-winnable. I told you these things were happening and everybody is just like, this is great for Egypt. I happen to disagree. It is better than Mubarak so far -- so far, yes, but let's have a standard to judge it by. And if these things turn out to be more positive than negative, great. But don't we need to ask these questions? How about this one -- is it going to destabilize the Middle East and do we have anybody pushing for caliphates? Our CIA director is getting his reports of Mubarak stepping down last week from the media. So I don't know if anyone is there to answer these questions -- it sounds like they are camping or checked out. The left freaked out over the belief that Iraqis, who had Americans to guide them, help set up a government, all those Iraqis couldn't put together a meaningful democracy for themselves. They can't do that. Yet in Egypt where one poll has found that 85 percent of Egyptians favor putting people to death if you switch out of Islam to another faith, the media somehow or other has total confidence this is going to work out? Would Thomas Jefferson being smiling of pride and approval for that mentality? Was it Patrick Henry who declared, "Make them Muslim or give them death"? I don't think that is what he said. Maybe it's just me. Don't get me wrong. I hope and pray that it turns out with well for the Egyptian people and all of the people in the Middle East. And when we can answer all six questions in a favorable way -- or at least a majority of them -- I would love to proclaim to the world that Egypt has set a new standard for peace and freedom in the Middle East. Unfortunately something else seems to be happening, and I'll show that to you next. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: Some who may casually watch this program will say, Glenn, why aren't you supporting the wonderful movement for democracy and freedom in Egypt? Well, if that is what it is, I do support. But we'll have to wait and see. The military has seized control they have dissolved the parliament and suspended constitution. That doesn't scream freedom to me. If they really do follow through put together a new constitution, hold free and fair elections for a new parliament and relinquish control to the then duly elected, benevolent, non-Islamic state government, I'll break down like a little three-year-old girl cry and long and hard I'll be so happy and relieved. The problem is we're already seeing some signs of real concern. First, this thing is spreading as we told you on day number one it would. We are seeing instability across the Middle East and now even into Europe. This weekend there were massive protests in Algeria, Jordan, Yemen, and, yes, even Italy, where thousands of Italians took to the streets in some 200 cities across the country Sunday in protest of the prime minister's alleged behavior toward women. Now, I want to make this clear. This Italian unrest is obviously coming from a different place than in the Middle East, but it does show the uprising mentality continuing to spread. By the way, they have also declared a state of emergency in Italy because of all the illegal immigrants coming in from Tunisia. The fear is in Italy some of these are actually escaped prisoners from Tunisia or Tunisian terrorists. They are flowing in so rapid at such a high rate no one in Italy can tell who is who. But I digress. The protests continue. New popular protests were scheduled today in Bahrain. Libya comes next on Thursday, followed by Algeria and then, on Saturday, Morocco, Cameroon, and Kuwait. Today in Iran, despite a government ban on demonstrations, thousands of protestors turned out in Tehran met by 10,000 members of the Iranian security. According to one report, one person was shot dead at a Tehran rally and several more wounded by opposition supporters. Here is a video. This is a video here of an Iranian protestor burning a picture of the late Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran's Supreme Leader now the Ayatollah Khamenei. They are chanting "Mubarak, Ben Ali, now Said Ali's turn." This, you would think, would be a protest the Obama administration should encourage. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has come out, but where is the president? In a state where they have vowed to destroy Israel, they refer to us as the "Great Satan." They rule with Sharia law, they stone homosexuals to death, they seek to hasten the 12th imam and the end of the world, I don't know, it seems like we may have a chance for positive outcome in that country. Now I can already hear the left, "Glenn Beck baselessly encourages unrest in Iran but not being sure it's a good thing in Egypt." Yes, except not baselessly. My basis is Iran is our enemy and an Islamic state and a center for terrorism not only in the Middle East but worldwide. A military dictatorship would be better than that, not necessarily for the people, but us. Change might bring friendlier relations and actual freedom to the Iranian citizens. It might. Egypt most likely is going in the opposite direction. But don't worry. Don't worry about those pesky details if you are writing for TIME magazine or you work for MS/Al-Jazeera. Don't worry your pretty head. Just look at the pictures. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." 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