One of the most major recent battles for the future of affordable American energy is coming down to the next 24 hours.
Tomorrow afternoon, the final batches of petitions demanding the State Department approve the Keystone pipeline project must be shipped to Washington, D.C.
If you are receiving this email, you've done your already part by signing the petition for more North American jobs and cheaper gas prices.
I owe you a heartfelt "THANK YOU!"
Now it's time to get others to do their part - but that's easy.
All you need to do now is hit "forward" and then use your cursor to delete this introductory message, and hit "send" to your friends.
If you and even a fraction of other patriots do so, we can hit our coalition goal of 1 MILLION petitions!
See the message to forward below!
Donald E. Ferguson Executive Director American Tradition Partnership - FuelingJobs American Energy Project
Message to forward starts below this line: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I know you are busy, but I wanted to tell you about something that takes 30 seconds and will help lower gas prices and create a massive number of high-paying jobs in the U.S.
I have signed the petition at and I am hoping you will, too.
These petitions in favor of the Keystone XL pipeline are being hand-delivered this weekend to the State Department for final approval.
And Keystone has already passed years of environmental approvals with flying colors...
...the problem is, Obama, Al Gore, and their radical environmentalist pals are trying to kill this project at the 11th hour.
But the "greens" are being overwhelmed by the massive number of petitions arriving to Washington D.C. in FAVOR of Keystone pipeline jobs and North American energy production.
I think we've had enough economy-killing policy already.
Will you double the power of my petition by signing it too, by clicking here?
(If the link doesn't work, just go to
Thanks - I appreciate it!
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