April 18, 2011 Beck: Gas Prices Have America Over a Barrel | Glenn Beck
April 18, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," April 18, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America. I'm glad you're here. Thank you so much for tuning in today. The average price of a gallon of gas now is $3.83. I want to show you a chart here of gas prices to see how gas prices have gone up and down in the last couples of years. If you look here back at September 2005, there is where Katrina hit. You notice that Katrina hit and everything was relatively OK with the oil production. It wiped out 25 percent of our oil production, 10 to 15 percent refinery capacity, but then it was an event -- it was over and so we could get back to normal. Then we had some problems. In the summer of 2006, we had refinery issues. Some were shut down because of the hurricane damage while others were -- you know, had to install and upgrade equipment to meet the new gasoline regulations. So, hurricane Katrina and gasoline regulations. Then we hit the 2007 period and here's summer again. Remember, we also hit summer and it automatically goes up. Summer of 2007 there was a series of refinery problems -- a fire at a Chevron site, mechanical problems at some sites in California -- but don't worry about that. Let's not build any new refineries. That doesn't mean anything. Summer 2008 -- this goes through the refinery problems. In summer 2008 this is where everybody was standing at the oil pumps and saying you got to elect a Republican. And then what happened? Then we had speculation. Oil inventories were lower than normal. Market speculation didn't help. This is the -- this is the period right now where the market is starting to collapse. This is the TARP area right here. And this is where the Pentagon said somebody was playing games. Well, it couldn't have anything to do with oil, huh? Huh? Hundred and forty-five dollars a barrel in July. It comes down. The president is elected. Here's the market crash. Here we are. Look at this. The whole average is higher. Look at that. It never goes down from the peak. He is elected and it never goes down. Now here's Egypt. Now the Middle East unrest is happening and look at it go up. When it hits this -- this is 4/12 -- when it hits 4/12 remember what happened, look at this. What do you think's going to happen? When it comes to gas, you must ask yourself these questions. Is it getting better or worse in the Middle East? Is it becoming -- the Middle East -- more or less stable? What do you think? Are we depending on us at all? Meaning are we exploring and exploiting our own resources? And are we making friends that can help? Are we making any alliances with any rich nations? Well, let's start with the top question. Is the Middle East becoming more or less stable? What do you think? Things are worse in the Middle East. Libya is in the middle of a civil war now. Egypt is turning to Islamic extremism. Who saw that one coming? There is strife in Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Algeria. Of course, Israel is under constant attack from its neighbors including Iran. The United States has revealed is now involved in Syria in the unrest there. No, no, not a problem. Not a problem. Is it going to better or worse this summer? Now, are we -- question number two, are we exploring our own resources? Are we looking for any? No. In fact, the EPA is saying we are now hiring more people because they can't keep up with the new Gulf regulations -- Cass Sunstein. We should be opening every conceivable option for oil. The Gulf, Alaska, new reserves found in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, offshore, Florida, California. As much oil as we have in shale in Utah and Colorado -- we have so much shale -- we have as much shale as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Nigeria, Kuwait, Libya, Angola, Algeria, Indonesia, Qatar and the United Arab emirates combined -- combined. With that, we also have enough coal to power our nation for centuries -- not decades -- centuries. We could also be developing nuclear power. No, that's too dangerous. The other are too dirty. So we do nothing. The president gives a speech and wants to put a million more electric cars on the road. Well, could you bring that chart back up here again? Guess what? Because electric is generated by something -- something. Is it coal? Is it gas? What is it? We're reducing our coal -- the president says when he lays his plan out -- that it will make the electricity prices necessarily skyrocket. So what are we doing? Remember when this gets up to here, look what happened last time? Are we more stable or less stable as a country? Are we making alliances with other countries. No, no, quite the opposite. We've just managed to anger Saudi Arabia. You know what's really neat? The right leader Le Pen in France -- she could face President Sarkozy in next year's election. Recent polls have her edging him out 23 to 21 of the vote. Le Pen said that if she wins, she's going to leave NATO and she'll make a new alliance with Russia. Oh, why? Because of energy security interests? Basically they need oil and they are making friends with the Russians for it. What Reagan said would happen is now happening. They built a pipeline -- Russia did -- and Russia controls the oil, the spigot. And the power of the world is shifting. So what a surprise that France is the first to tuck its tail between its legs and go running to mother Russia. We must be making some friends, right? Well, we are. We're making friends with Brazil, the country that just elected a Marxist guerilla who spent time in prison for trying to overthrow the government. She's leading the country that gave -- that we wrote a check -- you and me -- two billion dollars for Petrobras. Corporate welfare. It was this week last year that the BP oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico causing the White House to shut down deep sea drilling. But we gave Petrobras the approval to have the first deep-water floating production storage facility there. Not to an American, but to the Brazilians. Then the president went to Brazil and said that we should form a strategic alliance with Brazil -- not a strategic alliance -- it's a redistribution of wealth. Oil does one thing -- it makes everything on the planet work -- your trains, your trucks, your sewage, your sewing machine, your windmills, our farmers' tractors. The good news is we're exploring ethanol. But at least we have an endless supply of corn, right? No. No, we don't. The next crisis we face that is going to collide with gas, next. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. 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