Friday, January 21, 2011 40 Days Later in Wilmington | Glenn Beck
Friday, January 21, 2011 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," January 21, 2011. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MARY LOU SPROWLE, BORN IN WILMINGTON: I was born and raised two blocks from the Murphy Theater and I nearly lost my spirit and watched it leave totally when DHL move out and left our two older sons without a job. How could that happen to my family and in my town? You've helped more people than you could ever count with just one fabulous visit to my hometown. Wilmington, Ohio, the new and revived city. (END VIDEO CLIP) (APPLAUSE) GLENN BECK, HOST: Tiffany, I didn't hear that -- I didn't hear the last part. She wasn't thanking me for coming and saying that I highlighted this town, right? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She kind of was. BECK: OK. Look, here's the thing. We're back with an update on the town of Wilmington, Ohio, 40 days and 40 nights since our visit there. How many are from Wilmington? How many people from Wilmington? OK. Front -- front row. I have to tell you, it is Wilmington. How -- when I said this the first time. Allen, remember when I said to you, I made you a promise, I think in this room -- I think it was off the air, I said, I will not do what the other broadcasters have done. I will showcase because I think you guys are going to be inspiration. "A," did you believe me at the time? ALLEN WILLOUGHBY, SUGARTREE MINISTRIES DIRECTOR: Yes. BECK: OK. (LAUGHTER) BECK: Little hesitation. Have I kept my word? WILLOUGHBY: Yes, you have. BECK: OK. Did you believe that you would be the inspiration to a nation when I said that? Kind of, not really? WILLOUGHBY: Yes, because I believe God has been telling us that for a while. BECK: OK, good. And are you really clear about it now? WILLOUGHBY: No, but I do know that God has big plans for our country. BECK: OK. We have a choice. And that's what this program has been about. I want to bring you up to speed. Let me start with Joshua. Now, Joshua, how old are you, Joshua? JOSHUA CHARLES, DROVE WITH FRAT BROTHERS TO WILMINGTON: Twenty-two. BECK: Twenty-two. And where do you go to school? CHARLES: University of Kansas, just graduated in December. BECK: OK. And you want to be a lawyer? CHARLES: Yes, sir. BECK: OK. I had so much respect for you -- I mean, just the intelligence level has just kind of dropped off. Only because I have a lot of lawyer friends and they're all miserable. Let me start with Wilmington. Why did you get together with your friends and your fraternity and go to Wilmington? I mean, that just doesn't sound like, hey, guys, party with Glenn Beck. CHARLES: Well, I'm part of a Christians' fraternity called Brothers in Christ. And I was watching your show, the one in Murphy Theater with my friend Derek. After the show we looked at each other and we were like, are you thinking what I'm thinking? He's like, I think so. But what are you thinking? I said, I think we need to go to Wilmington. And so, it was just a grain of faith and -- BECK: So, this is not when I was there. This is after? CHARLES: This is after. BECK: What were you looking for? What were you feeling? Or what -- CHARLES: We wanted to see God move. We went there, and we did. And the biggest take-away I took from it was he's near. BECK: He's involved. CHARLES: He's involved. He's not going to stop until he gets our attention. And -- BECK: Who here -- hang on just a second -- who here has personal experience that God doesn't stop kicking you in the head until you get it? Oh, man, he has giant shoes, doesn't he? He's just like OK, all right, I get it! (LAUGHTER) BECK: OK. That's what you -- that's what you learned. Were you surprised by what you saw? Was it consistent with what you saw or thought you saw on television? CHARLES: Yes and no. You can never approximate with what actually happens. I knew it would be good. I know it'd be good. But when I got there, I was shocked by the humility, the love and just the simplicity of all things there. BECK: The 9.12 attitude. CHARLES: Absolutely. BECK: Just like we were on 9.12. CHARLES: Yes. BECK: OK. How is that going to impact your life? Now, what are you doing? CHARLES: Oh, man, our chapter at the University of Kansas is fairly new, but we got a awarded (ph) a national training in November we really need to focus on prayer. And we needed it to be the life blood of everything we did. So, that's one thing we're going to do. And we're joining with other ministries as well. BECK: All right. Now, let me show you something else. Mercury is my company. It's Mercury, Inc. And I'm a publisher. There's not an author, I'm a publisher. And I'm not actually even supposed to take manuscripts or anything because somebody can sue and say, you took this line out of my book. So there. This is the first one I think I've taken. And I take it with this -- Joshua gave this to me right before the show. And I said, I actually want somebody to read this because we may publish this for you. Explain what this is. And when did this start? CHARLES: Last March, I decided -- long story short -- that I wanted to translate Federalist Papers into contemporary English. BECK: Why would you do that? CHARLES: So that we can understand our Constitution and get back to it. BECK: Joshua gave this to me and he said, "I heard you say somebody should do this, so I did." And it is -- I haven't read it yet, but it is the Federalist Papers, which was the argument that the Founders made to the American people. I was just on the air again this week and somebody said, "Do you think the Constitution could be passed today?" And I said, no. They said, why? and I said, because the Federalist Papers were there back then, they were making the case every day. But the Federalist Papers are too hard to read for most people now. The power of one person, the power of one person -- he hears an idea and says, you know what? That makes total sense. And then he, in law school -- you are doing this like at the end? You were at the end of law -- CHARLES: Not quite in law school yet. Not quite in law school yet. BECK: OK. And -- but you were in your senior year, right? Senior year during testing? CHARLES: Mostly over the summer. BECK: OK. And he puts this together. One person makes a difference. All they have to do is act on it. A guy in Tucson made a difference. The question is: are you going to make a difference with the positive or the negative? Content and Programming Copyright 2011 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2011 CQ-Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of CQ-Roll Call. 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