Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28, 2011 Glenn Beck's State of the Union | Glenn Beck

Friday, January 28, 2011

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 27, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Welcome to "The Glenn Beck Program." Welcome.

If I were giving the State of the Union speech earlier this week, first of all, God help us because that would mean I was president, but Congress wouldn't know when to clap, because the speech would be free of politics -- because it's supposed to be the State of the Union, right? I mean, it's all about politics. The solutions to our problems have nothing to do with politics and everything to do with us.

When brawls break out, instead of breaking them out -- breaking them up now, people will see somebody slugging it out and they just get their cell phone out and start to videotape. And they hold it there. And then they put it on YouTube. And then those YouTube videos get millions of views.

Moms are now leaving young toddlers unattended so they get on fights in buses. This is shocking video.

Many of the top rated reality TV shows routinely now feature fights and they're treated as a matter of pride and not shame.

And then there's this -- among our nation's cops, there is an unsettling feeling that there is, quote, "a war on cops," end quote, right now. They say that they feel like they have become targets.

Officer fatalities in 2010 were 162, up 40 percent from the year before. 2011, not really off to a good start -- in the month of January alone, and check your calendar, gang, we're not in the end yet, there were 15 law enforcement officer fatalities. Another one just died -- eight different states. The latest came yesterday, Indianapolis Police Officer David Moore died after being gunned down at point blank. In one 24-hour stretch this week, 11 police officers have been shot in five different states.

And then you have violence all around the globe. You have the violent protest -- latest in Egypt, where three protesters and a police officer were killed.

There's been the violent riots in Tunisia.

There was a fire bomb explosion targeting a luxury hotel outside the World Economic Forum in Davos. Ya. A radical leftist group, calling itself Revolutionary Perspective, took credit for the explosion, stating, quote, "Our fight against the dictatorship of capital is focused on the social alternative to capitalism, communism," end quote.

Let me ask you this -- the world ignored Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, until they finally took down the World Trade Centers. Will the world continue to disregard the communist, Marxist revolutionaries until they take down the world trade?

What we got the other night in Washington from our president and our Congress was the state of our politics. We know the state of our politics. You don't need -- it's not going to -- you're not going to hide it with a ribbon and sitting together. We know the state of the politics, it's about rhetoric.

But, what is the state of our Union? Tonight.


BECK: Hello, America.

Tonight, the state of the Union. Not politics.

You know what? Let's slow it down. Let me define Union here.

Union -- a combination so formed, especially an alliance or confederation of people, parties or political entities for mutual interest or benefit or agreement, harmony from uniting. Individuals, uniting individual, an alliance of people. It's what this is.

Are we a union anymore? The United States of America, a union. What are our principles that unite us?

Once upon a time, America was actually referred to as the melting pot. Do you remember this? Growing up, I used to -- I used to love these cartoons on Saturday morning, "School House Rock." This was all about the immigrants. And the immigrants all want to come to America and they are jumping in, and they're not jumping into the ocean, they are jumping into a pot. It's a melting pot.

And people come, all the differences and everything else, they come into the pot and they eventually wave the American flag because they were all in it together, no matter how different they were. They were different. But, at the end of the day, being an American was still a uniting concept.

Well, if we're no different than any other country, what unites us? Are we still a melting pot? Are we able to agree or disagree? At the end of the day, agree or disagree and still not view people as the enemy.

I want you to know, because I can feel it. I can feel it. I know when I talk about uniting, I know there are people that say, "Glenn Beck, how dare you say some" -- I know what people say. Most of the people that say those things have never actually watched episodes of the show. They don't know what I actually say.

You know that, because if you watch the show and you talk to your friends, you ask them what exactly -- and they can't tell you. They can tell you what they heard or what they saw a clip of. But they never watch the show.

I want you to know, there are enemies within our own borders. Did you see this FOX News exclusive today? An Iranian book celebrating suicide bombers has been found in the Arizona desert. Gee, you think?

Those are enemies. Those are enemies. Those who want to destroy our republic and destroy the melting pot itself, foreign and domestic, those are enemies. But we can have disagreements. We are all different, D's, R's, I's, but unless -- unless, we recognize there's a difference of opinion and then a difference of agenda.

The enemies of our country want to destroy the republic. Now you have to ask yourself, who is pitting us against each other? It can happen for many reasons. It can happen just for power, political power. It can happen for money. It's Bernays kind of stuff.

Why would we be pitted against each other? Is it on anything real?

Right now, we have -- being pit the rich and the poor, the wealthiest one percent, greedy bankers, doctors cutting off feet, evil oil companies. Big pharmaceutical won't make drugs. Fast food companies are trying to make you fat, you know? Conservatives just hate all minorities.

I don't know if you know this, but that person over there, they have it better than you. They have cable. You don't. Get 'em!

These are the kind of claims that are destroying the melting pot. I have news for you, there will always be rich and there will always be poor. There will always be black and white and brown.

There will always be Wall Street, but there will also be Main Street -- greedy bankers and good bankers, oil companies and solar panel companies.

Fast food companies that just want to make you fat and salad bars that just drive you out of your mind. Someone will always also always have something that you don't have.

Yes, Donald Trump has things that George Soros doesn't and vice versa. But they're not necessarily enemies over what they have or don't have.

We can't treat everyone as an enemy. We need to stop focusing on things that divide us, but the things that unite us -- as long as we all believe in the melting pot. There are principles that are worth debating with heated passion. Even Jesus turned over the tables in the temple. But unless our goal is to start violence or destroy the republic, we are not enemies of each other.

Another thing we must do if we're going to look at the state of our Union, what is going to hold us together is we have to stop injecting poison in ourselves. We have to look at that poison. I have don't think most Americans recognize some of the things that pass for entertainment on the TV is actually poison. This is the "Jersey Shore."

OK. The "Jersey Shore" just last week broke the viewing record, 8.9 million viewers on MTV. What drew a crowd like that? Well, quote, "Thursday's episode featured the aftermath of Snooki's arrest and release from jail for disorderly conduct." Oh, Snooki, did you do that?

Why would this crap attract 9 million people?

There is a split in America. Could it be a reflection of what we are allowing ourselves to become? To me, it's kind of a chicken and the egg thing. I don't know if it is leading or reflecting, but I will tell you this, it is giving us permission to celebrate our lowest base self.

But it's not the TV show. It's not MTV or the networks that do it. We shouldn't -- we definitely should never ban it.

What we need to do is stop making the lowest choice and reflect that. We don't need to be that.

What is missing in us or in our society? It ain't stuff.

I want to show you a video, and I'm warning you -- I think it make -- it makes me sick to my stomach. I had a hard time watching it. It's from Nebraska.

It's two women attacking another woman on a bus. It's a surveillance camera on the bus and it caught everything that happened. I want to show you.

The bus ride starts out normal. And here is this woman. Now, see these two people coming up and they start hitting this woman.

She was talking on her cell phone, two women start to approach her coming from the rear end of the bus. Seemingly unprovoked, suddenly, they attack her. The woman wearing the pink has left something behind to be able to go fight this woman.

What did she leave behind? Two children, is what she left behind. Then it's a free-for-all, punching and kicking, hair-pulling, and then it really gets bad.

Now, the young children are in the middle of all of this. The kids literally get caught in the crossfire. Sorry, CNN. The toddlers are left watching their mom beat is snot out of somebody and now they got mom cornered. What are the kids thinking?

And not a single person, this person or this person, have gotten up. How about this one? Right here with a child, not even reaching out. They just watch.

The bus driver finally stops the bus and then locks the door, waiting for the police to show up. But now, the woman in the pink finally decides to grab her kids. And escape out the window of the bus and eventually they do. And the victim leaves as well. There she goes. All before the police arrive. I don't even understand it.

Try this one. This one happened in the middle of Wendy's in Queens where a group of teenage girls mobbed a worker who got in there way.

It started when a group of teenagers were throwing food and fighting with each other, and that's when a young worker stepped in and tried to do the right thing and calm them all down. And, suddenly, one of the teens lashed out and the rest of everybody else just piled on the worker. The worker suffered a concussion. People just stood and videotaped the incident, not for police, they just posted it on YouTube.

But do you see anyone in the video stepping in to help?

Here's another recent one from South Carolina. This is at an IHOP restaurant. The video begins with two people in some sort of argument. It doesn't take long for the fighting to start. Then you'll see one guy show up with a cane. He shows with a cane here in a second.

There he is. Here he is with the cane and he just starts swinging.

People get up from their seats. The dining room is completely trashed. Again, people are just standing there just shooting video with their camera and cheering to fight on.

They all left. The restaurant was trashed. I mean, do I need to show you more? Because I can. I can show you black, white, brown, east, west, north, south, middle of the country, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter.

But one thing they all have in common is they're all Americans.

Now, the politicians in Washington, their reaction to this, of course, will be "we've to ban posting things on YouTube." It's the same reaction they have with anything happens. Ban it.

Ban the things on the Internet? I got news for you. The Internet isn't the problem. Technology isn't the problem. It's what we do with it that is the problem.

You'll notice the name of this -- the name of this Web site is -- YouTube. "You." So, what are you using it for?

You can find all kinds of stuff on it. I mean, did you see over the holidays? Did you see the YouTubes where the people were just breaking out in the messiah and the hallelujah chorus in the middle of -- I mean, that was great stuff. You can find anything. You can find dopey inspirational videos on YouTube.

You can find this on YouTube. Uh-oh, E4, Wilmington, Education. You can find it.

The president today was on YouTube. You can find him. It's up to you.

Don't blame the technology. There's something wrong with us. Maybe it's the desire for fame at all costs. Not doing anything, not being famous because you work hard, being famous for beating somebody up.


When you have the desire for fame and notoriety and you combine it with a complete lack of priorities and values and principle, you've got a mess on your hands.

Last night, I asked you -- what did you think on September 11th or September 12th was the most important thing? I can guarantee it wasn't fame, it wasn't notoriety, it wasn't any of those things. What was it?

I made my list yesterday on the board. It's on the other side. It doesn't matter. It's God, it's family, it's country. That's what I wrote down. That's what I knew was important on September 11th.

We were wounded on September 11th. But the state of our Union was strong. Suddenly, we didn't care about left or right. We didn't care about liberal or conservative. We cared about the truth.

We were all in a melting pot together. We knew we weren't going to make it without each other. We prayed together. We worried together. We stood together. We cried together.

Today, is God a top priority? Or how many followers do we have on Twitter? Is it family? Or is it the latest status update on Facebook?

Is it country? Or is it what stuff does he have that I don't have?

It's not YouTube or talk radio or cable news or anything that creates this mentality. We have played this video several times and it still amazes me each and every time. Listen.


RADIO HOST: You know today how much money you're getting?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I won't. But I'm waiting for a phone call.

RADIO HOST: Where is the money coming from?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe it's coming from the city of Detroit or the state.

RADIO HOST: Where did they get it from?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Some funds that was given by Obama.

RADIO HOST: And where did Obama get the funds?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Obama getting the funds from -- I have no idea, to tell you the truth. He's the president.


BECK: They just got on. "Obama."

They don't know where the money to originates from. They don't say I need this money -- it's a difference between feeding my kids or not feeding them. They just want as they call it later in that, "Obama cash."

Now, I'm not just singling them out. They just happen to be on tape saying it. Everyone struggles with want and money, because there's always something out there that you can't get, but you want. You don't have the money for it.

I hate to beat a dead horse but this is exactly what Edward Bernays did to us beginning in the 1920s. His goal -- his stated goal was to take us away from a country that had control of themselves, and they bought what they needed, and focused us into a country that just focused on our wants.

Well, gang, we're here. That's what we are. That's what we are now.

And it's a road paved in fortune, and notoriety and instant gratification without a single exit or road sign for God, country or family. And when that happens you end up where we are, you end up in a place where you got a mom beating another person up on a bus in front of their children.

The state of our Union is not good -- unless we recognize it and recognize that government can never fix this. How do you unite people?

When it comes to this, I can't even begin to relate to somebody who will leave their child behind -- if you're in danger, that's one thing -- but to do his in front of your children. My gosh, that broke my heart. I am tired -- tired -- of being told that I have to understand why someone would do this.

I don't have to understand that. No, I don't. The only that needs to understand how they could do this is them. The only person that needs to understand it is them. This is not relative. It is criminal.

And as I mentioned at the top of the show, a spokesperson from the police officers union says officers all feel like there is a war on cops now -- 15 fatalities this month alone, 11 shot in 24-hour period this week. In 2010, cop killings were already up 40 percent. Why? Criminals say they no longer are afraid to kill cops. They wear it as a badge of honor, just to show how tough they are.

Do you know why you can shoot a cop or beat someone at Wendy's? Why you can call neighbors – neighbors -- enemies because they voted for a different person?

Because we no longer see people as human beings.

All of these officers were human, but the people who shot them only saw them as cops or a badge of honor or somebody standing in their way. For the majority of the population, cops have always been viewed are protectors. They certainly weren't in the South in the '50s and the '60s and even before then, but we now live in a system where bad cops go to jail.

And yet, there are still people that are pushing the view and indoctrinating that cops are just standing in the way. They're an oppressor for a system that's rigged against you.

If you watch this program, you know that anger is not accidental. Now, there is no evidence that any of these cops have been killed by radicals on the right or left. So far, it just seems like cold-blooded "get out of my way" kind of killers -- even though people on the right, a militia which we will talk about, have already called for the killing of cops. And so has the left.

I don't know which is worse -- those cops that kill for a distorted reason of politics or those that kill a cop just because they can. But I fear this is a precursor of things to come. And we must now take an inventory of ourselves and look at the real state of our Union.

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Carl Ray Louk


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