Friday, December 03, 2010

Glenn Beck: Bailing Out the Globe Friday, December 03, 2010

Glenn Beck: Bailing Out the Globe

Friday, December 03, 2010

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," December 2, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Hello, America.

We are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, because tonight, in movie theaters all across the country, we're going to fill this theater with about 3,000 people and we're going to talk about the greatest American car ever built, the Mustang.

This is — this is what it is. It's a Mustang. Unfortunately, we have taken this Mustang. We put bus parts on it and now — now, it's not running right and people are saying, gee, I don't know. I hate this Mustang, maybe we should just throw the whole thing out.

No, before we throw out our system, capitalism, maybe we should look what it really is. And maybe we should decide. We should decide.

I personally like the classic, the American classic — capitalism. I don't know about you, why don't we look at the engine of America and look what capitalism and freedom and our Constitution really looks like when it's running right and it's been fully restored.

Now, in just a few minutes, I'm going to go over — we have an audience with us here from Pittsburgh. We're going to have a little roundtable here prior to our stage show tonight. We're just going to talk about what's happened latest in Europe. And people that say it can't happen here.

Come on. We have a lot to do in the next hour. Roll up your sleeves. Let's go!


BECK: We are at the beautiful Benedum Theater in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — I contend the greatest city in the east. This is the one city that I think everybody on my staff says, yes, I could live there. This is a great, great city.

And that's why we have picked Pittsburgh, because it is a city that has renewed itself. It was a city in deep, deep trouble and there's also a reason why I'm wearing a sweater with a buffalo on it. Buffalo is really one of my favorite animals. It is the ultimate — it should be over an eagle. It should be the symbol of America. And I'll explain why at the end of the program.

This program told you, I don't even know when it was, long time ago — that we were bailing out Europe. And we were doing it a couple of different ways. We told you that AIG, through the AIG bailout. We were sending money over to France. We also told you that the IMF would bail out Europe.

Here we were on this program, I don't know how many months ago. Watch.


BECK: We're not only bailing ourselves out, Fannie and Freddie. But now, we're trying to bail out Europe as well. The European Union, along with the IMF, is giving $1 trillion to Greece — $1 trillion. The U.S. contributes 17 percent of the IMF funds.


BECK: OK. So, we told you that and nobody really paid attention.

Now, we find out through the Fed that we are going to do almost another trillion dollars, your tax dollars, over to Europe. We also found out that we have sent $3.3 trillion in our bailout, a lot of it went over to Europe, went over to France, went to Germany, Spain, et cetera, et cetera. And we're sending more.

We also found out in breaking news today — breaking news — we speculated on this program, that G.E. was getting money. Remember we were talking about what a great investment G.E. is making with MSNBC, falling in line with the president of the United States and having a great cozy relationship with him? Well, they got their payment — $16 billion went to G.E.

I just want to ask you, if News Corp. would have gotten $16 billion from a Republican administration, do you think anyone would have anything to say about it? We are creating a society — this will go down as the largest heist, the largest robbery in the history of the planet, our treasury is being raided. The rich are getting richer.

And where are we headed? We are headed towards a global government. If you don't believe me, I don't really care. I'll show you the facts of what is happening over in Europe with Greece.

I want to talk to Kathy (ph) because we were having a conversation before we went on air and you said — I asked everybody, what are the things that you hear from your friends and neighbors that they just don't buy into, they don't understand?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Glenn, I'm continually astounded that people do not seem to understand that a catastrophic problem can happen here in America, that something really bad can happen to this country, in our own nation, and I feel like even after 9/11, we still haven't gotten it.

BECK: That was — Scott, you said that. You said, even after 9/11 that — Scott is right here in the middle — that you said after 9/11, we still — that really didn't affect us.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: It affected people in New York. It affected people in Washington, D.C., where the planes went down. The funny thing is, we had a plane go down about 60 miles away from here, but it didn't really affect anybody here.

I remember calling my best friend who was in the U.S. Steel building when that happened, I said, get out of the building. He said, what's the big deal? There was no incentive then and people need the shock.

BECK: This is weird, because this is the opposite of 9/11. You know the only city that's really thriving right now, the only really that's still really building and you can — there has been no housing collapse in the city. Anybody name it? Washington, D.C. It's the opposite.

Now, the whole country is being affected, except for where the elite live, in the decision makers in Washington, D.C.

I want to bring in David Buckner. Where's — where is David?

David, you're drooling on my car, aren't you? Not like that's my car. I wish it was. Is that a beauty?


BECK: How are you, sir?

BUCKNER: Good to see you.

BECK: Good. Here have a sit.

David, I want to — I want to talk to you a little bit about the theory that it can't happen here. I want to start with Greece and — because Greece is the one that originally they said, oh, nothing is going to happen. Greece is fine, right? Greece was fine.

I was on the air — does anybody remember a year and a half ago, I was talking about Europe and he said, watch Europe, it's going to start to fall apart and they're going to start rioting in the streets and I read the book, right? Was I nuts at that time? Your friends all said, crazy, right? And Greece was the one to watch — Greece and France.

Now, here is Greece.

BUCKNER: Greece became the leader.

BECK: Right. And Greece was the one that they said, if it's going to fall, it will pull everybody down.

BUCKNER: Well, they saw a potential dominos. The contagion, the economists refer to it as contagion. So, you can start with something very small like Greece and as you look at here, Greece is not a huge component of the European community, but it starts a contagion. And they're concerned that if that starts, then what happens to the others and the dominoes because many of them are insuring Greece's safety.


BUCKNER: So if it starts to roll, it would start with Greece.

BECK: Come here. Greece is a state of the European Union.


BECK: They're a capital S. It's a state, OK? A sovereign nation. So, it's a state in the European Union. Tell me about Greece.

BUCKNER: It makes up a small percentage in terms of its economy. And when we talk about the European community or the European economy, it's only about 2.5 percent of the overall economy, the GDP, gross domestic product.

BECK: OK. And it's actually the E.Z., right?

BUCKNER: The E.Z., the Europe Zone. Correct.

BECK: Right. The E.U., it's actually less.

BUCKNER: It's actually less, it's 1.8. Because it's a large — these are 26 states or 27 states. These were 16 states.

BECK: OK. Got it? It's 2.5 percent of the economy.

BUCKNER: It's not a huge part of it.

BECK: This is what I want you — this is what I want to you explain to your friends. Follow this, because your friends will understand. By the end of this break, your friends will understand, oh, yes, it can happen here. Well, do all your friends know that Europe is on the brink?


BECK: No? Your friends don't know that?

You're going to need new friends.


BECK: OK. So — all right. So, it's 2.5 percent of the economy.

BUCKNER: Small percentage.

BECK: It is the 27th largest —

BUCKNER: Not a huge piece of the world economy, 27th largest economy in the world. Not big.

BECK: OK. Remember, this is a domino. If it falls, it will spread to all of Europe, which will make Europe fall, which will make all of us fall. Got it? GDP —

BUCKNER: Represents $300 billion. Not a big piece of change in the global economy.


BUCKNER: And then as a part of the overall European community, look at the $300 billion compared to $16 trillion, which this is the largest community, if you're talking about all of them aggregated together, the largest economy —

BECK: This is what they're worried about stopping. They're saying that this 300

BUCKNER: Billion, if it goes

BECK: Three hundred million billion, can stop —

BUCKNER: Significantly damage the rest by contagion.

BECK: Got it. OK. So, what they're saying is they told us and everybody else, you have to bail out, because this $300 billion economy cannot stop. Or it will destroy —

BUCKNER: Well, as far back as 2006, they were saying this can't really fall. And then you start to see `07 and `08 and they start to see it move and they got nervous about the contagion, and they said, you got to bail us out now. It's only 2.5 percent. No, you got to bail this out because the contagion, the domino could destroy the $16 trillion.

BECK: If Europe falls, how does that affect the rest of the world?

BUCKNER: Well, if you start with the concept that only 2 percent could impact $16 trillion, you can imagine that if this, the world's largest economy, which Europe is, if it falls, it's the large — not the smallest, it's the largest economy that's falling.

BECK: You understand so far? Two-point-five percent can stop the world's largest economy. So, that would then domino into the rest of the world.

Now, let me show you the small "s" state, because that's really — that's the difference, E.U., they got all the stars on the flag just like our original, have all the stars on the flag. They're just capital "S" state, small "s" state. But it's the same exact concept. We have 50 of them.

California makes up this. Greece is 2.5 of the E.U. economy.

BUCKNER: Are you ready?

BECK: Yes. Of the U.S. GDP, this is just California, how much does it make up?

BUCKNER: Thirteen percent.

BECK: Thirteen percent.

BUCKNER: Are you ready?

BECK: Greece is the 27th largest economy in the world. California —

BUCKNER: Eighth.


BUCKNER: $1.8 trillion. Not $300 billion.

BECK: And the U.S. economy — remember, Europe is $16 trillion. The U.S. economy is —

BUCKNER: Just shy of $14 trillion.

BECK: Bigger economy, European, $16 trillion. U.S., $13 trillion. Greece is 2.5 percent. California is 13 percent.

California — is there anybody here, is there anybody, any of your friends, OK, they don't know about Europe, does anyone think California is going to fail? Is there anyone that doesn't think that California has to get a bailout from the federal government? Right?

OK. Let me show you, flip your chalk board over, will you, David? Does anybody — does anybody remember when I talked about mutually assured economic destruction?

Patricia, can you — could you explain it? Do we have a microphone over here? Do you remember it well enough to explain what it is? Go ahead.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Well, originally, it was with weapons, nuclear weapons.

BECK: Right.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: If one country does it, let's all build up our arsenal so it causes other countries not to move. Kind of freezes it.

BECK: Correct. We'll blow each other up.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: We'll blow each other up. And it's the same thing with the economy. If one country goes down, others will follow.

BECK: Right. And it was — it was instead of nuclear weapons, they celebrated this in the early 1960s, saying, we don't even have to launch nuclear weapons. They announced that wars would never have a real finale. There would never be a big victor because there'd never be a real destructive war like World War II ever again, because they knew if the United States fought an all-out war with Russia, the economies will all be tied together and that it would do too much damage to the world and it would pull all of us down.

So, instead of blowing each other up and destroying the whole planet, they would just destroy every economy. So now, the whole world would have to come to the table and negotiate. But what they didn't understand was — what happens if somebody creates a CDO out of just greed? What happens if people just started racking up bills that they couldn't afford? What would happen?

What would happen if one giant country or even one small country like Europe, like Greece in Europe, decided they were just going — they were going to retire at 56 years old? They're not going to work anymore. They were just going to — everybody was going to have pensions that you couldn't afford. What would happen if that one country did it and it spread to all the other countries, mutually assured economic destruction?

Let's just go over, I want to show you this. Your friend says it can't happen in the United States. It's more likely to happen in the United States — correct me if I am wrong — than Europe. Europe is just ahead.

BUCKNER: Europe is ahead and Europe is already taking action with austerity programs that the United States has not even begun to imagine the potential or the necessity to engage in.

BECK: OK. Let's look at — let's look at Europe. These are the problem states. OK? Spain, $1.4 trillion of the GDP. Portugal, they're saying is next, $233 billion. Greece, $330 billion. OK? $1.96 trillion —

BUCKNER: Of $16 trillion.

BECK: — of $16 trillion. If those three happen, is Europe over? If these three fall?

BUCKNER: Well, we're already seeing right now, you're watching the riots and everything taking place in Europe.

BECK: Right.

BUCKNER: And the austerity programs are devastating the economy over there. People are terrified. And so, you're already watching the dominos starting from what's not the largest — if this one goes, which it's gone, and then this one, which is really the next one to go, even before Portugal because of its size, that's devastating. It's devastating.

BECK: Let's look at the United States. These are the top four states that are on the verge of collapse — New Jersey, $474 billion; Illinois, $633 billion; New York, $1.1 trillion; California, $1.8 trillion. That is out of $13 trillion.

If these states go down, there's no way for the country to survive. So —

BUCKNER: You got $4 trillion, Glenn, of $13 trillion. You've got just under $2 trillion of $16 trillion. You see what's happening in Europe when they're only dealing with $2 trillion of $16 trillion, what could possibly happen in the United States if you're dealing with $4 trillion of $13 trillion.

BECK: I think — I think America is beginning to understand why me and you have lost a lot of sleep. In the last two years. I saw this coming about four years ago, David? First time we met —

BUCKNER: We've been talking about it then.

BECK: Yes.

BUCKNER: Two years ago, you and I were talking and you were identifying this is — this is the domino.

BECK: And the first time I met David, it was at a social function and he's a snot from Columbia and he said to me — do you remember the first thing you said to me?


BECK: What did you say?

BUCKNER: I said I like the way you think outside the box. You're not educated and not have had formal educated because you think beyond most formal educators.

BECK: No. That sounds like really nice — no. He said to me, the first thing he said was, where did you get your education? And I said, "I didn't have one." And I thought he was going to be a snot about it, and he said, "I knew it." And I still thought he was going to be a snot.


BECK: And he said, I can't get my students to think out of the box.

And that's the problem that everyone in America has, is they just keep thinking in the same box. They keep thinking, oh, well, it can't happen here. Oh, well, it can't happen here, there's systems, there's nothing! There's no system for this. This is catastrophic failure.

So, now, the question is — yes, hang on, Glenn, yes?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes. Why don't — why don't we just say "no" to California? Why don't we just say "no" to California? Why don't we just say "no" to Greece and their overspending and all their social commitments?

BECK: David?

BUCKNER: The very thing that we are most afraid of and you're watching Congress act on, the too-big-to-fail concept is the very thing that California is depending upon for its survival, that they will be too- big-to-fail, the eighth largest economy, Americans — they will say, Americans cannot afford to let us go down.

The only problem with that is: nobody is changing. If you watched even the last elections and the dialogue around it, it's not about -isms, it's not about politics, it's about putting people in there who are promising to take care of everybody without any issues related to the fact that they're broke.

BECK: OK. This is why I want to — this is why we're in Pittsburgh tonight. This is why we are trying to wake you up. We have a solution.

In fact — is it Janet? You're the one who's actually working on one of the solutions. We talked beforehand, right? We'll get into that in a little bit.

But there is a solution to this. It's just not a comfortable solution. But it's a realistic solution.

Before we — we're going to take a break. And then we come back. And before we get to that, I want to come back to Europe for a second. Because what they're suggesting is a giant bailout.

Forget about the United States. Let's go back to Europe. What they're suggesting is a giant bailout and it all comes down really — correct me if I am wrong — to one country in Europe. Do you know where I'm going? To Germany. We're going to spend a few minutes on that one — next.



BECK: It is imperative that you look beyond the headlines and you see what is coming in Europe and how it plays out, because I think Europe is ahead of us and the same exact seeds have been planted here in America. I ask you tonight, look to the future of Greece and of Europe so we may prevent it from being our future as well.


BECK: I have to tell you, just looking at Jeff who's — come here. Come here. Jeff is our steady cam guy. He worked with me at CNN.

Jeff, do you remember what I was saying when I was over at CNN, I was saying all this stuff and everybody, oh, this guy is crazy! They still say that, don't they? Yes, they do.

All right. We're back with full professor at Columbia University. Congratulations on that. David Buckner.

And we are here in Pittsburgh because here is a city that reinvented itself. I'm doing a stage show tonight you can see live in movie theaters all across the country. Go to to find out more information.

We're talking about what's happening in Europe and how it is coming to the United States — these United States as opposed to the United States — these United States. Tell me what is really in the end, the bailout all goes to one country.

BUCKNER: Well, there's one country that has the largest driver, that's the largest driver, that's Germany. And Merkel — I mean, the entire government there is having to deal with the issue of internal forces, saying we are a state unto ourselves, and the external forces saying, no, no, these states, you have to be part of the game.

And they're fighting those on both ends — do we protect ourselves or do we run the risk of cannibalizing our self to insure the help of others, which really may not be insured.

BECK: Right. So, Germany knows — I mean, David, is there anybody really in the dead of night that knows, you know — they might say one thing during the day, but at night they know, you can bail out all you want, it's over?

BUCKNER: They know — they know that it's over, which is why they're enforcing austerity programs, which is why the riots are there.

BECK: Right.

BUCKNER: They know the game is up. And they're trying to put 5 percent interest rates on loans they're going to give them, and they have to demonstrate austerity approach or efforts to get that 5 percent. So, there's a quid pro quo on this.

BECK: All right. So, if Germany is the one in the end, because they're the big industrial might. They're the ones — they're the — what, Texas?

BUCKNER: They're the Texas.

BECK: They're the Texas. They're the ones that are really chugging through. They're not doing, you know, France and, hey, you can retire when you're 17. They're actually working hard and doing it.

What do you think — think like a German — no, don't think like a German, that usually ends up really horribly. What happens in the end if they are now having to ship all of their money, all of their success off to Greece and to Spain and to Portugal and every place else? What do you think the Germans think? Anybody? What do you think happens in the end?

Scott? Go ahead.

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Germany takes over. It's my country. I just bought you.

BECK: OK. Anybody else?

Patricia? What did you say?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Collapse for Germany. I mean, they just have so much money to give.


AUDIENCE: And then that's it. Their economy goes down.

BECK: All right. So, their economy goes.


AUDIENCE MEMBER: I would say they start to become — they stop working. I mean, if they feel like it's not helping us, it's just going —

BECK: Anybody else?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: — going out.

BECK: How about this? You have to really think out of the box for this one. That Germany says, we are Germans! And we were the ones that had the right idea we lived our life? And they start to do the exact opposite of what they're now being forced to do, join or die, and they get pissed off at the rest of Europe for forcing them to lose their lifestyle, and you start heading in towards nationalism again.

Anybody think that's a possibility that Germany might head to nationalism? Yes! David?

BUCKNER: Well, there's the potential. The politicians are giving lip service to the rest of the European community because they wanted everybody to be one and yet the people, the people are the ones that are rising up and say, wait, wait, what about us? What about the fact that we've been prudent?

BECK: Yes.

BUCKNER: So that I agree —


BECK: Let's go back to the United States analogy here. Germany, what did I say was a state in the United States?


BECK: You've ever been to Texas? You know Texans.


BECK: Texas are like, we're Texas. We're Texans. You want to do that little thing in California, you do that little thing in California, we'll kick your ass.


BECK: That's the way they are, right? And they're not — they're not bad people. But they are proud of Texas.

Now, if we force Texas to bail out New Jersey, Illinois, New York, and California, do you think Texans are going to say, "You know what, I'm cool with that"? Or are they going to say, "I don't want anything to do with you guys"?

It's not nationalism. It's statism, if you will. It's self- preservation. It's self-preservation.

And then you add on top of it the same in Europe, it's the same — does anybody remember the railroad track show that I did, where I drew out the railroad tracks? And what did I say the left track of European politics was? Do you remember? It's communism. The railroad track in Europe is communism.

On the right rail is national socialism. Yes, fascism. That's what's happening now. If you get nationalism in Germany, where do you think they're going?

And who's doing the riots now in Greece? The other rail. Communists. Revolutionaries.

This is the 1930s all over again. All over again, except this time where is the United States?

This is why I am asking you, I am begging you, begging you to think out of the box. If all of this is crazy, let's all get together and have a Glenn's crazy party in two or three years. Let's do that. I'll — you can pin the tail on me and dunce cap and everything. I don't care. I want to be wrong!

But I'm begging you to consider the possibilities because there is something you can do that will help and this seems overwhelming. Does this seem overwhelming to anybody? Yes. Right? Take your breath away.

This is bigger than — this is the biggest event in human history if it happens. But the answer — as Ronald Reagan said, there are no easy answers, but there are simple ones.

This is not an easy answer, but it is simple. It is so simple. Just like this is so complex that everybody dismisses it, the answer is so simple that everyone will dismiss it. You must not. I'll share it with you, next.


BECK: Hello, America. We are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where tonight, in just a couple of hours, 8:00 Eastern Time, I'm going to be on this stage in the Benedum Theater with 3,000 people here and we are going to do a live town hall meeting.

And I'm going to explain some things in greater detail, not only what's coming, a little bit of history, but also what we can do to change it, what we can do politically to change it and what we as individuals can do to change it.

We are having a conversation in the break and — let me actually start with Scott. Scott was saying that the answer is self reliance.

SCOTT, AUDIENCE MEMBER: Absolutely. I mean, some people — a lot of people tell me — we have our own business, my wife and I, and we take care of ourselves. We have 35 employees. We make sure that - we pay ourselves last. But we're making sure that our business is open and we're taking care of ourselves.

We're not waiting for other people to give us handouts. We support ourselves. A lot of people say that's selfish, but it's not selfish because we have 35 employees. We take care of them. We take care their families and we take care of what we can take care of.

BECK: OK. Sam, you actually hear from your friends that that is selfish. Right?

SAM, AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes. I hear I'm being selfish, that I'm insensitive, that wanting to do away with entitlement programs would end up disenfranchising people. That's the big word —

BECK: Oh, it will.

SAM: That progressives use. (UNINTELLIGIBLE) insensitive -

BECK: Hang on. Before you go any further - oh, it will. It will. People will be — because we have all grown into this lie that we are entitled to certain things. We are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You cannot round me up on the streets and just take me and throw me in jail — liberty. You can not just kill me without a trial — life. So I can go and pursue happiness. Your job as the government - the only thing I'm entitled to is my life and my liberty so I can go and pursue happiness.

But progressives have totally changed that, and we have adopted the European style and they're right. The riots, as they called me crazy for saying — now, your friends are saying, "Oh, it's going to cause problems."

Yes. The riots are coming here as well. They already started in San Francisco. They almost beat a cop to death. They grabbed his gun in San Francisco. Did anybody see that videotape? Beating him with his Billy club and saying, "Grab his gun. Grab his gun." He finally got up and said, "Back off." It was all over free education. OK. So your friends?

SAM: Yes. I mean, it's hard. I'm a resident physician. Then people say, "You're insensitive. How could you not want to help people? That's your life's work." But you know, I believe in self-empowerment, individuality, like our Founding Fathers said. In the "5,000-Year Leap," they talk about Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers promoting individual rights as opposed to collective rights.

And it seems we've fallen into this trap of collectivism that people can't find their way out.

BECK: What's the problem with collectivism? Anybody?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's no motivation.

BECK: No motivation. Right. And what else?


BECK: It destroys people. It destroys people.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. They become the brick.

BECK: Exactly right. You just become this little brick and you don't ever — let me tell you something. I'm a recovering alcoholic and I didn't really start to live until I bottomed out, until I had lost everything.

And then you have a moment of choice - are you going to live or die? America, that's where you are. That's where you are. Not yet. Not yet, but you're close. You going to live or die? I'm going to live. I want the republic to live. I want man's freedom to live.

So we're going to have to apparently crash and then pick ourselves up, but there are going to be people who try to stop us. People who are trying to take Europe — correct me if I am wrong, David, if you disagree with this assessment — take Europe and make it one united front, lose all nationalities, lose all flags, just one state.

Same with the U.S. — take all 50, erase the borders. We're all in this together. One state. That will fail as one state. This will fail as one state. And then they will say, "OK. Good. We'll push everybody together and create new — one new global order," which will also fail.

But that's what they're trying to get us to do. And they're trying to pit us against each other. Trying to. I feel bad for the cops and the teachers and the firefighters, because they're going to lose their pensions. And already, their unions are blaming it on us.

Is there a person here who hates the cops? Is there a person here who doesn't want to pay teachers? We were all buying into a lie and we were played. It's going to end either in a horrible way or good way.

And Janet, you have already started on the answer and we're going to go to her, next.


BECK: OK. Hello. We're in Pittsburgh and we're doing a special movie theater event tonight. It's in movie theaters all around the country. You can go to "" for all the details.

But this is just a group of people from Pittsburgh that we randomly selected. And Janet, I asked before we went on the air, has anybody seen, done anything on the 40-day-and-40-night challenge? And has there been any difference in your life and what happened?

JANET, AUDIENCE MEMBER: Well, you really motivated me with this because I was starting to feel a little hopeless. And what was I going to do? What could I do to make a difference? One little person in Pittsburgh — what could I do to make a difference?

And you did convince me that it has to start with us individually. And so I took the 40-day-and-40-night challenge, which is based in faith, hope and charity. And one of the things that it did is made me focus on my faith even more.

I thought I was a pretty good Christian. I thought I was doing the right things until I actually looked at it on a day-to-day basis and said, "You know what? I think I can do better." And so I did get on my knees to pray every day and it really makes you think about what is it that you're praying for? What is it that you're saying to God?

What is it that you want him to do in your life? Or how can you best serve what he wants you to do? And so it really helped me to focus on those things. And once I did that, the hope became a little better. It became a little brighter. And -

BECK: Have you been — have you gotten to the place of acceptance now that you know the country is going to change. You know the world it's going to change, but it's going to be OK.


BECK: Yes.

JANET: I've gotten to the point. I'm doing my food storage.

BECK: Good for you.

JANET: And then -


BECK: When did you start that?

JANET: I started it about maybe a month ago.

BECK: OK. I talked to a woman today on the radio. She has six kids. She lives in Colorado. She called me up and she said, "You know, I thought you were nuts." She said, "But I thought I'm going to do it."

And at that time, two years ago, I said, "Buy extra clothes. If you see them on sale, buy clothes for your kids in advance." You know what size they're going to be in general. Buy in advance, get these things and have it all ready to go.

She called me and she said, "I want you to know, my husband lost his job. After we finished a year's worth of food storage, I learned how to can. I bought clothes," blah, blah, blah.

She said, "My husband lost his job." She said, "He's been out of work for 17 months." She said, "We haven't had a sleepless night." And she said, "Now, he's going back to work and we're helping others."

She said, "We have been in the position of teaching others how to can, how to food storage, how to save." She said, "And with six kids, it's not easy." But there was such peace in her. That's the deal.

I mean, you can call me nuts all you want on the food storage thing, and people do. But that's what you have to do. When the world is panicking, we have to be the leaders of, it's OK. It's cool. You can make it.

You know, I wish I had the book — I found this book — I don't know — what, 10 years ago, and it's called — yes, I was a drag even 10 years ago. It's called "On Thermo Nuclear War."

And it was an old book produced from the late 50s, early '60s. And it was a study done by the government and it was, OK, so, we blow up the world, how many people survive? How do you restart?

And the thing they found that was the most surprising is most people survive. Now, we're talking about mutually-assured destruction, launching missiles. And they said, in the study, the most surprising thing is most people survive.

So if we're talking about catastrophic economic destruction — the world is going to change, but we're all going on. It still goes on. It's just what are we pushed one way or another? Or are we strong enough as individuals?

I am convinced, I am absolutely convinced, the footprint of the Glenn Beck Program or whatever we do with all the books and everything else we do, is 30 million people every single month - 30 million people.

If these 30 million people are the ones who say, "It's OK. It's OK. We're going to make it. Here is how you survive without reaching out for a handout. Here is how you give a hand up." It's not selfish. It's the exact opposite of selfish.

You are saying be self-reliant so you can help others become self-reliant and we don't have to freak out. That is the answer, America. And I know it sounds ridiculous. It may sound stupid, but I'm telling you that the answer is the smallest our founders knew on government. It's local, not national.

I'm telling you the answer is individual, not collective. Strengthen the individual so you can be the life raft for someone else. Back in a minute.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel

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Carl Ray Louk


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