Tuesday, January 11, 2011 Washington's Solution to Problem of 'Violent Rhetoric
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 11, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: Welcome to "The Glenn Beck Program." It didn't take long for Washington to come out with their solution to the problem of the alleged violent rhetoric. The solution, however, comes despite not having a shred of evidence that this crazed gunman was motivated by anything other than his craziness. Politicians, however, are there to protect you. They're pushing a ban on certain symbols and words, a ban on guns, a ban on talk radio. It's great and I want to help. That's why, today, I found some people here in New York to come to work for this program. And we picked them up at the OTB -- you know, the off-track betting place. These guys were really good at making bets. And so, I just put them in the backroom there. I don't know who that is getting up. But just put them in the backroom. There in a milky kind of tub and we have some electrodes on it. I know a lot of people saying, this is -- you just took a cheap screen shot from "The Minority Report" and that's actually what it says in the corner. But that would be beside the point. The point is here: We're just trying to fix things. We're trying to control speech and actions and thoughts. No, let me take that back. We're just trying to control the actions of society and make sure that there's no violence and crime. That's it. And I know some will say that's as possible as, you know, me having three pre-cogs in milky creepy-looking water who intermittently release pre-cog balls that tell the future. That's, of course, not -- oh, hang on a second. Uh-oh! Please don't think things, please. Jane and Fred Ryan from Iowa, the pre-cogs know what your intent is. And there's no use running. We know what you're thinking. We know what you're going to do in the future. So, just sit there comfortably, and rest assured, America, things will be safe. Let us worry about the crime here. And we'll see this hour what these new -- fabulous -- new laws, what kind of gifts they really are to you, the American people. Come on. (MUSIC) BECK: Well, hello, America. Democrat Carolyn McCarthy, she is preparing to introduce a new gun control measure on the floor of the House. The law would ban larger magazines like the one allegedly used by the Arizona shooter. This gave me an idea. Larger magazines are apparently bad. Well, why don't -- why stop with the magazines? Carolyn, you're on to something. Let's just ban everything that is bad. Sadness is bad. Let's ban sadness. And sadness leads to depression. Ban depression. How about traffic? We should ban traffic. Have you ever driven in traffic? It's awful. It makes me sad and leads to depression. Bad. Ban it. You see how easy this is? You just ban -- broccoli. We were doing that -- trans fats? Let's do it. Sadness, gun, symbols, it's great. Memo to everyone -- please. Sure, guns don't kill people. Crazy people kill people. But stop. What does that mean? It's bumper sticker thinking! You got to look at what they did in Chicago. In 1982, they passed a strict gun ordinance, because guns are -- say it with me -- bad! So the result, they said no guns in Chicago. The result, oh, my gosh, it's great. Handgun murders, I don't think we actually have any stats for you. You just have to trust me on this. Uh-oh! Am I hypnotizing you again? Handgun murders skyrocketed. The first seven years the ban was in effect, the number of handgun murders increased by more than 56 percent. Uh-oh! That handgun ban seemed to make dead people sad and we banned sadness and handguns. Now what? The Supreme Court when they reversed the city's ban in Chicago, guess what they cited? The rising of the gun -- you know -- the murders with guns. Quote, "The Chicago Police Department statistics show, we are told, they reveal that the city's handgun murder rate has actually increased since the ban was enacted and that Chicago residents now face one of the highest murder rates in the country, and the rates of other violent crimes that exceed the average in comparable cities." So, in other words, the Supreme Court used common sense and said the ban doesn't work. It might be a problem with the people, not the boom- boom. What did Glenn Beck do? Is that violent? Am I threatening somebody? You know, some kids in some schools can't do this, or they'll be expelled. That is just good policy. So, here's the next solution. Representative Bob Brady, he plans to introduce a bill that would ban threatening words and symbols. You know, like crosshairs and whatever else. He says, "This is not a wake-up call. This is a major alarm going off. We need to be more civil with each other. We need to tone down this rhetoric." It's almost like Jesus himself is talking to us. Brady -- tone down the rhetoric, be more civic. But Brady doesn't have any evidence that shootings are related to rhetoric or symbols. But he says this -- again, like Jesus, tone down the rhetoric -- "I don't know what is in this nut's head, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." (LAUGHTER) Oh, Bob, you're right. You'd rather be safe and trample on the First Amendment. Well, gee, Bobby, thank you so much. Let me ask you this -- how does limiting free speech or symbols make us safer? Does it make us more volatile or less volatile? We'll get back to you on that. But, right now, let's do what politicians never do and think for two seconds before we act. Violent symbols -- violent symbols should just go away. May I share something with just you? Because remember, all I do is engage in conspiracy theories. So, listen to me now, just us. I want to tell you about this cult that's out there. It's a cult. They get together in groups, and they recite like pledges or something. I don't know. My friends had told me about this. I don't know it myself. But they recite stuff. And then they force their kids to gaze upon -- I can barely say it -- one of the most violent images known to man. Oh, it's horrible. And yes, yes! This "cult" forced their kids, as young as seven, to bow down and gaze upon that symbol. And then they teach them to drink blood. It's almost too horrible to imagine and it happens every Sunday. Yes. It's crazy. We got to stop it. Let me show -- please, look for a second but don't be hypnotized by it. This symbol, it's violent, it's violent. This symbol needs to go away. Oh, my gosh! They have kids looking at it. What will they do? That's why there's such a rash of crucifixions in the third grade! Yes? It's happening. My apologies to anybody who finds this man and his image sacred. But we're insane. This is what happens when you regulate every symbol and every word and you have somebody else say we've got to regulate symbols and I decide which one! Because look how easy it is to turn something like your first communion into something dark and sinister. But while we're here, why not keep going? Congress, I got another suggestion. Shotgun weddings -- I mean, shotgun weddings, it's really -- it's just a bunch of hicks anyway. How will the hick newlyweds not know to shoot each other? We should ban shotgun weddings or at least the phrase, because it's violent. What about this show on television? Now, again, don't act on this. I don't know, it could be a news documentary. I don't know, I don't know what it is. I haven't seen it, but friends have told me about it. Look at this image. Look at this image. It's the barrel of a tank. OK. What is the tank advocating? You ready? Cupcake wars! I don't know what the cupcake wars are. What? You didn't give me a cupcake. I'm going to take my cupcake tank and blow like sprinkle stuff all over you, man! I don't know what it is, but it's violent. It should go away. But wait, while we're banning stuff, why stop there? If you act before midnight tonight, let's not touch the "N" word in rap. Let's make sure that video games where kids can take and shoot cops in the head. Let's make sure that's OK. That means nothing. It's just a movie, it's just a video game. Nothing! But let's talk about violent rhetoric. Unnamed. Zero example. Violent rhetoric. And let's talk about banning symbols because we're just trying to help you. We're looking out for you. Remember, your 10-year-old can shoot a cop in a game because your kids know better. Why are you such a prude? We're not talking -- not your kids -- we're talking about these people. People like this all over the country. They're just -- they're just walking around in the streets. These people don't know what's going on! We have to protect them. There's a rock band called The Killers. They're not even trying to hide it. They're Killers. Flu shots? You're going to go in there? Right! Look at this one. Look at this one. What is this? We want a Valentine's Day massacre on our hands where lovers are shooting arrows through each other's hearts? I don't think so! Why do you have a threatening symbol? It's scary, isn't it? Really? Again, the indoctrination of religion. Shooting arrows into people's hearts. That's what God's minion is doing? How do we allow these people to spread this propaganda and then just release them in the stores, on a day that they're supposed to focus on love? But this isn't the worst. No, this isn't the worst. Remove your kids. Please, remove them from -- I don't want to show you this, but I have to because I'm protecting you, of course. I'm helping Congress protect you. I don't want to frighten anybody, but I got a tip about a "big box store." Now, when I say big box store, don't think box cutters which what terrorists use because I'm not saying box cutters. I'm saying big box store. Or am I? What is it that I mean? Am I supporting the terrorists by saying big box store, and you think big box cutters? I don't know. That's why all speech really should stop. But let me get this out about the box stores before we ban myself. These big box stores -- they've been embedded in cities all across the country. They're insidious. We didn't even know. How did we miss this? All over -- over-the-top violent symbols and the rhetoric, side-by-side, and we didn't even notice it. But symbol and the word, violent symbol, violent rhetoric, one word there -- right there, all across the country. If you see one of these stores, please -- please. First of all, don't shoot. It's not actually a "target." Or is it? I'm not really sure anymore. And those people you saw on the streets, those people surely don't know. They need somebody. Call a progressive immediately, please and -- tell them where these are. Stop the madness. Other scary words that we, of course, need to work on. Guns and Roses. Slaughterhouse-Five. The book "Swordfish." "Swordfish!" Shot glasses. Arrowhead Stadium. What do you mean by that? Is that a slam on Native Americans? Or is that violent? I don't know. And how did we miss fruit punch? Fruit punch? I was thinking about that today, fruit punch and I thought, my gosh, it was standing right in front of us the whole time. The Kool-Aid guy. The Kool-Aid guy just coming in and breaking down walls -- violent as hell. What is he? A pitcher, what appears to be blood -- whose blood? Children's blood? I don't know! How naive have we been? Pretty naive. It's a good thing -- it's a good thing we have regulators in Washington to help us. Now, if I may leave the word and symbol to the police in Washington, you know, the experts -- I want to take on something else. I want to also talk about the media. Do you remember the Fort Hood shooter, Nidal Hasan? He was great. He was screaming "Allah Akbar" before going on a rampage before killing 13 people and wounding 30 others. Now, here's how the old Gray Lady -- very old and sick, I think -- The New York Times reacted to the attacks on November 7th, 2009. Here it is. "In the aftermath of this unforgivable attack, it would (sic) be important to draw -- to avoid drawing prejudicial" -- I can't say it. It's that crazy -- "prejudicial conclusions from the fact that Major Hasan is an American Muslim whose parents came from the Middle East." Don't judge. Don't do it. President Obama, he was right when he told Americans we don't know all the answers yet. He cautioned. Don't jump to conclusions. It's weird. That's something he did not say on Saturday? I don't know if it was deleted from the teleprompter or what. The question is: why did he say that at Fort Hood? And he wasn't the only one who said that. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIPS) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The biggest caveat we can have right now is not jump to conclusions given that the event is still going on. GEN. GEORGE W. CASEY: We have to be careful, because we can't jump to conclusions now based on little snippets of information that come out. SEN. JOE LIEBERMAN, I-CONN.: First, this was a terrible tragedy. Second, it's too early. It's premature to reach conclusions about what motivated Hasan. (END VIDEO CLIPS) BECK: Allah Akbar. But the guy could have been crazy. Remember, this guy on Saturday, "Communist Manifesto" and "Mein Kampf" were his favorite books. Do your hear me harping on that? No. Because he was crazy. You don't judge -- you don't Shirley Sherrod somebody. You don't judge -- you see if he's crazy. It turns out this guy wasn't crazy. Now, the question is -- why at Fort Hood did they constantly say, don't jump to conclusions? They believe you're so simple-minded, so stupid, such sheep, you know, the people in the streets. That stereotyping of entire group would lead to more violence against Muslims. It's not just wrong, which it is. It's not just wrong. You're sheep. And when you do that, they'll be rounded up and they'll be killed. Even the president said he was tired of the American-Muslim families being rounded up in the middle of the night. He said that during the campaign tour. I've never seen it happen but he wanted it to end. And I think that's one of the first things I agreed with him on, I just didn't know it started. But if it is, I'm with him. I want it to end, too. He doesn't want anybody rounded up and neither do I. And apparently, the way to get people rounded up, according to the president, is to jump to conclusions and to stereotype an entire group. You see where I'm going here. They are using fear. I believe it was Yoda who said, "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate and hate leads to suffering." Oh, yes. You would hate to have a situation where you feared a whole group of people, right? That is a good piece of advice. Recap, here's what they're saying. They reported on this a million times. Don't call him a Muslim or say he's acting on behalf of Muslims, but that is stereotyping an entire group. And that will lead to more violence against Muslims. The people of America will apparently grab their cup of coffee in the morning and their gun and start attacking Muslims, and they won't even realize they're doing it. It's just because we stereotyped a whole group. Fast forward to yesterday's edition of The New York Times. Same story: Crazy person goes on a shooting spree, because they're crazy. And here's how they report it: "It's a facile -- it is facile and mistaken to attribute this particular mad man's act directly to Republicans or Tea Party members. But it is legitimate to hold Republicans in particular their most virulent supporters in the media responsible" -- I think they're talking about me -- "for the gale of anger that has produced the vast majority of these threats, setting the nation on edge. Many of the right have exploited the arguments of division, reaping political power by demonizing immigrants or welfare recipients or bureaucrats. They seem to have persuaded many Americans that it's not just the government is misguided, but the government is the enemy of the people." Well, first of all, it wasn't me to convince anyone of that. You have to go back farther than me. You'd have to go back to, oh, I don't know, George Washington or Benjamin Franklin, or Thomas Jefferson, or James Madison. The list is endless on them saying the government is the enemy of the people unless it's small. But that leads me to a problem because apparently, you're anti- government. But let's follow this thinking of The New York Times. This shooter was anti-government, which made him on the right, they think. But wait a minute -- they've also been saying that we're too rigid and crazy constitutionalist. They say that we're in love with the cornerstone of our government. But, yet, somehow or another, we're in love with the cornerstone of our government but we are anti-government. Do you see the mental hoops? If you're awake, none of this makes sense. None of it. How many Americans are still asleep? Now, this time, the shooter doesn't have a clear ideology, although his friends call him a dope-smoking leftist. But there's no clear motive here. He's just crazy by all accounts. But it's OK to make this about conservatives and their claim that their viewpoint is posing a danger to America somehow or another. That doesn't seem to make any sense -- this one -- I'm sorry. We have guys in the milky bath in the back, and we're just trying to help stop crime. Sam in Florida, we know what you're thinking. Well, I don't know, but she knows what you're thinking. And the three OTB guys in the milk bath, we're just -- Sam, the authorities are on the way to your house to solve the crime that you're going to commit, unfortunately, soon. We're here to protect. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." 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