Two recent ads illustrate the great cultural divide in this nation and which parties and presidential candidates represent these competing worldviews.

In the handling of the economy and national security, President Obama has shown he's not capable of being the adult in the room. After four years of perpetual campaigning and cheerleading for his pet projects, he still isn't prepared to deal soberly with the consequences of his ideological indulgences.

His community organizing fantasy has been to remake America in his more socialistic image, and in the process, he's taken the nation dangerously close to financial ruin. Yet like the unsupervised children in "Lord of the Flies," he refuses to make mature decisions to reverse this fiscally suicidal trend.

In the same way, Obama eschews any responsibility for the destruction his policies have caused -- still preposterously blaming President George W. Bush four years later for his own scorched-earth ransacking of America's treasury and jobs market.

The American left simply will not graduate from its '60s radicalism, and under President Obama, these adolescents are firmly in charge. Thus, it should be no surprise that these same developmentally arrested people don't have the good sense to hide their intentions to permanently convert America into a land of rampant licentiousness and irresponsibility. Two ads connected with Team Obama make the point quite clearly and deserve universal distribution.

First, we have the Obama campaign ad comparing voting for Obama to having sex for the first time. Is nothing too vulgar for this bunch of MTV panderers? Probably not, as President Obama either showed us his true character or stooped to even lower pandering in his recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine, during which he called Mitt Romney a BSer -- only he, our sitting president, pronounced the full word. Now, back to the ads.

If you haven't had the misfortune of viewing this, actress Lena Dunham appears on a video appealing to young women to imagine their first time voting for Obama as being akin to losing their actual virginity. The references were explicit and unmistakable. You shouldn't expect anything subtle from this vulgar crew.

First, the sexual innuendo: "Your first time shouldn't be with just anybody. You want to do it with a great guy," says Dunham. "It should be with a guy with beautiful ... someone who really cares about and understands women."

Next, she segues seamlessly into policy: "A guy who cares whether you get health insurance -- and specifically whether you get birth control. The consequences are huge. You want to do it with the guy who brought the troops out of Iraq. You don't want a guy who says 'oh, hey, I'm at the library studying,' when really he's out not signing the Lilly Ledbetter Act."

After a short riff on gay marriage, she says, "It's also super-uncool to be out and about and someone says 'did you vote?' and (you reply), 'No, I didn't feel -- I wasn't ready.'" She closes by describing her first time voting as "amazing." It was like crossing that "line in the sand" to vote for Barack Obama. "Before I was a girl; now I was a woman."

Is this the type of ad we should expect from a president who has two young daughters? Is this really acceptable in today's hip America?

The next video features children singing about what an America under a Romney presidency would be like. This world -- kind of like the horror show the late Ted Kennedy predicted for women should Judge Robert Bork have been confirmed to the United States Supreme Court -- would be one in which sick people must "just die," our atmosphere would fry, oil would fill the sea and homosexuals could be "fixed." In that world, "we don't have to pay for freeways. Our schools are good enough. Give us endless wars on foreign shores and lots of Chinese stuff. ... You can't cut spending with elections pending -- unless it's welfare, though."

The mind-numbed, programmed "children of the future" sing in lock step about these ills and then squarely lay the blame on their own "mom and dad."

It is particularly sinister that these indoctrinated children are led to charge that Romney and the GOP would leave them "holding the bag," when the administration behind the ad is itself flagrantly guilty of that very charge.

It is not debatable that unless we dramatically reverse course, America will go over the cliff to national bankruptcy. It is equally unarguable that President Obama has no plans to avert our course.

The good news is that the grown-ups in America, I truly believe, are going to come out in droves on Election Day and demand that the controls of this nation be returned to their fellow responsible adults.