GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America.
I'm just reading over the transcript of Anthony Weiner. He said it was a hugely regrettable mistake. Yes, I'd say that.
He said the underpants photo was a joke. Aha, I'm sure your wife is laughing.
There is also some other photos that he took of himself which -- Anthony, have you looked at yourself? I mean, you are really not -- I mean, nobody really wants to see you with less -- it's like me. I don't take any pictures of me with less clothes on.
It's not -- shouldn't we question -- as a country, shouldn't we question the man's judgment just based on that? He thinks he's hot.
He, apparently, is not going to -- he's not going to resign because what -- what he did was just an indiscretion. And he only did it -- boy, does this sound like it's right out of the Bill Clinton playbook? He only lied because he was embarrassed. And it was only a lie about his personal life. Oh, yes, that's right.
So, as many as six women. And apparently, there's more photos coming out. Oh! And a day for me not to be blind yet.
Here he is saying that he's not going to resign. May I ask -- is there no shame in America anymore? I mean, do you remember the guy -- what was the name, Tiffany, what was the name of the guy who took a picture of himself like this who just resigned? Chris Lee.
Do you have a picture of Chris Lee? Yes. Hi.
That guy was out before the -- before we got to dinner that day. He was like, OK, I'm an idiot. Weiner? No. Apparently not.
You know who I actually -- who Anthony Weiner makes me have more respect for? Bring him on. Bring him on. Bring him on. That guy.
Remember him? Remember the guy who was like, we used to have tickle fights when we were in the Navy. I just like to go actively hug men. Huh?
That guy. That guy at least had the common decency when he knew the jig was up. He was like, OK, got me. I resign.
Today, I have more respect for this man than Anthony Weiner. It is -- may I show you where we've put the bar? OK, right about here. This is where the bar is, right about here. Yes. OK. All the way down. Thank you, Harry.
That's where the bar is. About 400 feet beneath my hand is where the bar currently is in our country. This guy is one of the most arrogant men I have seen.
You know when the doctor always says, hey, finish your antibiotics? Why do they tell you to do that? Because if you don't -- this is what the doctor never told us and now we're figuring this out with the superbugs that are -- if you don't finish your antibiotics, it only makes the bug stronger and then you got some like herculean virus that's running around killing everything and nothing stops it.
I'm just saying, if you don't, if this doesn't stop this guy, if people don't cry out for this guy to be -- I don't know -- packing grocery bags or whatever it is his skill was -- maybe being a photographer. If he doesn't go into photography and leave Washington right now -- if this doesn't kick him out of office, nothing will.
You know who you are looking at? You are looking at the replacement for Charlie Rangel. If this guy doesn't leave office now, he'll never leave office. And oh, my. Oh, my. Imagine the monster this is creating.
Good luck with that one, New York. Who wants to move to Texas with me? Come on!
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