April 26, 2011 Beck: 'Birther' Talk a Distraction | Glenn Beck
April 26, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," April 26, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: Welcome to "The Glenn Beck Program." We have a lot to talk about tonight. This is one that I want you to share with your friends. America right now seems to be talking about a couple of things. Donald Trump, who is trying to find a president's birth certificate with a metal detector or whatever. And that the president didn't recognize Easter. He celebrates Passover and Ramadan. But, apparently, neither fully recognized. And neither did Google, you know? But they did recognize this one. This is -- this is -- this is great. And then they followed up with celebrating renowned French-American ornithologist John James Audubon. This was today. Oooh! Wow! I think there was a holiday in between those things there at Google, but, you know, you may have missed them. I mean, sure, you missed Jesus. But you got the bird guy. So, I mean, obviously, I'd go for it, too, the bird guy. Look, here's the point. This is all a distraction. I mean, the president loves the birth certificate, loves the birth certificate argument. Loves it. It's a poke in the eye and it just makes people look ridiculous. It really does. And Easter? It stops us from talking about what's really happening. If we're arguing he didn't issue an Easter message. Really? Then we don't focus on what's really happening. Look at the things that are happening not far away on the other side of the world, but on our own border, in our own bank accounts. What freedom is Cass Sunstein regulating out of your life today? Fortunately, for us, we meet here every day at 5 o'clock. Unfortunately, for those in the White House, we meet here every day at 5:00. We won't be distracted by the nonsense because there's a lot to discuss. (MUSIC) BECK: America, I warn you that today's show is not for the fainthearted, at least the first 15 minutes of this. By the way -- hello, America. The world is getting all geared up for the next peace flotilla that's being prepared right now and is set to depart for the Gaza Strip late next month. And what is it? About 1,000 people are attending. Oh, it's going to be good. Forget about the plight of Christians in China or the Christians in Iraq, or the Coptic Christians in Egypt, or the Jews in Israel. Let's concentrate as a planet on the plight of the Palestinians. Let's make sure they're heard. I'm telling you -- mark my words -- it's going to seem all logical by September. A Palestinian state will happen and Israel will be sold down the river. It will happen. I believe the setup is being placed right now and it all starts to roll over the summer. Now, at the same time that the current administration could not contain their excitement about the Responsibility to Protect doctrine, which was deemed an acceptable reason to start a conflict, dare I call at it war, with Libya. The Responsibility to Protect idea was conjured up by Samantha Power. There she is, little Miss Cass Sunstein. She is no fan of Israel. One of the core principles -- and this is important that you get this -- on Responsibility to Protect: where a population is suffering serious harm. As a result of internal war, insurgency, repression, or state failure, and the state in question is unwilling or unable to halt or avert it, the principle of nonintervention yields to the international Responsibility to Protect. Do you have it? There is no such thing as a sovereign border anymore. It's your responsibility as a globe to intervene. Got it? Let me give you some numbers here. Before we intervened in Libya, the death toll was 1,000. That's bad. In Syria, they're screaming. We've got a responsibility to protect, 400. Let me give you another number, 35,000. Thirty-five thousand, that's the number of people killed on our border, in drug-related killings, since December 2006. If 2006 in December sounds familiar, it's win Felipe Calderon took office and declared war on the drug game and he is clearly losing. Execution-style killings, shoot-outs, towns being burned down, kidnappings, attacks on authorities, fear, chaos. It's getting worse. The killings jumped 60 percent in 2010, 15,273. That is up from 9,616 the previous year. The estimate for this year: already at 2,833. Mass graves are now being found at an alarming rate. Any mass grave should be alarming. Usually, it's our troops that find the mass graves. But now, they're becoming a routine discovery on our border in Mexico. People are beginning to have the courage to say something. Just last week, authorities found a mass grave with 30 bodies in it. This discovery comes on the heels of another mass grave, found in the border region with at least 126 people inside that grave. People in this farming town of 60,000 were afraid to say anything. They watched as people were killed and dumped in mass graves, afraid to say help. They didn't know who to ask for help. Most of the bodies that the authorities are now founding are being killed execution-style. But not with bullets. I warn you, the next part of the story is pretty disturbing. But I think you need to hear the scene. This is what they believe happened in the town of San Fernando -- 177 people have just been found in the largest mass grave to date. Most of these people were simply stopped at a roadblock set up by drug lords. Imagine yourself in this situation. Most of the people they believe were pulled and dragged off buses one by one. Then they were stripped of their IDs and their bus ticket stubs so no one could identify them. Then, the report says they were killed with blunt trauma to the head, which explains the lack of bullet casings in the graves and explains the sledgehammer that was found. Now imagine, you're on a bus. You're just minding your own business. And the bus is stopped and now, you see people being pulled out one by one, being dragged out, and somebody is putting their foot on their back as somebody else takes a sledgehammer and crushes their head. Well, you are in a whole different category of hell now, aren't you? Oh, yes. I know, I'm hoping for The New York Times, this is not too depressing. I hope this isn't too conspiratorial for them to understand. Sledgehammers are being used. Not bullets. And it's not because there is a shortage of bullets, it's because we are dealing with evil. The Washington Post is reporting that the cartels are not just taking areas over with fire power anymore. They are taking them over with sheer terror. One San Fernando resident reported that it is getting completely out of control. They're not just going after the rich and people with money. They are doing it for their kicks. They're doing it for power. They kidnapped a local farmer's son. They demanded $10,000. He is not a rich man. Ten thousand dollars, he didn't have $10,000. He managed to scrape together $5,000. It's all he had. He sent it to them. So, they sent half of his son back to him. Just this weekend, four women and a teenage girl were found stripped. Their throats slashed in an Acapulco beauty parlor. In the same city last month, five children were killed in a five-day stretch, ages 4 to 15 years old. The 4-year-old mother was the -- the 4-year-old's mother was found bound, gagged. And she had been gunned down in the car. The 4-year-old was sitting next to her mother in the car, so they shot her in the chest, killing her, too. Yes, let's talk a little bit more about the president's birth certificate, shall we? No, no, I think that's really important, his birth certificate. Let's talk a little bit about what Google is doing and did he recognize Easter? That's so important right now, isn't it? What the hell is wrong with us? Thirty-five thousand people dead -- 35,000 people; 15,000 in the last year. Do we have a responsibility to protect? If your answer is no, Mr. President, it doesn't seem real consistent with Libya. Do you even care? Would you at least agree that we should try to stop the violence from spilling over into our country? Don't think it can't happen here? Ask the people in Brownsville, Texas. They know. But many are afraid even in America. Someone driving on Highway 77, Easter Sunday, noticed something on the overpass in Brownsville, Texas. They phoned it in. It ended up being an IED. This is not a picture from Baghdad. This is a picture from America. You remember IEDs? Improvised explosive devices that the terrorist use as their most prolific weapon in Iraq? It caused most of the problems for our troops. If you remember, most of the IEDs were made in Iran. Oh, wait a minute. Hang on. Before we get to the birth certificate thing, let's not forget about the training manual found in the Arizona desert, along a known smuggling route that celebrates suicide bombers. Fox reported exclusively on this. Have you seen it anyplace else? The book "In Memory of Our Martyrs" was published in Iran and glowing biographies of suicide bombers and other militants who died while committing terrorist attacks. Authorities said the IED looked like a pineapple grenade, except it came with a timer device. The highway was shut down. Bomb squad sent a robot in to detonate it. Some now are just brushing this off saying oh, well, it's just a poorly made device. It could haven't done much damage anyway. Oh, well, I feel so much better now. Shouldn't be -- shouldn't be worried about that! Really? Can we not worry about the quality of the bomb and worry about the fact that someone is making bombs and putting them on American bridges? Now who, who could possibly be doing that? No, let's talk about the birth certificate. Mexican soldiers -- we don't want to talk about the Los Zetas. They blew up at least 22 cars and killed dozens of people in the last two weeks in Mexico. What is their weapon of choice, America? If you say IED -- bingo! But wait. That's Mexico. Not Texas. Who are the Zetas? Do you even know? They are the elite former special forces with the Mexican military. These are the people that they were going to stop the drug lords, but they defected. They defected from the Mexican military in the late 1990s. And they have been breeding more. They're particularly feared because they were trained by the American military elite. We went down with a responsibility to protect. We tried to help. They were sent in to fight the drug cartels. Now, they are the drug cartels. Here's the important part -- Los Zetas now are operating in the U.S. and they have been blamed for hundreds of kidnappings and murders along the U.S. border. But is anybody worried about that? Hell no! They often work alongside Mexican drug cartels who are operating -- now, it is reported in as many as 230 affiliate cities here in the United States. The CIA believes the Zetas may be also getting help from terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda and Hezbollah. No! This crisis is far larger and far closer to home than the plight of the poor Palestinian. Is there any other conflict that has killed as many as the last four years than the Mexican drug cartels and the Zetas have killed on our borders? Thirty-five thousand dead. The genocide in Rwanda and Darfur comes to mind, but we didn't seem to have a Responsibility to Protect there. Couldn't get anyone to pay attention to that one, could we now? Hundreds of thousands died there in the last four years, but the world still has no Responsibility to Protect 35,000 deaths in Mexico. Do you know how many that is? Well, we've lost 35,000 people before. But you have to go back to the Korean War to find it. And nobody is paying attention. Did you see what Google did with James Audubon? There are two things here that America should be asking. First, our responsibility to protect, do we as good neighbors have any responsibility? Do we play a role in this at all? We funded and created the Zetas, just like we did in the Middle East with al Qaeda. Hello! They're literally in our backyard. They are burying bodies while our kids are playing in the backyard. And I mean that literally! And what are we doing? We're neighbors. They're burying bodies, kidnapping, killing. Our kids are over here and we're arguing over whether or not we should put a fence between us. The second thing is -- what is our administration doing about this? Is our DOJ on this? Are they beefing up security on our borders? Are they cracking down on illegal immigrants? Are they looking for the Zetas in the 230-plus cities? No. No. God forbid, somebody has the audacity to ask for papers because if you ask for papers, you're clearly a racist who just hates everybody who's different than you. Oh, my gosh, are we going to be remembered as a suicidal nation? Just this week, president spoke glowingly of illegals who cross in America via the Rio Grande and compared those who came the right way through Ellis Island. Watch our president. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: We live up to the idea that no matter what you look like or where you come from, whether you landed here, your ancestors landed here on Ellis Island or they came here on a slave ship or they just came over the Rio Grande, that we are all connected to one another, and we all rise and fall together. (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: If you just came over the Rio Grande, you are the same as somebody who came over in a slave ship. Wow! Mr. President, it does matter how you got here. One group came to America legally, the other group illegally. One broke the law, one did not. It's not the same, Mr. President. We are all humans. And we are all people. But we are all not American. Congressman Luis Gutierrez from Illinois -- he is urging the president to just bypass the system. Why not? We practically destroyed it. He said, "Use your executive power or else, Mr. President, Latinos will not vote for you." Watch. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) REP. LUIS GUTIERREZ, D-ILL.: If the Congress will not act, then use the power you already have, use the power that Congress has already granted you. To the man we elected president of the United States yes with our vote, without entity, with our commitment, we send him to the White House. And we want to remind him of the words that he uttered to us in order to gain our vote and our confidence and to say, "Mr. President, it's time you keep your promise." (END VIDEO CLIP) BECK: We are building a dictatorship. But let's talk about the man's birth certificate! We have a responsibility to protect. That much is true. But first and foremost is to protect and defend the people and the Constitution of the United States of America. That is our responsibility to protect. Are we doing that? We are letting the drug cartel seep across our border. We are asking for a dictator. We're doing something else. We're setting up the gun manufacturers in our own country. I want you to chew on this. Think about this -- there is a story out now that we set up the gun dealers on our border. The ATF goes to the small gun dealers on the border. Ask them, can you help your country? Sell guns to us. And what we're going to do is we're going to give them to nefarious people and track them across the border. Then the government does a study and finds out guns are going across the border with nefarious people and they are being used to kill people with. Now, the ATF won't respond to Congress on why this happened. So, let's see if we have this right. We sold out our gun dealers. Then I read this little Cass Sunstein story. The ends justify the means. Why not help guns across the border and then report how many guns were used in illegal activity? And then, mark my words, not come to defend the lawsuits against the gun manufacturers here in the United States, because that's what's happening. Mexico is considering now suing the gun manufacturers. They're going to put them out of business. If you can't change the Constitution, destroy it! Go around it. What was Mr. Gutierrez, what did he just say? Doesn't it make more sense to sue America for not protecting the borders and stopping that? I mean, they have much deeper pockets. They're more involved than the gun manufacturers. It's a way to put gun manufacturers out of business without our government having to change a word in the Constitution. Oh, lawsuits are good, aren't they, Mr. Obama? This administration is using the boarder to take out our enemies and to feed off the chaos in trouble. I'm going to show you something next that for the life of me, the whole time I've done this show, I could explain a lot of things. I can't explain this. This comes from the State Department. We've been on the phone with them all day. I don't have the answer. I think it ties in the border. But you're going to have to decide. I don't have an answer to the new way you have to fill out -- possibly some people, they won't identify it. Some people will have to fill this questionnaire out to get a passport. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. Carl Ray Louk "FRIENDSHIP NEVER ENDS" SG-1996 "LET LOVE LEAD THE WAY" SG-2000 "THE PHOENIX SHALL RISE" SD "EVEN A MAN WHO IS PURE IN HEART AND SAYS HIS PRAYERS BY NIGHT, MAY BECOME A WOLF WHEN THE WOLFBANE BLOOMS AND THE AUTUMN MOON IS BRIGHT." 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