Tuesday, January 25, 2011 When Politicians Say 'Invest' They Really Mean 'Spend
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 25, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello. It's bunny time on "The Glenn Beck Program." The State of the Union is tonight and we're totally amped! Oh, yeah. It's going to be totally different than the all of the other previous State of the Union speeches, you know? This time, the Republicans and the Democrats have decided to, quote, "commingle," as opposed to, you know, the Democrats on one side of the aisle and the Republicans on the other. Yes. And they're all going to snuggle in together with their Snuggies. It's going to be great. America is fixed. Obama's buddy, Valerie Jarrett, previewed the State of the Union speech. Listen carefully, You might catch this -- oh, I almost said, propaganda, but what did they change it to? That's right -- P.R., according to Edward Bernays. Watch. Listen carefully to what she's saying here. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) VALERIE JARRETT, WHITE HOUSE SENIOR ADVISER: I what our focus tonight is how America is going to win. And what we have to do is invest, but we have to invest wisely. So, we have to focus on innovation and sparking the creativity and the genius of the American people. This is the country that invented everything from the light bulb to the Internet, and we want to make sure that we are creating that ingenuity that's going to lead to the jobs of the future. We want to invest in education. We have a robust agenda but we believe that we can do targeted investment and also cut where the budget needs to be cut. The entire message of the speech is about winning for America and all of the pillars that we have to put in place that are going to create an environment where we can jumpstart the economy. (END VIDEO CLIP) OK, OK. I'm like a really crappy evil villain, aren't I? Yes, me and my bunny. So, who doesn't want to invest? We don't want to spend -- but investing, that's smart. That's -- no, that's not smart, that's spin. Spending is what we're talking about. Let me ask you. Your whole life is upside down. You're out of a job. You can't pay your house payments. Your budget is tight. You go home and try to explain to your wife how you need to invest in a new Lamborghini. Yes. Yes. And, you know, she also -- this one is so funny -- she also said that they're focusing on pillars. You'll never guess how many pillars the president is going to focus on tonight. Yes, yes. Five -- the five pillars. I mean, you see -- I mean, you're upsetting the bunny, really. Really. Has anybody ever heard of the five pillars of Islam? Here, will you take, take our little experiment here. Five pillars of Islam, Mr. President, I mean, come on. Now you're just poking people, because they know it has nothing to do with that. But you know you're just poking people. It would be like if I came out with a chain saw and a bunny rabbit -- now, am I going to cut the cute little bunny rabbit in half? Might. I will tell you that we will start this by the end of the program. What does it have to do with the bunny rabbit? Oh, you'll have to find out. Also, from yesterday's program, an update, the White House is defending the anti-American song played by a Chinese pianist at a recent state dinner. Everybody in China knows this song has been a propaganda tool for China for decades and refers to Americans in the song as jackals who will be shot with hunting rifles. The White House -- the White House responded yesterday and said this: "Any suggestion that this is an insult to the United States is just flat wrong. As Lang Lang stated before, he plays this song regularly because it is one of his favorite Chinese melodies, which is very widely known and popular in China for its melody. Lang Lang played the song without lyrics or referenced any political themes during the entertainment portion of the state dinner. He simply stated the song's title and noted it -- that it [sic] was well-known in China." Oh, oh, I get it. So, you may not know it, but everybody in China does, and they all sang along at home. Of course, of course, the White House doesn't have a problem with that. Just exactly like the White House wouldn't have a problem next year if during the Martin Luther King dinner, some band came in and played "Dixie," you know, without the lyrics. I mean, it would be cool, because -- I mean, "Dixie" is just so catchy, isn't it? Yea. I don't believe that. Do you? No, no. I think they'd probably have a problem with that. I think they would have a problem if you said, "whistling Dixie" at that event. But I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with that one either. In fact, I think there's a better chance that I cut that bunny in half by the end of the hour than they actually mean what they just said. The left should know this -- sometimes words do matter. And I'm pretty sure the truth matters all the time. And then since only the truth that matters is being ignored today, and Tea Partiers and conservatives are being portrayed as evil, cute little bunny killers, I figured today, I might as well just embrace it. Tonight, we get to the truth no one else will. Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. 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