Glenn Beck's Crash Course Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Glenn Beck's Crash CourseTuesday, September 07, 2010 This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," September 6, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIPS) GLENN BECK, HOST: This is about those in Washington, stop spending us into oblivion. They're continually piling on more unsustainable debt because the best way to fundamentally transform America is to collapse it first. I'm a recovering alcoholic. And let me tell you something: The first step to recovery is admitting that we have a problem. Hello. My name is America. And we have a problem. (END VIDEO CLIPS) (MUSIC) JUDGE ANDREW NAPOLITANO, GUEST HOST: Hello, America. And welcome to a very special week on the Glenn Beck Program. I'm Judge Andrew Napolitano. Glenn is on vacation. But don't worry; you'll still be seeing a lot of him this week as we'll bring you up-to-date on what he's been covering all year — a crash course in Beck studies. Now, many of you watch this program religiously and some of you may catch it every once in a while. Others have just tuned in for the first time tonight. We've got something for everyone this week, including special guests, special commentary, my thoughts and a whole lot more. So, let's kick it off with tonight's portion of the back-to-school crash course. It's Labor Day. So, it's fitting to start with our economy and the colossal threats it to. Glenn takes it away. And make sure to keep an eye out for someone else popping up this hour. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIPS) BECK: Let me introduce you to the people who you would say are fundamentally responsible for the un-sustainability and possible collapse of our economic system. There are really two people I've been telling you for a while. There they are, Cloward and Piven. Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven. They are authors of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Something else to remember is that this isn't some conspiracy theory that we're tossing out here. They wrote about collapsing the economy and how they plan to do it in an article they co-authored in the 1960s, mobilizing the poor, how it could be done. Six months later, published in The Nation under the title "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty." Well, what is the strategy and who's involved? Well, do you remember on this program over the summer that tree? Watch this — the roots of the tree of radicalism and revolution. It's Saul Alinsky. It's Woodrow Wilson. That's how it's all made legitimate. It's progressive. Here are the roots. Here is SDS. This is for that Democratic Society. Cloward and Piven come in and say, wait a minute, hang on just a second. What we should do is collapse the system on its own weight. Cloward and Piven, they are using the same tactics — fear and intimidation of SDS. Cloward and Piven — overwhelm the system. And look who the president has. Wade Rathke, right up the tree. Dale, right up the tree. Bill Ayers, right up the tree. Jeff Jones, right up the tree. OK, Cloward and Piven had a split. They were radical Columbia professors in the 1960s who believed in change and social justice. They were inspired by the riots in Los Angeles in 1965 and they wrote and published their article which outlined the best way to bring the type of Saul Alinsky social change to America. In their estimation, back in the '60s, overwhelmed the system. But SDS, they had radicals and they said, no, we want to bomb things. They said, no, no. Do it the smart way. Overwhelm the system and bring about the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with impossible demands and bring on the economic collapse. Cloward and Piven instructed their activists that if a crisis didn't exist — think of this — promote or manufacturer one by exaggerating some unthreatening predicament. Does healthcare come to mind, where we got doctors pulling out tonsils and cutting off patient's feet? Really? How about global warming? Well, their methods had worked for years. From 1965 through 1974, due to strategy and effort of Cloward and Piven and their followers, the total recipient on welfare rocketed from 4.3 million people to 10.8 million. In 1975, there were nearly 1 million welfare recipients in New York City alone. Americans became horrified with a welfare state situation. As a result, Cloward and Piven and their devotees figured it out. They needed to be in the system. Well, we've shown you how they've done that. Here were we go. The Apollo Alliance which he is the head of here in New York. So, here it is — the stimulus bill. Here, I'm outlining earlier this summer, the stimulus bill was written in large part by the Apollo Alliance. Who is on the board of the Apollo Alliance? Well, one of the alums is Van Jones. In New York, the Apollo Alliance is headed by this guy, Jeff Jones. Yes, that's his mug shot there and his fingerprints. He is a partner for Bill Ayers. Why does he have a mug shot? Because their group, the Weather Underground, was bombing the United States. Got it? By the way, Bill Ayers, that's the guy who's in his living room, Barack Obama launched his political career in Chicago. Now, we've also shown you that George Soros is the source of funding for many of these radical groups and that Soros and Jeff Jones went to one of the poorest sections in New York just recently and gave away hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of your tax dollars, stimulus money — gave it out. We've shown you the ACORN connections — these community organizers are receiving untold billions in your money despite massive voter registration fraud and corruption. Still, Congress will not turn off the spigot for more than about 60 days. Doesn't sound like somebody is trying to overload the system yet? (END VIDEO CLIPS) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIPS) BEN STEIN, ECONOMIST: I'm Ben Stein. I understand the theory that Glenn often talks about, about a group of far leftist trying to overburden the economy so that it collapses. And, yes, I think they're too stupid about the economy to realize it's going to overburden the economy. They think of the economy as an unending gusher of money. VAN JONES, FORMER GREEN JOBS 'CZAR': This is a rich country. We have plenty of money, just plenty of money out there. There's plenty of money out there. The question is how are we going to spend it? STEIN: Unending gusher of money. (END VIDEO CLIPS) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIPS) PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America. BECK: How did that not send a chill down our spines? Now, reconsider what this means now, how important that is. This health care bill is the transformation he was talking about. It's the beginning. It's the beginning. History will equate this as big as the New Deal or Pearl Harbor. And if you think that's overstating the importance, remember, we are talking about one-sixth of the U.S. economy. OBAMA: Now, you keep on repeating the notion that it's one-sixth of the economy. Yes, it's one-sixth of the economy, but we're not transforming one-sixth of the economy all in one fell swoop. BECK: All in one fell swoop — an amazing moment of honesty from the president. Just as he promised, it will be gradual. (END VIDEO CLIPS) (BEGIN AUDIO CLIPS) OBAMA: I believe that not just politically but also economically, it's better for us to start getting a system in place — a universal health care system — signed into law by the end of my first term as president and build off that system to further — to make it more rational. By the way, Canada did not start off immediately with a single-payer system. They had a similar transition set. Transitioning a system is a very difficult and costly and lengthy enterprise. It's not like you can turn off a switch and go from one system to another. (END AUDIO CLIPS) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIPS) BECK: I mean, America, let me ask you this question. How do the CBO numbers even make any difference? You know, what is it, $954 billion. Oh, whoa! That's a party in my pants. Thank for sending that one by. How does that make a difference? The New York Times said that every major part of this health bill is about redistribution of wealth. Did you see that? Yet, when we were on the air saying that this is about the redistribution of wealth, this isn't about health care, this is about changing money, taking it from the rich and giving it to the poor — we were mocked and called crazy. Now, "The New York Times" says that. We have a senator from Montana also saying that this is redistributive change. That's what this health care is about. The other story that came out today is by 2020 — 2020 — every dollar, every tax dollar, will be eaten up by Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the interest on the debt — every tax dollar that we currently bring in. That's 10 years from now. Is there anybody here that thinks — and were you — when you say "these people," were you referring to Republicans and the Democrats or just — both of them? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, both of them. But it's really gotten out of hand lately. I mean, the Democrats complain loudly about George W. Bush's, what, $500 billion deficit and they get in office and they promptly quadruple it. SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it. BECK: Now, let's open up the health care bill. Who doesn't like a good surprise or two? I mean, besides me, you know? Or maybe you, especially when it comes to our country. It doesn't take a genius to realize the reason why Nancy Pelosi wouldn't want anybody to know what's in the bill. And they're just like, just pass it, just pass it. You notice they didn't even — they didn't have it until like 24 hours before it was passed. Why? Why would you do that? Because you knew if you understand — that was creepy, wasn't it? UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. BECK: It was. You knew if people understood it, they wouldn't want it. If it was so great, they would want you to see every single page. Look at this page. This one is even better. And this one, they would have taken 2,400 days, and every day showed you how great this was. Instead, they rushed it through on a weekend. The president even said five days before, "I don't even know what's in this bill yet." If it was so great they wouldn't have had to bribe their own members in their own party. The bill is not great. It's really far from great. But it's now ours. And they had to be deceptive for us to get past it. (END VIDEO CLIPS) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) STEIN: I'm Ben Stein. It's worse than that. It's what it is. It's a huge millstone around the neck of the American employers and a huge millstone around the neck of American hospitals and doctors. And it's going to wreck the health care system and make it impossible for people to get health care. Why couldn't they just give people a check to buy private health insurance? Instead, they have this huge, giant weight weighing down the American economy. (END VIDEO CLIP) (BEGIN CLIPS) BECK: I want to tell you about another major reform about to get jammed down your throat. Are you excited? Oh, it's the financial reform bill. I'm giddy because all those greedy Wall Street fat cats need to be stopped and this will do it. No, it won't. No, it won't. It will only make things much, much worse — and on a global scale. You know who's in charge of this? Oh, this is so great. We got Barney Frank now putting final touches on the bill. I love Barney Frank. I have complete confidence in Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. They finally ensure that there will never be a recession again and all the bad guys are going to be scooped up. Yes. Can we put these guys together? I morphed them because I don't think these are separate people. I think they are this guy, Frankendodd. We are creating a monster in Washington and that's what it is, Frankendodd. And the monster is out again. Grab your torch. Bring out the monster! How much debate has there been on this financial bill? How much talk on cable news? How much talk on talk radio? You see people going to town hall to talk about the financial bill? No. It's all about the evil bankers. It's a 1,500-page bill. Do you really think that these clowns in Washington — I'm sorry, I'm not going to call them "clowns" anymore — these monsters that are doing this to us, do you believe the bill is a benevolent, powerless, meaningless stack of paper that's only going to protect you? Now, here's what's coming in the financial bill. First and foremost, it does nothing to address the problem of Fannie and Freddie. No regulation on Fannie and Freddie. Fannie and Freddie helped create the housing mess. Then they needed $125 billion bailout, which they haven't even scratched the surface on paying back yet. There's nobody looking at Fannie and Freddie. This is a financial bill. It also creates a special protected class that is too-big-to-fail. Gee, it's in Section 113. A "financial stability oversight council" will be established which will choose the firms deemed too-big-to-fail. Can you think of any other firms that maybe were a little reckless, because they didn't care if they failed? Because they knew they would be bailed out by the government. Can you — can you think of maybe two firms? So, not only is this bill not doing anything to stop Fannie and Freddie, as they continue to lose hundreds of billions of dollars of your money, this bill is actually going to create the protected class of Fannie and Freddie and make more. Here's where it gets really good, though. It provides for seizure of private property without meaningful judicial review. How does this happen? Well, the trusted secretary of the treasury can order the seizure of any financial firm that he finds in danger of default that would hurt the country's economy. Again, a bureaucrat arbitrarily getting to make that distinction. This bill also creates a new Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection — just to protect you, protect consumers. This bureau will have broad powers to limit what financial products and services can be offered to consumers. That's weird, as I say that, I think of Anthony Weiner. Remember the Congressman Anthony Weiner trying to protect consumers from Goldline? Yes. So, it's supposed to help you. But here's what it will do: reduce choices and likely make credit more expensive and harder to get. It also allows them to — you're going to love this — to track consumer transactions. So now they can just track your credit card, baby. Isn't that great? You can — but only to protect you. Non-financial officials will be subject to financial regulation. Listen again. Listen again how broad this section is. It's Section 102 and it defines a non-bank financial company as a company substantially engaged in activities in the United States that are financial in nature. Hmm. Tell me the companies that aren't financial in nature. Bakeries? Sure, they are making cupcakes and bread. But in the end, isn't that financial in nature, your honor? They are making sure this bill is jammed down America's throat and finished. This is the date that they've set for themselves. They're going to vote on it tomorrow. There are dates in the country that will live in infamy. Black Tuesday, October 29th, 1929. Pearl Harbor, December 7th, 1941. September 11th, 2001. And now, I believe you can add July 21st, 2010, to this list. This will be the day remembered that the day that the final nail in the republic was pounded in to the coffin. President Obama signed the financial reform bill today. (END VIDEO CLIPS) (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) STEIN: I'm Ben Stein. The whole problem with financial activities is fraud and we already had a lot of laws on the books about fraud. If we could just enforce the laws that already on the books, we wouldn't need this whole huge, Rube Goldberg contraption of new regulation and new agencies. So, what do we need it for? Just to employ more of his friends in the Service Employees International Union, I guess. (END VIDEO CLIP) NAPOLITANO: Democrats are still patting themselves on the back for passing that bill, a measure that's going to destroy jobs and destroy our economy even further. Twenty-three hundred pages in that legislation. And the Congressional Research Office recently reported that it will create so many boards and offices and new organizations in the government, it is, quote, "impossible to determine from reading the bill just how many of these will be created." How can we have a law when people charged with enforcing it can't even understand it? — Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel Content and Programming Copyright 2010 Fox News Network, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Copyright 2010 Roll Call, Inc. All materials herein are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Roll Call. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content. 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