Friday, January 03, 2014

Answering Liberal Race Exploitation David Limbaugh | Jan 03, 2014

Answering Liberal Race Exploitation

David Limbaugh | Jan 03, 2014
David Limbaugh

A number of news items from the past few days underscore the painful reality that liberals are wholly unrepentant about their exploitation of the race issue and have no intention of changing their ways.

John Nolte, on Breitbart, reported that MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry and her panel grotesquely lampooned a photo of Mitt Romney with his extended family because one of Romney's grandchildren, pictured on his knee, is Kieran Romney, an adopted child who is black.

Panelist Pia Glenn, referring to Kieran in the photo, said: "One of these things is not like the others. ... And that little baby, front and center, would be the one." Glenn's crass remarks were met with approving laughter from Harris-Perry. Lest there be any doubt about Harris-Perry's mindset on race, Nolte noted last month that during a racial rant, she asserted that "wealthy white men" created the term "Obamacare," which she regards as a racist act.

This mindset, shared by all too many liberals, is that Republicans and conservatives, solely by virtue of their party identification and ideological leanings, are racists. Black Republicans are even worse in their eyes. They are traitors to their race and, as such, are fairly subject to condemnation and ridicule from white liberals and black liberals alike. Thus, it is fair play for white liberals to mock and belittle black conservatives, just as they did to Condoleezza Rice, Clarence Thomas and others, long before Kieran Romney.

For all the talk about diversity from the left, there is no such thing. Diversity of ideas and thoughts is absolutely forbidden. March in lock step with leftist thinking, or else. It wouldn't matter if we had a black Republican president and most of his Cabinet and other appointees were black or if we also had a majority of black Republicans in Congress. As long as they remained Republican, they wouldn't be regarded by the left as authentic blacks, and the GOP's presumed racism wouldn't be slightly mitigated.

For racially exploitive leftists, politics trumps everything, and thus they exempt themselves from the rules of common civility that normally inhibit decent people from doing such reprehensible things as using an innocent young black child as fodder for a cheap laugh -- and as a means for a television personality to further ingratiate herself to the self-congratulatory left. After receiving blowback, Harris-Perry tweeted an apology to the Romney family, but the assumptions and presumptions leading to the incident in the first place doubtlessly remain in this type of leftist mindset, as the next news item illustrates.

On the same network a day or two later, a panel of MSNBC regulars, on a special edition of "PoliticsNation," selected awards for 2013. Network contributor Joy Reid said that the "knockout game" was the "most overrated story of the year," claiming that conservatives "went absolutely ballistic" because they wanted "to stoke issues of race."

The "knockout game," according to Wikipedia, is an assault in which one or more assailants attempt to knock out an unsuspecting victim, often with a single sucker punch, for the amusement of the attackers and their accomplices. The participants often record their assaults, and these videos have gone viral on the Internet. In the great majority of cases, the assailants appear to be teenage blacks and the victims defenseless whites.

Reid apparently concludes that conservatives have singled out these stories not because they are newsworthy, as reprehensible acts of abject evil that have been underreported in the mainstream media, but because they have largely been committed by blacks. It is much ado about nothing. There is nothing to see here. Move on. The only noteworthy thing about it, according to Reid, is the alleged racism of those focusing on it.

Next, The Daily Caller reports on an essay by a liberal professor of constitutional law at the City University of New York's John Jay College of Criminal Justice, in which the professor blames "southern White radicals" for the disastrous rollout of Obamacare aka the "Affordable Care Act," as if either the negative reports about the rollout were overblown or the problems were caused by bigots, as opposed to the incompetent statist bureaucrats actually responsible.

In her essay, "2013: A Year of Racial Challenges," Gloria J. Browne-Marshall alleges that "southern White radicals vowed to stop implementation of the Obama-care law leading one to wonder if Tea Party members would oppose affordable healthcare if it came from a nonBlack President."

Are these leftists really so blinded by their own ideology or so cloistered among people with their own narrow-minded liberal ideas that they believe we conservatives oppose Obama's policies, including Obamacare, because of his race? Why, then, did we just as adamantly oppose Hillary Clinton's scheme for socialized medicine? Why do we always oppose liberal ideas, the overwhelming majority of which have been advanced by white liberals?

In an ideal world, I wouldn't dignify with a response these false charges of racism, but if we conservatives have learned any lesson in the past few decades, it is that unanswered allegations in the spirit of respect and civility just egg shameless liberals on -- and all too often, those allegations stick. Like it or not, we have to fight them back at every turn, and that is what I intend to do.

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh

David Limbaugh, brother of radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, is an expert in law and politics and author of new book Crimes Against Liberty, the definitive chronicle of Barack Obama's devastating term in office so far.

©Creators Syndicate
Carl Ray Louk

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