Filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi, Nancy Pelosi's daughter, has unleashed a firestorm of social controversy by interviewing some welfare recipients who told her on camera that they believe they're entitled to "Obama money." That is, welfare checks. Some of those Pelosi spotlighted are young men who are not even looking for work. They have plenty of excuses for that. But the bottom line: They want money handed to them, and stuff you if you don't like it. Also, some of these men have multiple children by multiple "baby mamas." Again, their posture is blank you if you don't approve.

That attitude appalls many hardworking folks, but truthfully, there always have been layabouts, and there always will be. But now, in some circles, it's almost stylish to be a parasite. Recently, Mitt Romney was confronted by a heckler in Illinois who said: "What about pursuit of happiness? You know what would make me happy? Free birth control!"

Whereupon Romney shot back: "If you're looking for free stuff ... vote for the other guy. That's what he's all about, OK. That's not what I'm about."

And therein lies the theme of the 2012 presidential campaign.

This has not been a good week for President Obama. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has projected that Obamacare will cost about $50 billion more than last year's projection. In addition, the president's budget for 2013 will add another $9.6 trillion in debt over a 10-year period. This is not exactly the austere spending the nation desperately needs.

But Obama is unswayed. He is running as a "provider" and believes there are enough Americans who want free stuff to catapult him to victory in November.

Of course, the president is not going to openly endorse the nanny state. Instead, he will demand that the rich pay "their fair share" and hope voters buy into the insinuation that they are getting screwed by the economic system and, therefore, it is perfectly permissible to want payback in the form of government entitlements. That's just making things "right."

The labor unions are pounding that drum very hard. Speaking on public broadcasting, SEIU board member Stephen Lerner said: "I think there's never been a more exciting time ... (to) really talk about redistributing wealth and power." Again, the theme being that America is an unjust society that needs a socialistic overhaul, and now is the time to make that happen.

And Lerner may be on to something. Presently, we are a nation adrift. We are deeply divided on the fundamentals: capitalism, the power of the federal government, the rights of the have-nots. These are the things the upcoming election will address.

It really is all about "Obama money," which is really our money. How much should be spent, and where should it go? The battle lines are drawn. At stake: the future of the USA.