May 13, 2011 Beck: Conservatives on Campus | Glenn Beck
May 13, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," May 13, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
(APPLAUSE) GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America. Indoctrination is happening in our schools throughout the country. And that's why we need to be engaged in what's happening in our schools and our communities. We have a choice. We are going to lose our country or we are going to save our country. But standing still and doing nothing will guarantee its loss. Earlier this week, I showed you what's being taught in Tucson as part of the controversial Mexican-American studies program. I like to call it treason. During Tuesday's school board meeting, a woman, a mom, stood up to read excerpts from the textbook. Watch what happens. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Page 72 of this book, radical (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Page 73 (EXPLETIVE DELETED) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sorry, but I'm going to ask that the language be not mentioned during public meetings. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have young people in this room. It's inappropriate. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're right, you're right. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're teaching it in your class. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Quiet, please, please. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: Yes. That's the point. She was reading from a textbook that the school uses to teach kids as young as third grade. And here are these dopes who are on the school board like, hey, hey, careful, let's not use that language. There are kids here. Yes, and they're reading the school books every day. When something like this happens in Tucson, we think it's rare. We think it's rare in high school. But it is happening in colleges all across the country. Yesterday, we talked about feeling like a voice in the wilderness, but there is anything, anything that is more fun than being a conservative on college campus. Do you -- can you imagine being more alone? Colleges and universities often tout about having an atmosphere of openness and acceptance. Yes, right. There's always an asterisk that goes along with that. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accepted with open arms at universities. But look what happened when the Israeli ambassador to the United States visited the University of California-Irvine just last year. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And then later, I met the prime minister of Israel -- (JEERS) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now that you've made your point, stand up and leave. (CHEERS & BOOS) (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: He had to be escorted out of room. So, he took a 20-minute break before returning to finish his speech. In total, he was interrupted 10 times. It ended in the arrest of 11 students. And this isn't an isolated incident. Views that are considered to be unpopular or conservative have come under attack by liberals on campuses all across the country. Iowa State University, conservative coming out week event sponsored by the college Republicans. The group got an e-mail response from one of the university professors saying: F you, Republicans. She went on later to apologize for her language, but defended it by saying the group's announcement was extremely disturbing and offensive. Really? Truman State University in Missouri -- a popular leftist who is married to one of the school's professors destroyed a display advertising a Republican event. He tore down the group's signs, ripped them up, spat on the students representing the group. University of California-Merced -- three students wanted to explain our country's tax system. So, they asked their peers to offer up some of their own hard-earned GPA points to some of the students who weren't scoring as high. Take a look at what happened. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have 4.0. We'll take off the excess of GPA and make like (INAUDIBLE) or something and then we redistribute it to someone who's in struggling class who's not able to graduate. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is unfair. I worked for what I have. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean, I understand the money version of it. But the education -- UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It feels like it's the same thing. How is it different? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is an indication of performance. (END VIDEO CLIPS) BECK: Hmm. They are here in the studio audience. I love you guys. (LAUGHTER) BECK: Fantastic job by the students who came up with this question, and they have more of them. But when it comes to giving up something that the students earned, the students aren't so willing to give them up. It sounds like they're greedy students, doesn't it? They probably have privileges of, you know, the lower performing students didn't have. And now they're just greedy. Maybe a mom or a dad bought them a fancy laptop. So, why won't they share? University of Redland in California, student supporting the state's Prop 8 law, which doesn't recognize same-sex marriage, posted a sticker on her dorm room door. There it is. "Yes on 8." She was told to take it down because it was hate speech. Bucknell University, group of students handed out fake money that they called Obama stimulus dollars to prove that our dollar is as worthless as monopoly money. And they're right. Not yet, but soon. The school administrator put an end to it saying the students never got the school's permission because they hadn't fill out the proper paperwork. Indoctrination isn't new. How far does it go back? I want you to go to because I don't want to spend a lot of time on this. You have to see. Here's "Horizon of the Future for a Socialists America." Socialism, what's in it for you? I love this one, "The Youth Review." This is from the communist of 1953 here in America. And it's all the same stuff, all of the same stuff. Hey, students. You've got to rise up because the man's giving you the shaft. It's the same exact stuff. Look, view the historical documents sent to me that outline the plan to target our children. And then compare them. Compare them. You'll never guess which generation got the brunt of this propaganda. They're the ones that are currently jamming it down the throats in our university, for our university students. The only way to undo the mess that they have created is E2: education. Educate yourself. Go now to Now, on this program, we have talked about courage. And courage is going to become more important. But tonight, you're going to meet some young Americans who have courage. Those stories that I just gave you, all those people, the ones that got spit on and everything else, they're here: college conservatives. It's not easy to stand up and be a voice when you know your opinion is going to be a reason for people to attack you or vilify you. You know, I used to really believe that you could judge a person by their friends. You still can. But more and more the days you can also judge a person by their enemies. These kids are going to have more and more enemies, but they are standing up. Also, here, right in the center is S.E. Cupp. She is a conservative. She is a columnist. She hosts the self-titled show "S.E. Cupp." I don't know what kind of egomaniac that is. I mean, what's up with that? And she also is on She does a TV show on that you can see every day. But she speaks around colleges and universities. S.E., we've been talking a lot recently about how alone people are on colleges. You've been bringing that to my attention. S.E. CUPP, CONSERVATIVE COLUMNIST: Well, because it's the same everywhere I go. I mean, Wellesley, North Carolina State -- it doesn't matter what part of the country I'm in. The story is always the same. Conservatives are alone on college campuses and they're out in the woods. I mean, they have administrators, professors and other college students completely against them. It's almost like they are the only Americans in some foreign prison. And they're paying to be there. That is the infuriating part -- they are paying to get an education that they're just not getting. BECK: You know, it's amazing. I went to college when I was 30. I took one class. I could only afford one class. And it was at Yale. And the professor yelled at me one day. He said to me, "What are you reading, Mr. Beck? I asked him a question. He didn't like the question. And I think I only told him off because I was 30. I didn't really care. He said to me, "What are you reading?" I told him. He said, "Don't read that guy, he'll screw you up. Read this." Next week, I went back to the class and I asked the same question. He said, "Are you still reading that guy? Didn't I tell you to read the other guy?" I said, "Yes, I read that. I got it. Now answer my question." These guys -- these professors, they don't understand that they work for you. How many people here have been in a classroom with a belligerent professor? Oh, my gosh. All but five? All but five. Anybody want to give me a story. Yes? You. AUDIENCE MEMBER: My teacher actually got up and talked about you, Glenn, and she said you were a liar, that you knew you were lying, you were just doing it to make money. And I had your book with me. I had "Broke." BECK: Oh! AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes. So, I'm carrying around "Broke" and every classroom I went into, even after that, a professor came and said, oh, you know, that guy is crazy. Don't read him. You know, he's just doing it for money. I said, no, he speaks the truth. And a bunch of these BECK: Did you ask them -- could you please take this book and dissect it and show me where? Show me where this guy is wrong? AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes, that's kind of what I presented to him. I was like he's speaking the facts. BECK: They didn't do it, did they? AUDIENCE MEMBER: No, they just kept double-talk. BECK: The first time we did it, I did "An Inconvenient Book." And the press hammered me for it because they said, "You didn't have any footnotes. How can we tell where you got all your facts?" So when I wrote "Broke" we have, I think there's 50 pages, a whole section. No one has ever reviewed the book. We've had -- I've challenged students to take that book in, because they said the same thing. Professor says, oh, that's ridiculous. Give it to them. I've actually signed books for the professor. Find the errors. We'll correct them. Find them. They can't. Those people are cowards. Anybody who ever shouts you down is a coward. Show us where you are wrong. Defend your position. They don't want to, because they can't. You can best them if you just do your own homework. Who else -- who's --- let me go with Brian. Who is the one that was spat on? OK. So we're going to come to you. Vinciane. Brian, yes? AUDIENCE MEMBER: One time in a political class about a year ago, it was brought up -- some student brought up how people are silly about President Obama being a communist. And I posed the question as you've done very well on this program, for a couple of years now. I said, well, is it crazy to ask the question? I mean, President Obama has many communist friends and people that call themselves communists. So, how am I crazy for asking that question? He laughed at me. He was sighing. And the rest of the class laughed at me. And I'm sitting there thinking, boy, this is a college class and I can't contribute without getting attacked. BECK: Can you ask that professor that does it to you next time -- excuse me, professor? Why do you have tenure? Why do you have tenure? What will they say? They deserve it. For what reason? It's tenure. AUDIENCE MEMBER: They have no reason. BECK: What is the reason? Anybody? What? So they can't get fired. Why? AUDIENCE MEMBER: Academic freedom. BECK: Academic freedom. Which means what? AUDIENCE MEMBER: It means you have the right to teach what you want to teach. BECK: It's so someone can stand up and say I've got news for you, gang. The world is round, not flat. And they won't lose their job. That's what it's for. Now, they're telling you the world is flat. They can't get fired for what they say. But you are intimidated. Now, professor, tell me, how does that make sense in your pin-headed little world? How does that make sense? You don't want to be pushed around. You don't want to be threatened. And yet you threaten me. Teach me, professor. Teach me how to think. Not what to think. Or are you not up to the challenge? My daughter said the other day, she's in college. She actually -- nobody knows she's my daughter. She actually was in a class where they said much worse about me. It's bad. I called the school and tried to ask them the question. How much money do I have to give you every quarter to have you not fill my own daughter's head with lies? They didn't have an answer. But my daughter said -- she's an A student. She works her brains out. And I was just in Israel. I said, "Come with me." She said, "Dad, I got a test. You know, it's finals week. I've got to study." And I said, "Do you know that you're studying, you got it now?" She said, "Yes." She said, "But I want an A." And I said, "Nobody is going to care. Nobody is going to care. You're not going to get out in the real world and somebody is going to say, wait a minute, you had a B? Nobody is going to care. Nobody." So, why do you care so much? Why do you care? Why is there approval that -- so important to you? Let me ask you something: do you really think you're going to spend $100,000 on an education and it really is going to make that much difference in the world that's coming your way? I'm a self-educated man. I ain't no dummy. Bring it on, professor. Bring it on. What are you afraid of? When it comes to them. Anybody? What's the worst they can do to you? AUDIENCE MEMBER: Well, I mean, both of us were in a biology class together and our professor went on a rant about how Creation is ridiculous -- you know, ridiculous theory for how the world began. And -- BECK: Professor, tell me how the world began? AUDIENCE MEMBER: The Big Bang Theory, of course. BECK: No, no, no. No. You know what that is? That is somebody -- there is a burning match. Well, where did the match come from? Who struck the cover? It's called First Cause. Don't even call it God. Call it First Cause. "Professor, tell me what First Cause is?" "The Big Bang." "No, sir, that is a reaction to something. Tell me First Cause. And who caused it? What caused it?" AUDIENCE MEMBER: I completely agree. And the funny thing was the two of us were talking after class, and I forget which one of us it was, but we posed the question why didn't either one of us say anything? And the only answer could come to our head was, I don't want to get a bad grade, or he has to write me a recommendation letter. BECK: Believe me, believe me. Don't be bullied by these people. They're counting on it. They're counting on it. You know, you are examples to people. Have you looked in the picture? Go -- I want you to go online and I want you to look at the picture of the marches with Martin Luther King. I want you to look at them. I have. Over and over and over again, I've looked at them -- they were afraid. They were determined, but they were afraid. But they linked arms. And just a few of them at first and it grew. And they changed the world. Have no fear. What's the worst? They can kill you? Really? Seriously? Oh, well. Change the world. Change the world. Back in just a second. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (APPLAUSE) BECK: We are -- tonight, we're with the generation that will turn the corner. You will be the generation that either restores this country, or lets it go. And I have great faith that you are going to restore it. But it ain't going to be easy because you're in the minority. You were spat on by your professor? VINCIANE NGOMSI, TRUMAN STATE UNIVERSITY: It was my professor's husband. BECK: Oh, isn't that sweet? NGOMSI: Right. BECK: What happened? NGOMSI: Well, my conservative organization and I at Truman State, we hosts speakers every year to the (INAUDIBLE) Business Policy Institute. And we had a table set up to promote our conservative ideals and our speaker and everything. And he angrily approached us and he ripped off all of our flyers, posters and everything. Before he left, he turned around and spat on me, and then just walked away. BECK: What did you say? NGOMSI: I was disgusted because here's an individual who routinely writes such nasty hate mail about our conservative organization. BECK: No, no, you're the one with the hateful rhetoric. NGOMSI: Yes, exactly. And he belittles us and he's not even employed by the university. BECK: Did you file a complaint? NGOMSI: Well, we attempted to, but there's nothing we can do because he's not employed so we can't really do anything because the university isn't responsible for those who are not on their payroll. BECK: I have to tell you, you three -- you three troublemakers. You did videos that -- you've done the one with the redistribution of grades which was genius. And then the next one was -- there was another one. What was the other one? AUDIENCE MEMBER: We asked students at Berkeley about taking in the pledge to pay off their share of the national debt, to maintain all these wonderful social programs that we have become accustomed to. BECK: None of them. AUDIENCE MEMBER: None. BECK: That's crazy! I won't do it. That's crazy. Why would I pay that? Exactly! This is the way to attack. They are instead engaging in no debate. Shout downs, intimidation -- that's what your professors are. They're bullies. That's what this, all this is, communist and Marxism, it can never win up here. How many times do we have to try it? How many countries? How many millions of people have to die before the world says -- hey, Marxism doesn't work? And that's why they have to bully you. So you know you are on the right side when you want to have a debate and when you make points like you guys did. How difficult was it to -- how difficult is it to not get angry? Just win. OLIVER DARCY, UC MERCED STUDENT: It's quite difficult not to get angry, especially in the GPA video when the students can't come up with a valid or concrete reason as to why GPA is different than income and to see them support one system and the philosophy of redistributing wealth and not do the same or be willing to share some of GPA points. And for them not to see that same parallel that the philosophy is for, that they only support it when it's not their -- (CROSSTALK) BECK: As long as it's somebody else, it's always fine. Hang on. Let's play a little bit of it. Here it is. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You have 4.0? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's excessive GPA. So, we're going to basically emulate the federal tax structure and tax the rich. Help those in the lower income brackets. Basically the same thing do you really need a 4.0? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. UNIDENTIFEID MALE: It's like (INAUDIBLE) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Money is different. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why do you need a 4.0? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because I earned it. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You earned it. But, I mean, People earn their money, need the same argument to, you know, it's like a selfish argument, no? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is indication of performance. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Isn't your income is an indication of performance? You have to work hard for that money? (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: That's when -- you could feel it, right? Feel them inside going oh, crap. (LAUGHTER) DARCY: They can't come up with any reasons. Every single person said it's different. When asked why, it's just different. And nothing concrete, nothing valid. Nothing. BECK: How many of you are Republicans? Hmm. (LAUGHTER) BECK: How many of you are conservatives? How many -- does anybody here feel like they're a libertarian? Kirby, you go, girl. Good. Why are you a libertarian? AUDIENCE MEMBER: (INAUDIBLE) certain areas I didn't agree with the Republican Party line. And struck out on my own. BECK: OK. Who can tell me the difference between Republican and a libertarian? Come on, guys. Aaron? AUDIENCE MEMBER: Republicans like to spend money. BECK: I don't think you raised your hand as a Republican, did you? Tell me, somebody who raised their money as a Republican, tell me the difference. Oliver? DARCY: Generally, it's social issues is where they differ from the libertarians. BECK: What is the -- let's take the social issues here for a second. Would you say the Founders were libertarian or were they Republicans? DARCY: I'd say that they were libertarians. But I think the right to life is something that needs to be protected. So BECK: Kirby? AUDIENCE MEMBER: I think we make libertarian argument for pro-life, to be pro-life. But libertarian has more consistency intellectually than Republican talking points saying we're going to cut spending, but when you actually get in power, there's no difference. BECK: You know what? I think you're right on that, but that doesn't even matter. Again, it requires you to do the work. It requires you. Anything that takes the power away from the individual. Look, we legalized drugs -- do you know how many people will be strung out on heroin? Why? Because the country is not prepared for that responsibility. You can do the hardcore libertarian. When the country is prepared to do this. Oh, I'll help, you need help? You want to get off heroin? No, man, I just need some money. Well, that's great. I'm going to go into my office now, OK? (LAUGHTER) BECK: When the country is prepared to say I will help you if you will help yourself. Otherwise I have to step over you. But the country isn't built like that now. You have to build the country into that. You have to get yourself and those around you to say responsibility for your actions. Mike? AUDIENCE MEMBER: I actually had a professor that suggested that if anyone in our class was going to do hard drugs, they'd do heroin. BECK: And how much did you pay him for that? And his reason? AUDIENCE MEMBER: And it was good to be knocked out all day. BECK: Oh. AUDIENCE MEMBER: And that it preserves your youth. (LAUGHTER) BECK: I believe we found our first professor that is actually on heroin. Back in just a second. (APPLAUSE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (NEWSBREAK) BECK: Let's -- we're talking to the college conservatives and asking them what life is like on college and hopefully trying to give you a little bit of fire in the belly for standing up for what you believe. Claire? CLAIRE: Well, I guess the thing that we're told that the only thing controlled in college is our grades and that's why we scared. Because that's the only thing we think that we have control of. We don't have control -- BECK: Do you believe that to be true? CLAIRE: I mean, increasing tuition every year. BECK: Why is tuition increasing? CLAIRE: Six percent this year. So -- BECK: Yes. It's interesting that professors -- or I mean that colleges are increasing faster than health care in the last ten years and yet no one says a word about that. Yes? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) but right now the government's pushing a program where everyone should be going to college. Where over, you know, 60 percent of high school graduates are going to a four-year program that might not be best for them. That is really -- the demand is rising so quickly that everyone's getting squeezed completely. BECK: Yes. You don't have to go to college. You don't have to go to college. Yes. I mean, I was a dummy for a long time. But you don't have to go to college. Self-made men. Do you know -- do you know what George Washington's really only self-esteem problem came from? He didn't go to college. And everybody -- he felt -- here he was this admired man, he felt he wasn't up to it because he wasn't -- he hadn't been anointed by the smart ones. Please. Please. Challenge everything. And let me tell you something. The only thing you can control -- the only thing you can control is what you choose to do. You can't control the outcomes. You can't control the grades. You can't control everybody else. Nothing. But you can control your -- I know because I've done it. I mean, you should see my library. It is the absolute library of a serial killer because I have everything in it. And I went -- when I first started -- when I couldn't afford to go to college, I decided to do it myself. And I went into the bookstore and the libraries and I polled the people that I thought would argue if this guy were alive and this guy were alive, man, I'd like to listen to them. I got "Mein Kampf" and Alan Dershowitz. OK? I got Nostradamus and Pope John Paul. Have at it. That's the way you learn. You can do it yourself. Have self- confidence. Forget about the grade. Learn. Who cares if you walk out with a 4.0 but no knowledge. Get the knowledge. S.E. and I have been talking about this for a while. CUPP: Yes, I mean, the good news is conservatism on college campuses is what counts as rebellion these days. And you've heard these stories of these kids who were going out and they're emboldened to become activists. That's the good news. And I don't have to tell you, you know, we're prepared to help them. And in the fall, I don't want to say too much. BECK: I don't know what you're saying. CUPP: We don't want to say too much, but over the summer students should subscribe to the newsletter, keep in touch with us. BECK: It's free. CUPP: Because -- BECK: Listen. CUPP: -- come fall, you are going to have tools at your disposal that you have not had and I've been there. I've been in college campuses. I went to a bunch of colleges. You're going to have the tools that you need. You will not be alone anymore. BECK: Are you guys familiar with the 9/12 project? OK. We're not doing a 9/12 project for colleges. But I am -- I am leaving Fox because if we lose your generation, we lose. And I have to concentrate on your generation. So I'm asking you if you're in college now, you stay in touch with as many people as you can and then you tell us what you need. Because we're working on some things so when you come back in the fall, we're just -- we're just going to smoke them out. Uh-oh, that sounded like George W. Bush. Smoke them out. Smoke them out. Aaron? AARON: I have -- you're talking about taking action. I'm a columnist for the Rutgers daily newspaper the "Daily Targum." And I write about usually pro-Israel and conservative issues. And I have been -- I have been threatened to be sued. I have been petitioned by the outreach coordinator of the Middle Eastern Studies Department to be kicked out of my job. And - - and I've been physically threatened by the same woman coming up to me out of a meeting pounding her chest and saying that she's Palestinian and I'm going to have to get through her before I can get to the -- BECK: You know the first death threat I ever had? First death threat I ever had and I get a lot of them. I spend over a million dollars a year in personal security. That comes out of my pocket for death threats. The first one I had was a Palestinian that called me up and said you have got to shut up. This is right after September 11th. Because we are a peace-loving people and if you don't shut up, I will behead you myself. And I was like, OK, I don't think you should -- pipe down -- you're not helping the cause. Wear that with a bad of honor. AARON: Rutgers, earlier in the year, originally had a student fee- sponsored program that was going to send a flotilla to Gaza and, luckily, the State Department said that that's illegal, you can't do that. And I was again physically threatened by students, you know. These -- the people who say that they're full of peace and they're the ones that want to, you know, bring peace to the world are the same people who are telling me that they want to bash my face in with a crowbar. BECK: OK. Listen, I know this, I know this. And it's people on both sides -- not usually -- but there are people on both sides and you must never ever become them because you'll get angry. And you must never ever become them but get used to it because it's only going to get worse. Especially on Israel issues, it's only going to get worse. Stand fast and learn courage. Back in a second. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: You are college students who have had enough on campus. Eric? ERIC: So I actually had the honor to get involved with your 9/12 project over the summer and I attend these wonderful people's meetings. They talk about contemporary politics. And when I went back to my university and talked to share my experiences with my friends, and they thought it was a horrible idea that I actually got involved with the Tea Party and talked with these people. And they think that everybody are racists, all the Tea Party people. But as a minority myself, they invited me to their Christmas parties. They are very welcome people. These are amazing people. And in university, professors tell you to that you should get to know people before you judge them. But I think what happened right here is exactly the opposite. They didn't get to know these Tea Party people. BECK: Which tells you what, Eric? Draw conclusion. What does that mean? ERIC: These people are hypocrites. BECK: Hypocrites or they have an agenda. They're -- they have an agenda or they're just hypocrites. And I would suggest to you that they have an agenda because if you look at all of the other breadcrumbs, you see they are not open to the ideas of the Tea Party or the 9/12 project. KIRBY: I think all of us have had the experience of expressing unpopular ideas in the classroom and coming up with disagreement. And that can be frustrating, but I think, you know, the leftist's bias is somewhat expected by all of us in academia. But when it gets to the point where the bias is institutionalized in the administration and you're denied even the opportunity to express those ideas, that's a serious, serious problem regardless of what that bias is. You should never be denied your free speech on a college campus. It's supposed to be, you know, the marketplace of ideas. BECK: Tenure. KIRBY: And we've had two separate events on our campus shut down for very, you know, silly reasons. The paperwork that they made up and put us through, you know, going through hoops to try to reschedule and ultimately denied. So I think a major, major problem is if you can't even have that opportunity to express what you want to -- what you want to say. BECK: S.E. goes to colleges. I don't go to colleges. I won't speak at colleges. NYU has asked me over and over and over and over again to speak. No. I'm not going to waste my time. Because that's what will happen. You will waste my time. You do it all the time. CUPP: I do. I do it through groups through like the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute and YAF and groups that work really hard to bring conservative speakers to colleges where this kind of thing happens all the time -- all the time. BECK: Do you know what purified by fire means? What? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's -- is it the organization -- BECK: No, no, what the term purified by fire means. When you take gold and you put it into a fire, you burn out its imperfections. So now it's pure gold. Right? Purified by fire. That's what's happening, you guys. They're not being purified by fire. They don't -- they are so incredibly intellectually weak. In the end, who wins? You do. Because you're being purified by fire. Emily? EMILY BUCK, JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY STUDENT: Well, this past spring I had the audacity to bring a conservative woman to speak on feminism. And for that, one of my professors targeted me because I wouldn't bend to his political belief. When it came time for my final exam, I made a huge mistake. I showed up at the wrong time. And I'm a conservative. I take responsibility for my mistake. But my teacher made up reasons as to why I wasn't allowed to take my exam. He said that I didn't deserve to take my exam because I was a troublemaker and because I was a bad student although I've been on the Dean's list every semester. BECK: Good. Good. You guys change your perspective here. Good. Wear it as a badge of honor. Good. I'm a troublemaker. Good. Rise up and do it peacefully. Rise up. Good. Wear it as a badge of honor. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: Natalie, you were at University of Iowa, and the professor said -- NATALIE GINTY, IOWA UNIVERSITY STUDENT: She responded to our campus wide e-mail that we got approved (INAUDIBLE) literally (INAUDIBLE) Republicans. Then her credentials at the bottom. BECK: You filed a complaint? GINTY: Yes. BECK: What happened? GINTY: Nothing. BECK: No. Really? GINTY: Yes. She still makes her $94,800 salary. BECK: Congratulations. Bother you? GINTY: Yes. Of course, I mean, when a professor uses that as her civil discourse and she's supposed to teach students -- BECK: But it shows what a mental midget she is. Don't let it bother you. It's a mental midget -- mental midget, really. GINTY: It really is. BECK: Seriously. It's like, whoa, I think I heard that argument in the Ukraine. Gina, you go to Columbia. GINA: Yes. And I just feel like as challenging and disheartening as it sometimes may be to be a conservative and voice conservative views on a liberal campus, it's absolutely critical for young Republicans, young conservatives to be doing this, not only to further develop their argument and confirm what they already believe, but to make our voice heard on these very liberal campuses. BECK: Let me tell you guys something. How many have read the Federalist Papers? Good for you. I made a challenge last year. I said somebody needs to rewrite them. A college student did. A law student. He rewrote them. I'm publishing them in about two months. And it is the thing that every single one of you should read and memorize and be able to -- don't argue back and forth about Republican and Democrat. Talk about the values and the principles of freedom and the founding of this country. And again, wear your strife as a badge of honor. It's only making you more strong. You guys are going to boot camp. They're going to coffee shops. Who wins in -- I tell you -- life is tough and then you die. But life is worth every second that you live. You guys are living. You win in the end. Mental midget. You win in the end. Back in just a second. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) BECK: These guys are amazing. This is our future. And they're getting stronger and stronger and stronger to the abuse because it pushes them to the wall. Rebel -- rebel in that. Thomas Jefferson will be a rebel again, not the mainstream. Good. Good. That's where he's always belonged. From New York, good night, America. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." LT-1941 "FLESH OF MY FLESH; BLOOD OF MY BLOOD; KIN OF MY KIN WHEN SAY COME TO YOU, YOU SHALL CROSS LAND OR SEA TO DO MY BIDDING!" CVTD-1895 "FROM HELL'S HEART I STAB AT THEE, FOR HATE SAKE I SPIT MY LAST BREATH AT THEE" CA-1895 "I HAVE BEEN, AND ALWAYS SHALL BE YOUR FRIEND" Spock "TRICK OR TREAT, TRICK OR TREAT CANDY IS DANDY BUT MURDER, OH MURDER, IS SO SWEET" CRL-2003 "EYE OF NEWT, AND TOE OF FROG, WOOL OF BAT, AND TONGUE OF DOG ADDER'S FORK, BLIND-WORM'S STING, LIZARD'S LEG, AND OWLET'S WING. FOR A CHARM OF POWERFUL TROUBLE, LIKE A HELL-BROTH BOIL AND BABBLE. DOUBLE, DOUBLE, TOIL AND TROUBLE, FIRE BURN, AND CALDRON BUBBLE" WS Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : LouksHauntedGraveyard Yahoo Group: Yahoo! Groups : TheWorldAccordingtoCarlRayLouk |
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