Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 09, 2010 The Revolution Is Now | Glenn Beck

Thursday, December 09, 2010

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," December 9, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America.

Boy, I've had a lot - I've had a - I've had an amazing, I think, 48 hours. I've learned so much in the last 48 hours. We're doing an awful lot of research right now and I'm going to try to be as clear as I possibly can.

But I want you to listen. I want you to DVR this show right now and I want you to burn it to DVD and I want you to share it. And please, please, I ask you not to take anything I say as gospel. I ask you please to do your own homework.

Everyone is arguing the wrong things on the WikiLeaks story. Everybody is going back-and-forth, he should be arrested. He's a hero. No, he's not. He's a traitor.

Think out of the box, please.

Tonight, I'm going to zoom out, I'm going to show you the big picture because it is much, much deeper. WikiLeaks is huge, but it's only a piece of the perfect storm and you must think out of the box. I'm going to show you stuff tonight that we have shown you and we've laid out over the last several months, actually the last two years, but, boy, it is all starting to come together.

I don't know if you're feeling this, I don't know if you're seeing it. I don't - sometimes I just don't know. I don't know if this is making an impact and you are doing your own homework. I think you are. I pray that you are.

It is much deeper and there are things that I wouldn't have believed any of this two years ago. But it's never just about one singular issue with progressives and radicals and revolutionaries. The revolution has begun - I never thought I would say those words, but I understand that it has today.

The people you're up against have buried themselves in our government and they have been wearing masks for a long time, but they're about to take those masks off and understand, they want control of every aspect of your life because the world is about to change. And while they try to convince you that it's not, it is and they know it is. They want to control every aspect of life to make society more just, but from their perspective.

I showed you last night, I told you that if I were going to take over the world, because that's what "Forbes" said that Soros said of me, that I was going to start some dictatorship because you're too stupid - two years ago, as I was trying to figure out how far along are they, I put a list together and this is just some of them. If I were going to take over the United States, what would I need? What would I need to do?

Well, you would have to control the financial sector. They did it with a financial bill. They control everything in the financial sector. You'd have to control health care, who lives, who dies. You'd have to control industry. That could be done through the financial sector, it can be done through taxes and it can also be done through bailouts, just taking them like GM.

You would need to control the military. This one is really tough because the military is not going - they protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Please, dear God, if you are listening to me in any part of the world, and you are military, please, dear God, please remember your oath to the Constitution of the United States because this is the only piece they can't get.

Now, they can bleed them dry. They can tire them out.

Do you know that yesterday - yesterday, they just passed a spending budget? We have tons of money in it for new regulation. Who uses that regulation? Cass Sunstein. If you've listen to this show ever, I've told you he's the most dangerous man in America.

Tons of new money for new regulation. But do you know that we just gave our military the smallest raise in the last 50 years? But all kinds of new money for new federal employees and regulation - but not the military.

That's how they're going to do it. Stress them, push them, stretch them, and in history, they have done it before. Not in this country, but others, by just not paying them.

Then you have to grow dependence. You have to get people dependent on the government. Then you have to control the media and control food prices.

Well, they've done this, this, this and not this, but they're working on it. They're doing this. They just passed the food bill, for your safety - remember, everything is done for your safety. And now, the media.

Guys, I have talked to professors all around the world, two in particular - that this is what they do, they study revolutionaries. They're not fans of mine. They've never even heard of me. They're egg heads.

They don't watch television, neither of these guys do. I've been consulting with them. You think - there are talking heads on television and there are people that get their information from other journalists, or other - this staff works tirelessly to figure out what is going on in this world. We don't like what we found, but we found it, and both of these experts on revolutions say, well, they got to have the media. The last step will be the media.

Now, does anyone find the timing of the FCC net neutrality debate odd? Noodle that.

While I check in with new words that we have now of Robert McChesney, he is the founder of the group pushing for net neutrality - listen to his words. "No one thinks any longer that media reform is an issue to solve after the revolution." So you know, this organization is wildly powerful now in Washington.

"After the revolution, everyone understands that without media reform, there will be no revolution. In that sense, it is similar to the labor movement where the demand for free trade unions, hardly revolutionary in its own right, is a necessary precondition to building a viable organized left that can contest for power. Even if you do not get the revolution in the United States, media reform, much like organized labor, can make a nation more just and humane place for its own inhabitants and the peoples of the world."

So, in other words, they'll take it even if they don't get the revolution - but revolution is what they're shooting for.

Because I'm adlibbing and I'm trying to use my faulty memory - Tiffany, will you do me a favor? Check on this. I'm trying to remember the PR person for the FCC, for - what's his name, the head of the FCC, used to work at Free Press. Julius Genachowski is the FCC person and I believe his spokesperson is from this revolutionary.

Now, let me show you a new video. This is the latest from Van Jones and I want you to notice the date on this. This happened last September. Listen to what he's saying here.


VAN JONES, FORMER GREEN JOBS CZAR: We can't just leave the federal government in the hands of our enemies and expect to go make a lot of progress. So, even if we can't get everything done that we want to get done out of D.C., we certainly can't let other people have the level of control in D.C.

But also, you can see right now, .D.C. can't do much by itself. You ought to have that bottom-up movement. And that's what's been missing is that bottom-up sense of movement to get the best out of D.C. And what's stopping that is the inside-out piece.

You know, we talk about power more than any other people - every kind of political, economic - we talk about power all the time and are more afraid of power than anybody I know. We talk about power, empowerment this, empowerment that, we want power - we don't want no power. Because when you have power, you become a real target. And there is a sense that we're not healed from some historical traumas.

We've been trained not to have power. We've been trained to protest. We've been trained to critique and to be mad at NASA (ph). We have not been trained to grab the whip and put it down and run the plantation. That's not what we've been trained to do.

So I would argue that it's the inside-out transformation that will ignite the bottom-up transformation that will make the top-down transformation work.


BECK: OK. Top-down, remember, put the radicals in; and the bottom- up, get the revolutionaries to rise up. Grab the whip and run the plantation.

Now, here he talks about his time in the White House, which we brought to an end. Watch.


JONES: People with my politics don't usually get let in the door. So, and I got a chance to see behind the curtain. I was in the cockpit for six months. I got a chance to see close up, very clearly the amount of peril the country is in, the challenges that we're facing. I got a chance to learn that nobody in Washington, D.C. has all the power that they want, including the president, and that there are informal systems of power that operate and they operate along racial and other lines, and we have to be much more sophisticated.

See, we did everything right. We had six years of one party authoritarian rule in this country, from 2000 to 2006 and the people in this room, we did everything right. We got 60 votes in the Senate. We got Speaker Pelosi, not some right wing Democrat, Speaker Pelosi, and Barack Obama as the president.

We did everything right. So, standing flat-footed January 2009, everything that we were taught to do we had done and has been successful. And here we are less than 24 months later, and most people feel like the hope bubble burst a long time ago because the other systems of power that we were not taking seriously and they have to do with the media, they have to do with the racial discourse in the media, and that's the next frontier.


BECK: OK. That's the next frontier. The power that they didn't take into consideration is the media and the racists in the media. And that's the next frontier - take the media. Take the media. Take the power from the mean, dumb racists.

And then you'll have McChesney. You can't have a revolution without controlling the media. That's good advice because let's look at somebody in the FCC, the diversity czar that we've been showing you for two years, Mark Lloyd. What does he say?


MARK LLOYD, DIVERSITY CZAR: In Venezuela, with Chavez, is really an incredible revolution - a democratic revolution.


BECK: He goes on to say, it wouldn't have happened if he wouldn't have seized the media, an incredible Democratic revolution.

And right at the beginning of p presidency, who did the president have an accidental meeting with? Do you remember? Oh, yes, Chavez. Chavez. And look, let's hold the book so everyone can see it. That's right.

What is the book? An anti-American book about us colonialists that have been oppressing everyone.

Make no mistake, make no mistake: revolutionaries are at the top, and the revolution has begun. The revolution is here, gang. It just hasn't gotten hot and no one is looking for this stuff.

I find all of the timing in this all way too coincidental. The push for net neutrality, the courts say you can't do it through - the courts say you can't do it, Congress say they don't want to do it. The president surrenders.

Then Assange appears, and happens to be a revolutionary that wants change. He's been invited to do speak where he needs two leftist women to have consensual sex. They press charges on him for not using a condom, and now, it forces him to release the time bomb.

Remember, I said look at the date on the Van Jones video? The date of that comment was September 28th. He's saying the racist people in the media and we have to take them down. That speech was given five days after Soros met on this - with the people on this program and told us to back off, sent me a very clear message.

And one of the message was: global change is here. The new world is here and you are either on board or you are not.

Shortly after, Soros starts openly funding progressive outlets that boycott this show. Five days later, Van Jones gives that speech. That's our next frontier.

Back to McChesney - he says it's time to take the media just like the unions. Now, yesterday, the government union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFSCME, has decided to boycott, coincidentally, me, Rush and John Stossel.

This is a coordinated attack. This is like the fourth or fifth time they're boycotting me and FOX News.

And all they have left is the media. They have everything else. Oh, they control your food and how it's grown and everything - financial sector, health care industry. They don't have this one. They're working on it. This one.

I ask you to please watch these shows and burn them to DVD. Go over them and do your own homework, please. Burn them to DVD and share them with your friends.

All of the information that we share is available to other journalists, but they - I don't know why they don't report on it. I've given up trying to understand. I don't care anymore.

We are being divided - and who do you think is going to stand? The world is coming undone. I'm going to show you in just a couple of seconds what's happened in London today. It's pretty frightening when you see it. I think there were a couple of people even on my staff that went oh, my gosh.

In the end, China is the only real survivor. You are going to - in history, you will look back at this year, our children will, or our grandchildren, and this year will be remembered as 1919, except we're England and China is America. This is the year that you will read in history books that the superpower torch was handed from us to China. That's why real power like Soros can look at my guy and say, the ship has sailed.

The reason why you don't see this on TV is I think people are choosing sides. They've been forced to choose sides. A lot of people that made their decisions, they've made their decision already. They like this new world order.

I don't. I happen to like this guy. I happen to believe in this stuff. Well, this is corny now. Nobody even knows this stuff anymore.

I made my choice. I'm going down swinging. With peace and love in my heart and this man on my lips, I'm going down swinging.

I've told you that you must preserve our history. You must preserve our traditions. You must preserve our conversation.

As I said that today, I remembered one thing, Michelle Obama, during the election -


MICHELLE OBAMA, U.S. FIRST LADY: Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices. We are going to have to change our conversation. We're going to have to change our traditions, our history. We're going to have to move to a different place.


BECK: She's right. To get where they want to go, you must change our traditions. They must have you forget about our past. They were this close. They must teach it all as negative in order to preserve the idea that man was free.

In order to preserve the idea that man must be free, that man can be decent enough to rule himself, you must preserve our traditions and our history. And I'm begging you, please do it quickly. Please.

I'm going to show you some things tonight that are going to melt your brain. You must walk lock step with God now, have peace in your hearts. You must know what these people did and who this man - this is the answer. This man is the answer.

Their excuse will be violence. Do not be a part of it.

I'm going to show you this, at the end of the show tonight, I've told you about this before. You must be worthy of this. You must know what it is because it's the answer.

So, here we are again back to the media debating Assange. Is he a hero or not? Radicals are talking about creating a more just world, however through revolution and they need the media to accomplish this goal. And coincidentally, the FCC now just happens to be at, of all times, using the WikiLeaks news to justify government expanding their reach and regulating the Internet through net neutrality. I told you these guys don't plan weeks, even months ahead, they plan years ahead.

Net neutrality is not a response to WikiLeaks. I think it's the other way around. They've had it in the cooker for quite some time. They just hadn't created the right problem yet.

And the media seems to be a problem. You're a problem. They haven't been able to nudge the bottom-up yet. But they're getting closer.

There are a ton of different factors at play here, but you have to look at all the moving parts to this story to see where they're taking us. And we will do that - next.


BECK: We're talking tonight about WikiLeaks. But it is much larger than WikiLeaks. We are talking about revolution. This is a fight for control.

I want to tell you now about "operation: payback." Anyone who came out and attacked Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is now an enemy of this growing state of chaos - and that's what it is, a growing state of chaos. Five thousand hacktivists are plotting revenge. They've already attacked Sarah Palin, MasterCard, Visa. Their spokesman, his name is Cold Blood, and he is 22 years old.

May I ask did anybody find it odd that for the first time in American history, at least in my lifetime, the president did not reach out to older Americans? That the left doesn't seem to care about older Americans and the elderly vote? Why? Why? Because the future revolutionaries come from youth.

Cold Blood says, quote, "We will fire at anything that tries to censor WikiLeaks." Really? Adding that the group wanted to be a, quote, "force for chaotic good."

May I ask you, how is chaos ever good? It's good, as I explain on the show over the summer, if you want revolution. Chaos is good.

Did you see what happened in Great Britain today? I want to show you this. I've never seen this before. OK. Here's - here's the overhead. Here are people down here attacking the prince's car.

Can you show me the pictures? Show me the pictures of the prince. Here is the prince.

Now, this is an egg. You've seen that before, right? Here is an egg. But look at their faces. Show the next picture, please.

OK, you don't have - there's another picture. Here's the damage to the car. This is a bullet proof car. Look at the damage to the car.

They're not messing around. We're talking about revolutionaries, a force for chaotic good. Chaos is good if - if you're trying to create revolution.

Now, let's take a look at the people who are supporting Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, the force for chaotic good. You have the Socialist Alliance. You have the World Socialist Web Site, the ISO, International Socialist Organization, Socialist Party USA,

Oh, by the way, he also, along with Arianna Huffington, and the Progressive Democrats of America, he also spoke at Berkeley, California, University of - Berkeley and the Front Line Club in London. This event was sponsored by none other than George Soros' Open Society Institute.

Starting to connect, isn't it? Many of the groups are the people associated with the One Nation rally, also support Assange, and Private Bradley Manning. Who are they? International ANSWER, Code Pink, Peace and Freedom, Solidarity, the Progressive Democrats of America, U.S. Peace Council, Veterans for Peace, the War Resistors League.

Who is this guy? This, we should mention Wade Rathke, because he says we are illegally suppressing WikiLeaks. Wade, by the way, is with, of course, ACORN. I always get the two brothers mixed up because he's with ACORN.

His other brother, Dale, he used to be with ACORN until he was embezzling from ACORN and they almost threw him in jail and tried him and everything else, but he was bailed out by the Tides Foundation, which gets a lot of their funding from George Soros.

Vladimir Putin - Vladimir Putin now says the West is hypocritical in its criticism of Russia's record on democracy now.

Most of these groups are supporting Assange because he helps achieve what they want, chaos and revolution, an end to the republic. You heard it from the hacker, chaos is good. You heard it from Assange himself, but they're too busy giving him awards and accolades to show you this. It's not about transparency.

Quote, "It is not our goal to achieve a more transparent society. It is our goal to achieve a more just society" - you ready - if more - if leaks cause the U.S. officials to, quote, "lock down eternally - internally and to balkanize" they will, quote, "cease to be as efficient as they were."

You got it? They don't want transparency. They want enough chaos to have us, quote, "lock down internally." It's not about a more just world, is it? No, it's about less communication, not more communication.

We've got like three shows to do tonight. I am so far behind. More in a minute.



BECK: Hello, America.

I am - we're running about - we've never run this late on the show before. We have so much information to share with you. We're trying to get the information out as fast as we can and we're going to try to see if we can work something out at the end of the show. Don't miss a second of tonight's show and we may take you over to the Internet. Or I don't know what we're going to do yet while we still can.

But we have an awful lot to share with you. We're talking about WikiLeaks, but the larger issue and that is revolution. If you missed the first half of the show, please go back and watch the first half of the show.

You're being presented with a false choice. Number one, WikiLeaks, keep the leaks coming and you get - what did he say? Chaos for good. OK. So, you can't keep it coming.

But the other option is shut it down, shut it down, shut them down, shut them down, round them up, put them in jail. Some of the people who are calling to shut down Assange and WikiLeaks, first and foremost, Eric Holder.

This one is unbelievable to me. United States Justice Department launched an investigation immediately, one day after WikiLeaks began releasing its latest batch of documents, not during the summer, but this batch.

Here is the guy that said this about Americans.


ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL: Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as a ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we, I believe, continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards.


BECK: Nation of cowards. Eric Holder, a guy who won't prosecute a slam dunk voter intimidation case, the most bravery he's been able to muster is shutting down illegal Prada sites, but he lifts into action on WikiLeaks, at the right time, not the first time, now.

Other politicians have lined up to hammer WikiLeaks. There they are. Senator McConnell, Senator McCaskill who said I believe recently, she's a progressive Democrat - that we should get the pitchforks out.

You have Senator Lieberman, Mike Huckabee, Senator Feinstein. You have Michael Chertoff, former secretary of homeland security. Remember the guy who was invested in those scanners that you're now using. Charles "Cully" Stimson, senior legal fellow at the Heritage Foundation, of all places.

Representative King, Hoekstra, Senator Christopher Bond, Sarah Palin.

Bill Kristol said, "Why we can't act forcefully against WikiLeaks? Why we can't use our assets to harass and neutralize Julian Assange and his collaborators, wherever they are?"

Mary Matalin, who I love, called him a terrorist. Sarah Palin, we should go after him like a terrorist.

What's happening? What's happening? Honestly, some of these people are - some of these people are progressives. Some of these people I don't think have put everything together, world politicians.

I've never said these words except as a joke, but I mean them now with everything in me: my fellow Americans, please listen to me. The world has changed. It has changed. It is no longer in the box that it always has been. What used to apply no longer does.

And if you don't start thinking out of the box soon, the top will come down on top. You must think out of the box. You cannot look at today's problems and try to understand them or solve them in the ways we always have. You must understand, you are in a revolution, a global revolution whether you like it or not and the rules of the games have changed.

Many politicians are good-hearted people, but they don't understand simple things like who Cass Sunstein. The game has changed.

China is the world superpower now. And many people in the world at the top level are grabbing for the scraps at the table. Who can run the rest of the world or who can run this area and give the service and the energy and everything else to China?

Revolutionaries have plotted our demise for a very long time. Do not play the game they were expecting you to play. They're expecting you to continue to think in the box. Why do you think they've tried so hard to get us off the air?

Some day I hope to be able to tell you all that I have experienced - they know we have the answer. They know. And here it is. You must not move as they expect you to move. They are playing three dimensional chess.

They are expect - you remember what they kept saying about, from the day he got in? I think it was Claire McCaskill in Missouri that had homeland security in Missouri say the Tea Party people are violent. They expected you to be violent and you weren't - 8.28 threw them for a loop.

Why do you think they worked so hard to poke and to poke and to poke. They need you to be violent. Well, if you won't do it, they'll get their minions to do it.

Look, have you ever seen a bullet proof car? How was it the prince and Camilla got their bulletproof car to drive into a crowd of people screaming for revolution? It's a trap.

WikiLeaks is just such an easy one to point out. They've set a trap for you. Option number one, the leaks continue. Chaos. We cannot do business.

Option number two: people cry out to shut down WikiLeaks and they do by shutting down the Internet and other communication with one another.

It is bottom-up, top-down. Bottom-up, must rise up and turn us inside out and the top will come down. You lose either way.

Look, I don't know where you are in the stage of grief, but you must get to acceptance quickly. Life is going to change in America.

As we know America, it is over. It's only a matter of time before it all plays out. But that doesn't mean it has to be worse, that it has to be about oppression.

OK, so we don't have the stuff we have. Is the stuff you have really making your life any better? It's not about the stuff. Remember what we learned on 9/11. It's not about the stuff, damn it!

It's about the people. It's about our families and it's about freedom. You must think out of the box.

They feed on fear and violence. There's one thing I will never do and that's called progressive stupid. Their ideas on how to run government and enslave people are stupid, but they are not.

The trap that has been created here, we lose either way, they think - they think - unless you do the most dangerous thing, the one thing they're not expecting you to do.

Back in a minute.


BECK: I've done too much blabbing today and we're running very late on the show. So, the show is going to continue at right 6 p.m. I'm not going to leave the studio. The network will move and then ask you to join me online for just a few more minutes here.

I want to show you one more thing. At the top of the program, we showed you Robert McChesney, founder of Free Press, the PR of Free Press is now the spokesperson for the head of the FCC. He said revolution would not happen without media reform.

Now, here's Josh Silver, he's another founder of Free Press, the champions for net neutrality and how we need to protect the American people. Watch.


JOSH SILVER, FREE PRESS: The question is, should companies or the government be allowed to censor and block content that's on the Web at will, or do they need to follow constitutional law? And so, that's really at the end of the day - what's the question here - and whether there should be stronger laws that enable the Federal Communications Commission to protect WikiLeaks and other transparency entities so that their content cannot be blocked.


BECK: This is not about principle here for them. This is not about principle. They boxed us in. Remember Arianna Huffington? As I just showed you - she's supporting Assange. For what? He's exposing the truth about government.

He's doing basically what we do, except we're not breaking any laws. We're not sharing secrets. Every day at 5 o'clock, on this show, that's what we do. We express our point of view and what is Arianna say about us?


ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, HUFFINGTONPOST.COM: There is something that we need to really pay attention to with Glenn Beck. We cannot just dismiss him, because the truth of the matter is that there is a good reason why we have an exemption to the free speech protected by the First Amendment when we say you cannot shout fire in a crowded theater.


BECK: OK. I don't have - there is an exemption for me, but the same people would like to protect or give an award to the guy not shouting fire, but shouting revolution, shouting chaos.

The difference here is I'm not helping them. It's not about principle or free speech. I will protect the free speech of anybody over at MSNBC. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

But I expose their plan here, the revolutionaries. The answer is not that hard, though. It is for them because it's about principles - honor, merit, and peace.

I'll show you the answer next.


BECK: You know, if you ever feel like oh, there's no hope or anything, I want you to really understand the story of the American Revolution. They were so certain in the British House of Lords that the Earl of Sandwich got up and talked about the American revolutionaries and many of them did this.

I'm going to give you this real quick quote. He said, "I wish instead of 40,000 or 50,000 of these brave fellows, they would produce in the field at least 200,000. The more the better, the easier it would be to conquest. Believe me, my lords, the very sound of the cannon will carry them off as fast as their feet could carry them."

Well, he was wrong, wasn't he? Why? Why? Because this man knew - he wasn't a good general at first. He knew.

He talked about the only way to beat the British was to be people of merit and honor. This was the inspiration for the Purple Heart and this was the inspiration for 8.28. This was the original badge of merit given by George Washington. He knew the only way you could defeat the most powerful army on earth were to praise God and to be clean and virtuous in your own life and to know the principles.

Please, I beg you. Take this, give it to your kids, give it to your grandkids, give it to everybody you know. Memorize this. This is - this is who he was. This is who he was.

These are the principles of what we have in this country. Please read them and be a person of merit. He will solve the problem.


BECK: Who - on tomorrow's program, a man who I think is a George Washington, you will see struggle, merit, honor, liberating strife. Make sure you see tomorrow's program.

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Carl Ray Louk


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