April 21, 2011 Beck: How Low Can the Dollar Go? | Glenn Beck
April 21, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," April 21, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
(BEGIN 'IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE' VIDEO CLIP) ARTHUR STUART HULL AS MR. RANDALL: Did you get your money? EDWARD KEANE AS TOM: No. RANDALL: Well, I did. Old man Potter will pay 50 cents on the dollar for every share you've got. CROWD: Fifty cents on a dollar? RANDALL: Yes. Cash. (END VIDEO CLIP) GLENN BECK, HOST: Cash. Fifty cents on the dollar. My thesis is Mr. Bernanke is Mr. Potter. There's an emergency and he's paying cash. He'll help bail you out. The old Building and Loan! So, how far -- how low can your dollar go? Well, in the last eight years, your dollar has lost 21.4 percent. It's now worth 79 cents. Not a dollar, 79 cents. Let me explain this way. If you wanted to have retirement and all you had in the whole world was $10,000. You had $10,000 and you had it sitting in an eight-year period, you had it sitting in the bank. Because they are inflating our money, they have just taken this much away from you. Stolen. It's gone. You now have $8,000. Mr. Potter has taken $2,000 of your hard-earned money. And where did it go? To the bank. You need to understand. Stock market goes up with quantitative easing. Why? They are playing with your money by making it cheaper. They are playing with your money. They also want to do this, not only to get rich themselves but also to keep the market up because if people realize if the stock market is at 5,000, the jig is up. They'll start to say, whoa, whoa, whoa, what you guy are doing over here? But that's a stupid sign for all of us that things are good. And if you freak out, then what do you do? Then you figure this out, what do you do? You start buying gold. Yes. I told you to be prepared, oh, jeez, how many years ago? Be prepared. I told you to buy gold. I was called nuts, a fearmonger, everything else. The New York Times got in on that one. Oh, I was horrible. Look at the front page of The New York Times today. What does it say? "Prices Surge as Investors Rush to Safety of Gold." Now, it's safety. George Soros earlier dramatically upped his invest in the gold, despite calling it the ultimate bubble just weeks earlier. He says it's a bubble and then he goes in and buys it. And he's not buying paper. The University of Texas just bought $1 billion in physical gold. They want the tangible gold. Why? Because they fear a shortage -- because just like this, OK, this is only worth what we print on here. This is worthless. Paper is worthless. At the end of this game, this is -- all you have left is just worthless paper. If you read history, you know that. By the way, you might be interested, do you know who the biggest holder of gold is in the world? Coming in at number three is the International Monetary Fund. Basket of currencies. Hmm. Number two is Germany. Number one? The United States of America. But is that really true? I mean, I'm assuming it is. But who's holding it? You might think that it's at Fort Knox. I think it is, but I'm not sure. Ron Paul and Jason Chaffetz, among others, have demanded to see the gold at Fort Knox. The congressmen -- they're not showing the gold at Fort Knox. Government won't show it. I guess we're on the trust system. Do you trust the government? I'll tell you where a lot of gold is. The Federal Reserve, 22 percent of all of the world's gold holdings is in the basement in Lower Manhattan, 80 feet below street level and 50 feet below sea level. You're told not to buy gold. They have 22 percent of the gold. They keep making your dollar worth less and telling you not to do it. Not to -- what was it The New York Times says? Rush to safety of gold. Wants to help, willing to bail things out. Citizens lose because of health. The goal is to control of the town, to make it Potterville. I wonder what the Fed's goal is. I mean, I'm sure it has something to do -- it's benevolent, I'm sure. It probably has a lot to do with the golden rule. You know? He who has the gold, wins. 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