Monday, December 13, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010 Jon Huntsman's Road to Success Paved With Struggle |

Friday, December 10, 2010

Special Guests | Jon Huntsman

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," December 10, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Well, hello, America. Welcome to the program.

We have a studio an audience tonight here joining me in New York. And I have -- I have some amazing stuff to share with you. And it's really about individual struggle.

Next year, I am starting a new direction on the program and it is what I believe will help us through the next period, E4. Watch for it. To give you a taste of what's you're in for next year, except this is just going to be kind of an intellectual discussion, I guess. Next year, we start to roll up our sleeves and get involved.

If you look at all the problems that we have or the things that people are saying. People are saying now, oh, things are bad. Yes, things are bad. Or I want to be rich. Or capitalists are greedy. All of these are lies.

I learned actually my father when I was pouting -- I think I was about 35. I still pouted. And my father said to me, I said, "Dad, jeez, I really had a tough life." And my dad said, "Oh, I know." And he was busy baking at the time.

And he said, "I know, son. Oh, boy, you've had a bad life, huh? Really hard." I was like, "Yes, see, you get it."

And he said, "I tell you what, I got some bread in the oven." He said, "Would you do me a favor," he said, "Make a list of all the things that are bad in your life, all the -- all the horrible things that have happened and call me tonight. We'll talk about it."

I called him back in about 10 minutes, and I said, "You don't even have bread in the oven, do you, dad?" And he said -- he just laughed, and he said, "You figured it out that fast?" And I said, "Yes."

As I started to make a list of the things that were bad that happened in my life, I realize that those things, if that hadn't happened, then this wouldn't have happened and that wouldn't have happened, and I wouldn't be where I am today.

Things are bad? No. Things may be tough but they're exactly the way they're supposed to be, for you and for me.

I want to be rich. I have to tell you something -- I know a pretty wealthy guy. You're going to meet him here in a second. I mean, he's -- you want to talk about rich?

I figure out how you become a billionaire. You become a billionaire not by inventing some idea. You become a billionaire by inventing something that goes into all of these products, everything, everything. Almost everything that you eat, almost -- your car, everything.

This guy has invented something that goes into all of it. It's incredible. He is the richest man I know but it has nothing to do with money. And I have to tell you, I wouldn't want his life. I wouldn't want it. It's not worth it.

The other is capitalists are greedy. This is a lie. This is a lie. And this is a lie. And tonight, you'll find out why. Tonight, I'll prove all of those a lie.

And we'll do one other thing. You remember I told you about the Tower of Babel and how Nimrod -- did anybody see that episode? You saw that?

OK, what is the mortar that went in between the bricks? Do you remember? Materialism. Materialism.

The Hebrew word for mortar is materialism. Nimrod, when he built the Tower of Babel, made everybody alike and put them together and held them together with materialism. If our materialism goes away, what do we have left? We've got to concentrate on the things of real value.

Last week, I was in New Orleans and Dallas. I decided to go a different way with the show. Right before the show went on, I was out with Bill O'Reilly, and I decided I was going to do poetry. And -- oh, yes, you never know what you're going to get when you buy a ticket to my show.

And I told the story of the three little pigs. I read a poem that is phenomenal from Rudyard Kipling that tells us everything we need to know. And then I read the words of "America the Beautiful" and the "Star-Spangled Banner." What I did was I showed the audience that the answer to our problems is everywhere. It's everywhere.

The answer we're looking for has been embedded over the years in our poetry, in our paintings, in our music. For instance, may I give you the words of "America the Beautiful"? I think this is the second or third stanza.

"Oh, beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife." What does that mean? Heroes don't become heroes because they're born a hero. They have to be proven. In what? In strife. But it's not just strife, it's liberating strife -- liberating strife.

That must mean that strife is good. And yet in our country now, we're being taught that strife is bad. That strife is enslaving. We're being told that struggles shouldn't happen. That failure shouldn't happen.

Failure is liberating.

Heroes proved in liberating strife, who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life. America! America! May God by gold refine till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine.

Wow! Things are bad. Our country is coming apart at the seams. Maybe it's because our successes aren't noble and our gains aren't divine. The truth matters. Struggle and strife is liberating.

But we don't necessarily learn from it -- maybe because we don't have a dad that is busy baking bread. This is all I know. Tell me about your strife and your struggles. We don't figure it out.

Tonight, I want to show you a man who has struggled and who has done amazing things in his life -- but with honor and integrity every step of the way. You want to know how to fix our country? Maybe we can learn a few things from a guy named Jon Huntsman. Watch.


BECK (voice-over): Jon Huntsman, Sr., founder of the Huntsman Corporation, a global chemical company, brought us the Styrofoam egg container and the famed Big Mac clam shell.

There is not a day that goes by in your life that one of John's products doesn't touch you, and because of this, he's one of the world's richest men, a self-made billionaire who has achieved the American Dream and then some.

But the road leading him to where he is today has been paved with struggle. As a teenager, Jon Huntsman lived with his parents and two brothers in a homemade of cardboard walls. It was his work ethic embedded into his fiber from his childhood that got him noticed.

Harold Zellerbach, the paper tycoon, saw something in Jon and granted him a scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business where Jon learned his craft.

He married Karen and raised nine children. He was the definition of the American Dream.

And then in 1987, tragedy struck the family. While Huntsman and his wife were away at a company Christmas party in Ohio, their son James Huntsman, then 16, was kidnapped. A million dollar ransom was demanded.

And a phone call was placed to the family. It was traced to the grocery store. The kidnapper on the phone with Jon Huntsman was grabbed by a federal agent. In the struggle, the agent was stabbed in the chest and nearly died and James was returned to the family. But it's a memory that no Huntsman will ever forget.

The business world has been no cake walk either. He's rescued his company from bankruptcy several times and personally went to battle for it two years ago, long after he had retired as CEO. Huntsman's company had agreed to a buy-out backed by Apollo Management until Apollo called and said the deal was off. The deal would have let Huntsman cash out and fully fund his cancer institute. But the sunken deal instead tanked his stock to $2 a share.

Huntsman knew the buyout was ironclad, so he took Apollo to court in Delaware and won. This case is one reason why Huntsman insists business ethics be taught at Utah State and at his alma mater, Wharton School of Business, where he has made generous contributions.

Huntsman has now given away $1.2 billion in the past 10 years. His plan is to die broke and give all of his money to charity. His most well- known cause is the Huntsman Cancer Institute. He and his wife founded the institute in 1995 to find a cure for cancer, his life goal.

It's a disease that struck him personally, three times, and claimed the life of his mother who died in his arms. His father died from cancer, as did his stepmother. But it is only one of the many causes that the Huntsman name is dedicated to.

Huntsman, an unabashed capitalist, his business allowed him to pursue his philanthropic empire. But the road has not always been easy. When others might have taken a less ethical route, Jon has always chosen the higher route. And he says in his book "Winners Never Cheat: Even in Difficult Times."

He is the story of one man, who despite struggles, has proved the power of one makes the difference.



BECK: Joining me now is Jon Huntsman, Sr., he is founder and chairman of the Huntsman Corporation. He is also the author of "Winners Never Cheat."

I cannot recommend this book highly enough. This is a life-changing - - a life-changing book. You know, the problem in America so many times now is we don't believe it can be done, because we don't see anybody doing it. He has. He has and it is a much better way to go.

Jon Huntsman, welcome, sir.


BECK: Jon is a good friend of mine. In fact, he's a fishing companion of mine. And we meet three years, four years ago, maybe?

HUNTSMAN: About four years.

BECK: About four years ago. I didn't know anything about Jon when somebody -- a mutual friend of ours said you guys should get together. Jon Huntsman would like to take you to lunch. I thought, wow, what it's going to be like to go to lunch with a billionaire. He took me to a hospital cafeteria.


BECK: And we got to know each other there and we have been friends ever since.

Jon, I watched you two years ago with Apollo? Is that fair to say? Two years ago?


BECK: I watched you from being -- no offense -- a young vibrant man to being worried that my older friend was going to die. I thought that was going to kill you. And you said -- correct me if I'm wrong -- it was because, I got the impression that it was because you couldn't believe that business was done this way anymore. Is that right?

HUNTSMAN: Yes, that is right, Glenn. You know, when a contract is signed, it's an ironclad contract. When a man shakes another man's hand, it's a contract.

BECK: You flew the Apollo people out, I don't want to dwell on this, but you flew the people out because you do business on a handshake, right?

HUNTSMAN: I try to, yes.

BECK: Right. And -- I mean, there was a contract, but you flew them out at your expense after the deal to shake their hands and look them in the eye. And when they wanted to get out of it, they did everything they could to get out of it.

HUNTSMAN: That's correct.

BECK: Right. And you took them to court and I remember you looking at me and saying, "Glenn, if you can't do business, if you can't be honest" -- and I remember you looking out to the city and saying, "None of this works." What do you mean by that? What did you mean by that?

HUNTSMAN: Well, it's very simple. Glenn, in life, our word is our bond. Our handshake is the most important ingredient that we have. It's our honor. It's our character. It's everything about the American Dream.

If we don't have that, then we don't have life. Life doesn't mean anything. There's no integrity. It's a pretty simple way of life that -- you know, it's like when I see you out on the river fishing and you say, "Jon, look at this one. It's an 18-incher." And I say, "Glenn, it's only 14 inches."


HUNTSMAN: But, I mean, the point of it is, we cannot conduct life unless we have sense of honor and integrity about what we do.

BECK: Is that what the problem with the country is right now, business-wise? What is the problem? As businessman, what is the problem with the country?

HUNTSMAN: Well, I would say that the biggest single problem we have today in America is that our focus is on greed and the accumulation of wealth. Now, the accumulation of wealth, I'm going to paraphrase my old friend, I wish he was a friend, Andrew Carnegie, who said we're temporary trustees in order to help those who may find themselves in some form of trouble.

And I've always loved that. I keep that expression behind my desk. So, today, I believe there are a lot of people in the United States of America, and probably on flea street of London and other capitals of the world, financial capitals, whose goal is accumulate money for sake of accumulating money and not for the sake of utilizing it to help their fellow man and woman and to help mankind.

And if there is a goal beyond making money, then it's really fun. I mean, it is really enjoyable and you work twice as hard and you're enthused and you're excited. But if it's for the sake of accumulation of money, for some lesson or another, you lose the spirit.

BECK: You really thought when you went to Apollo and said, guys, guys, I know you want out of the deal, but this money is all going to cure cancer, this is all going to charity. You really thought -- if I'm not mistaken, because I talked to you right after that -- you really thought they were going to go, oh, oh, it's charity! Didn't you?

HUNTSMAN: Well, I kind of did. Yes.


BECK: I didn't, Jon. No, I didn't. I didn't think they'd make that change.

Business had to have changed since you've gone into -- when did you first start -- I mean, because this was -- this -- I was in -- I was in his office and it's like this museum on the first floor because this is a global headquarters. At the end of this hallway, there are these gold records.

And I said, what are these gold records? Did you sing at some point? And it was like you were the first K-tel guy. Right?

HUNTSMAN: Right. I had to come up with something fast, some innovation in my mind in order to create the wealth. My father was a rural school teacher in Idaho. I didn't have a rich uncle.

And so, I had to have money to start the plastic and chemical business and so, I came up with this idea of selling phonograph records over television. And so, we did, and we sold millions and millions of them. And this was back in the late '60s and we utilized that money to get in the --

BECK: Right. You were the first to put together the compilation albums, right?

HUNTSMAN: That's correct.

BECK: And you put together like the Christmas album. I mean, I remember from my childhood growing up, we had some of these. Little did I know it was going to an evil, evil corporation.

HUNTSMAN: Evil, yes.

BECK: And then you took that money and you did this.

HUNTSMAN: We made some of the first plastic products in America. Yes.

BECK: And this was yours. The Styrofoam egg cartoon.

HUNTSMAN: Egg cartoon, meat tray, hamburger container.

BECK: McDonald's.

HUNTSMAN: McDonald's.

BECK: And when you found out that was bad for the environment, what happened?

HUNTSMAN: Well, you know, I'm not sure it is bad for the environment, Glenn.

BECK: This is why I love this guy. I love you. If it is, and it just really hacks people off on the left. I like to have Styrofoam bonfires, but that's me.

HUNTSMAN: No, no, no. The point of it is, is that in many ways, you can recycle the product and use it over and over again, number one. And number two, you have to say what provides the freshness and the cleanliness for the food that you're about to partake of. This is healthier and cleaner and fresher. And so, in many ways, people are very confused about plastics, because if you reuse plastics, you can them 10, or 20, or 30 times over again.

And so, plastics is a wonderful product. I mean, we could not live in today's world without plastic, because of medical supplies, because of bicycles, because of computers. And most of the environmentalists are against the plastics, but they ride upon their bicycle, they got the plastic outfit on it. They got the plastic helmet on.

BECK: Hang on just a second. Back in just a second. Hang on.




BECK: I felt a minute ago, with Jon Huntsman, he was talking about plastics and I felt like I was in "It's Wonderful Life." Remember, when -- he's like Gorge, take all the money you have and put it in plastics!

There is one man in my life who has been a mentor of biblical proportions, Jon Huntsman. He is a guy who gives me the confidence to know that you don't -- you don't have to cut corners. You can make ethical decisions, and even if it seems like you lose at the time, you'll win. A guy who really truly believes that a handshake is enough, look a man in the eye and shake his hand.

I think that's the kind of country that we -- most of us, at least want to be. He is the founder and executive chairman of Huntsman Corporation, the founder of the Huntsman Cancer Institute and author of the book that you must read, "Winners Never Cheat."

Jon, I want to -- I want to take you to, there was never a time you thought, I'm just going to cut this corner? I'm just going to cut this corner? I'm just going to compromise here?

HUNTSMAN: Well, you've asked me a question, Glenn, about cutting corners, but I have to say something that may be out of whack, and way out of place. But one of the finest men I've ever met in my life is Glenn Beck.

BECK: Stop. He's avoiding the question. He's obviously cut corners.


HUNTSMAN: Listen, listen. Your audience doesn't know this. I have been fishing with you, Glenn. I've been in the mountains with you. I've been alone with you. You and I have had discussions on everything from religion to space to families.

We've cried together, we've laughed together. You're one of the finest, sweetest, good men, good men, Glenn Beck, I've ever met.


BECK: Thank you.

HUNTSMAN: Thank you.

BECK: Thank you.

So, Mr. Huntsman, you have avoided the question.


BECK: Has there -- because you told me the story of Shell, which cost you how much money? When you were selling your, what was it, to Shell, you're selling part of your chemical company to Shell.

HUNTSMAN: It was the Great Lakes Chemical Company. Yes.

BECK: OK. And you agreed on a price. You shook hands on the deal. Can you tell the story?

HUNTSMAN: Well, I can. I don't want to sound self-serving, Glenn, in it. And in a nutshell, I used to sell a part of my business about every three or four years, and then I'd buy it back again when things were good. And with this one, I sold 40 percent of our country. And the business was quite large at this time. So, I sold 40 percent of it. We agreed on price of $54 million. They sold it to Great Lakes Chemical Company. A company headquartered in west Lafayette, Indiana.

And it took about six months for the legal people, the lawyers, to get around to the contracts. And by the time they got around to the contracts, the price of the petrochemicals and the other products have gone straight up. And the value of that 40 percent piece of our business was now worth $250 million, because earnings had increased dramatically.

BECK: And you had -- you shook hands with him. You got no contract, $54 million.

HUNTSMAN: We shook hands on day one, Emerson Kampen, our CEO, and I shook hands. So, he came back after the six months and said, you know, it's been six months, it's been my fault. My attorneys didn't move fast enough. I'll tell you what I'll do, Jon. The business has gone up dramatically, let's split the difference between $54 million and $250 million. And you get, let's say, it's $125 million and I'll pay you that because you're entitled to more than $54 million.

And I said, no, no, Emerson. You don't understand. We shook hands. I mean, you know, all I expect is $54 million. And in my heart of hearts, I never thought about anything beyond $54 million.

BECK: Any people like, there's no one around you going Jon, shut up?

HUNTSMAN: Probably a few, I mean --


HUNTSMAN: But, you know, it just never occurred. It wasn't something that you thought about or you --

BECK: How do you teach that, Jon? How do you teach that? I know that you give a lot of money to, like, the Wharton School of Business. And I believe business schools are having a hard time to teach ethics. They don't even understand.

People don't even understand. You'd say, is this good or is this good? And they'll say, well, this makes more money, this is good.

No, that's not ethical. How do you teach it?

HUNTSMAN: Well, first of all, I had shaken his hand and secondly, I made an agreement with him, and it was embodied in my own head that an agreement is an agreement. And he never got over it. He never got over it.

In fact, when he passed away, his wife had me speak at his funeral, along with the governor of Indiana, Evan Bayh. But people said, well, that's so unusual. And I said, no, it's not. What is unusual about being honest?

I mean, it isn't that I'm trying to sound self-serving or anything like that, I wasn't at all. It was just that when you -- there's just an ethical aspect about life that if we're straight with each other, we're straight with our God and we're straight with our family and we're straight with our wife and our children and --

BECK: You don't believe the OK, he's telling a lie in his personal life, but his personal life doesn't matter. This is business. You don't believe in that.

HUNTSMAN: Well, you can't operate under two standards. No, I don't believe in that, Glenn. No.

BECK: All right. Back in just a second.



PATTI ANN BROWNE, ANCHOR, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: I'm Patti Ann Browne. Former President Bill Clinton met with President Barack Obama today endorsing the deal with Republicans to extend tax cuts. He called at it good bill and urged Democrats to support it.

A jury today found a former street preacher guilty in the kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart more than eight years ago. Smart now 23 testified in graphic detail about her abduction of knife point, raped and captivity.

And stocks gained momentum in the final hour of trading after a stronger than expected consumer sentiment report. The Dow closed up 40 points. You can read more about today's Clinton-Obama meeting and all these stories on

GLENN BECK returns in a moment, but first, Chris Wallace previews "Special Report." Hi, Chris.

CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS: Hey, Patti. I'm coming up, the government is trying to find more than 100,000 airplanes it has lost track of and how a new estate tax rate could affect more than just rich people.

"SPECIAL REPORT" starts at 6: 0 p.m. Eastern.

Now back to GLENN BECK in New York.

BECK: Jon Huntsman is the founder and executive chairman of Huntsman Corporation, founder of the Huntsman Cancer Institute and a good friend of mine who has really kind of taken me under his wing a bit.

I didn't know anything about -- I don't know much about anything, quite honestly. Jon and I met five years ago. John is a guy who was in the Nixon administration. You're like hmm, that doesn't match. Except John Huntsman was the one guy who when that all went down, everyone on the Hill and in the White House said not to question him.

There is no way he would have been a part of anything like that. His reputation has been golden for a very long time. When we were together recently, John told me a story that I knew, but not very well, because I just didn't know it. I didn't want to pry and I didn't want to ask.

But he told me a story about something that happened in his life. I want to tell you why he told me after he relates the story to you. It's about kidnapping in the family. Your son was kidnapped.


BECK: Can you tell the story?

HUNTSMAN: I've never told it before, Glenn, on television, so forgive me if I get a little emotional, because it brings -- it conjures up a few, a few things that -- it was, I had just given a large amount of money to an institution to help and I hadn't realized in giving money sometimes that people track the source of that money and they find your address and they find your home and scope it out as did he people for several days.

They found that my wife and I were gone and some of our children were home. They had come home early to go to school. It was during the Christmas holidays. We were at the plant, facilities, visiting with some associates. Anyway, they took one of our sons when he walked out -- they would have taken anyone who walked out at that point in time onto our driveway and put a pillow case over him and then put masking tape around his hands and took him to a place with a knife in his throat and then called his brother.

His brother happens to be in the audience with us today. He and I haven't talked about this for over 20 years. In any event, we were able - after this one son who is in the audience with us today was called and they think he was home alone. He was called and said his brother would be killed and cut into little pieces if his father didn't give $1 million in ransom.

I was on the other side of the country. They finally called me. We flew home all night and met with the FBI. I called them. We had them stationed all around our state, all around our home. We put our other children under protective custody. They were in different parts of the world. Some were missionaries and some were students and we didn't know what was going on.

In any event, the next morning, I was called again and asked for the ransom and I had to keep them on the line as long as I could. This was one of the times I was grateful that I was a reasonably good negotiator because I keep them on long enough until the FBI could determine fairly closely to where they were located.

And then two very brave FBI agents went in and took the knife at my son's throat and put it inside of an FBI agent's stomach and just cut him in two, literally. He was bleeding to death. They got him to a hospital quickly. Saved his life, but he had to retire from the FBI. They gave him the highest award from the FBI. We did get our son back and no money was paid and so we were grateful.

BECK: What did you do when you first got your son home?

HUNTSMAN: Well, I hugged him, you know.

BECK: And after you were there with the marks on your son's neck, and you hugged him and you all cried, you called the family together.

HUNTSMAN: That's right.

BECK: Got down on your knees.

HUNTSMAN: That's right.

BECK: And prayed that not only for thanks, but also you've told me that you prayed as a family that this event would never be remembered by the family connected to charity. What did you mean by that?

HUNTSMAN: Well, we were not going to let an event such as this ever stop us from giving money to charity and from making charity our principal driving force in life.

There will be a lot of good deeds that go, that are punished in one way or another. People have to realize that when they give money, they sometimes are targets. That's OK. I mean, the fact that -- it's never the amount of money one gives. It's the spirit in which they give. Sometimes it can be money and sometimes it can be themselves and often times it could just be their own personal time and effort.

But the greatest gift one can give is to give charity because charity favors no one according to the scriptures and what we meant is it we were not going to ever be detoured in our efforts to make a difference in the lives of others simply because somebody tried to take advantage of us because of a charitable act.

BECK: I want to share with the audience next. Why Jon told me that story and what I got out of it. Back in a second.


BECK: We're here with my good friend Jon Huntsman Senior. The best man I know. We were just sharing a story. He shared a story that he hasn't shared before. He shared it with me on the back porch of his home. Do you remember when you shared, Jon?


BECK: And we were sitting there looking at the river and he was standing leaning against his railing and he told me that story. We were going through struggles in our life and things had been a little dicey with what I do. You told me that story and you said to me don't ever let things change you. Don't ever let the bad events change you.

HUNTSMAN: I remember.

BECK: Don't close off your heart. I was out in August in Salt Lake City. I went to the cancer institute for some check-ups and they practically turned me inside out. I think just had a Dorito stuck in my chest some place. Jon was worried about me and brought me to his office. I was getting ready to leave.

Jon, I didn't get a chance to stay goodbye to him. I found out the reason why, he was busy while I was at his hospital. He was busy opening up a battered women's shelter in the town. He knew if I was told I would want to come down and see that and be there. If that is indeed true, you're right.

I was actually kind of smoked at you that you didn't tell me that. Jon taught me, the first thing that he taught me was you got to care about the entire human condition. It can't be just about one thing. It has to be about all of it. I hope to be able to do that, John. I hope to be able to do that.

I want to make a plea to you that whatever it is this holiday season, no matter how little you have, or how much to share it. It makes things meaningful. I think actually the less you have, the more meaningful it becomes.

I know Karen has told a story, Karen is Jon's wife. Karen didn't know this while it was happening. When Jon and Karen were first married and you were very poor, you actually went without lunch.

She divvied out the money and gave him lunch money every day and you actually dropped it off in a mailbox at the neighbor's house who was worse off than you were. You went without lunch for how long, Jon?

HUNTSMAN: A while. Quite a while. That's OK.

BECK: Yes. Me, I can drop a few lbs, you know what I'm saying. I don't know if I would have done that. It's the little stuff that matters. I would invite you to look for a charity in your own neighborhood or your own life. If you are concerned with cancer, the Huntsman Cancer Institute is so unbelievably worth your investment.

It is a place where people are treated with dignity and you don't find that very often. It is a place that I would want to go if I had cancer and I believe -- Jon said we'll cure cancer one day and I actually believe him. I will put my money where my mouth is. Jon, Tanya and I would like to give you $100,000 to the Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

HUNTSMAN: You shouldn't have done that.


BECK: Final couple of minutes with billionaire, industrialist, philanthropist, all around good guy and fisherman. Jon Huntsman, Kristen up on the back row, you have a question for Jon.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do. How do you keep it balanced with family, with work, with charity? How do you do it?

HUNTSMAN: Well, thank you very much. At the expense of sounding self-serving, which I hope I don't sound that way, you have to look at life as one entity, and they all flow together as one situation. I look at my family. I look at my faith. I look at giving.

The scriptures tell us that charity never fails. I believe we have to live our lives so that we all fit into the same box. Instead of a box for charity and a box for work and a box for family and a box for society --

BECK: That's why you don't believe in that a man can be split and be dishonest at home and honest in his business dealings.

HUNTSMAN: That is correct. The basic premise, I think it's a good question. It's one whole. I mean, we can't separate ourselves from work or school or at some other place, whether it's charity, because we have to give charity at work. We have to give charity at school. We have to be kind to others. Graciousness is next to Godlessness.

BECK: Did the good guys win in the end, Jon?

HUNTSMAN: The reason I wrote the book, "Winners Never Cheat." People say that's silly. I know a lot of people who have cheated. No, no that isn't the point. The point is in your own mind, in your own heart, you're a winner if you know you haven't cheated. You know you're a winner and if you know you're a winner, that's all that counts you're a winner.

BECK: All right. Thank you, Jon.

HUNTSMAN: Thank you.

BECK: I'd love to have him back. If he'd come back sometime just to talk about business in the future in America because things are changing in America, but it is all good. Back in a minute.


BECK: Next week, you are going to have the ride of your life.

On Wednesday, we're in Wilmington, Ohio, for America's first Christmas.

And on Monday -- and I hate to break it to this audience -- on Monday, we're joined by an audience my favorite things, kind of like Oprah, except she gives away cars and mine will be most likely be M&Ms and Oreo cookies. They're my favorite things. Join me for things, a way to celebrate Christmas and gifts you can give that will enrich your life.

From New York, good night.

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Carl Ray Louk


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